Mori Kogoro was thinking secretly: This time the plot is completely different from the previous life.

The plot of the previous life was that Mariko Takeuchi secretly used a mechanism to pull her husband down in the next room.

Now it turned out that it was Mariko Takeuchi and Reiko Kujo who witnessed the fall of Hiroaki Takeuchi in the living room, and Hiroaki Takeuchi could still speak, which is weird.

The car soon arrived at Kujo Reiko's apartment, and the rain had stopped.Kogoro Mori didn't get out of the car, he watched Reiko Kujo and Ikumi Gunda get out of the car, and he stretched out his hand to call for Ikumi Gunda.

He whispered: "Yu Mei, you can stay with Lingzi tonight, don't leave her, she must be feeling bad now."

Guntian Ikumi gave Mori Kogoro a white look: "You don't need to tell me this, I know it too."

Mori Kogoro specially instructed again: "Be careful in everything, and call me if you need anything."

Guntian Ikumi nodded, then turned around and pulled Kujo Reiko into the apartment.

The Lexus started quickly, and Fei Yingli, who was in the passenger seat, said, "It seems that someone's guess was wrong. Hearing what Prosecutor Kujo said, that Takeuchi Hiroaki committed suicide at all!"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, reached out and patted Eri's white and tender thigh, it felt great.

He said, "Is that why you don't trust your husband?"

"Eri, do you know? Miwako sent me a text message just now, and Takeuchi Hiroaki's body has been cremated."

Fei Yingli couldn't help being stunned: "How could it be, this is too fast!"

"That's right, it's too soon. The Kubado Metropolitan Police Department's autopsy report has come out. Usually, the autopsy report takes three days to come out, but now it comes out in less than a few hours."

"The police announced that the deceased had committed suicide, and the family members, that is, Mariko Takeuchi, immediately agreed to cremate the body."

"The corpse was sent directly to the Qingshan Incineration Plant, and now it has turned into a mass of ashes!"

"That Mariko Takeuchi is smart. Seeing that I paid attention to this case, he immediately destroyed the corpse and wiped out all traces. He didn't even dare to let me take a look at the corpse. Do you think this is self-inflicted?"

Fei Yingli frowned and said: "It is indeed very suspicious, but the body is gone, how do you investigate, Xiao Wulang?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Shanren has his own tricks, so don't worry about it."

"Also, if Mariko Takeuchi asks you for a hit-and-run lawsuit, you can just deal with it coldly."

"Okay, Eri, you're home, do you want to stay here tonight?"

Mori Kogoro's car is about to arrive at his detective agency.

Seeing this scene, Eri's expression changed drastically, and he pinched Mori Kogoro's ear with his fingers and twisted it: "You bastard, are you going to push me into the fire pit? Send me back to Yukiko!"

Evidently, Eri has already had a psychological shadow on Xiaolan.

Mori Kogoro quickly stepped on the accelerator, and the car passed by his office at high speed.

Conan on the second floor of the office seemed to hear the familiar sound of the engine and turned his head, but he didn't see Kogoro Mori's car on the street.

He continued to communicate with Police Officer Megure, and used Kudo Shinichi's voice to obtain information about today's case.

Eri in the car was still babbling: "Xiao Goro, you don't even know what she did? Xiaolan is going too far now, I told you to teach her well, did you do it?"

"It's not suitable for me to meet Xiaolan now, do you know that?"

The Lexus soon stopped outside Fujimine Residence.

Mori Kogoro repeatedly comforted: "Don't worry, Eri, I will take care of everything when this case is over!"

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro kissed Eri's lips, and after kissing goodbye, Eri entered the villa on high heels.

Chapter 0031 angry little sorrow

Then Mori Kogoro drove home.

As soon as the car stopped under the office, he saw Toru Amuro, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, just came out with a garbage bag.

Toru Amuro also greeted Mori Kogoro: "Detective Mori, the magic you performed last night was amazing. How did you do that teleportation? If I had known, I would have gone to Ginza to watch it."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "It's just a small trick, it's not worth mentioning."

"But Amuro-kun, where have you been these past few days, I didn't see you in the store."

Toru Amuro threw the rubbish into the trash can, and said, "It's a personal matter, so I didn't come to the store very often. I didn't expect the business in the store to become very good. It's hard work, Xiao Azusa."

Seeing Toru Amuro with his back turned to him, Mori Kogoro immediately pinched his handprints.

Psychic Thousand Paper Cranes!

An invisible wave of energy swept away, and the paper cranes formed by the condensed spirit power of the four hovered in the void, invisible to ordinary people with naked eyes.

As Kogoro Mori waved his hand, the paper crane landed lightly on Amuro Toru's shoulder, Amuro Toru didn't notice it at all.

Seeing the success of the technique, Kogoro Mori smiled with joy.

In this way, the next time he contacts people in the dark organization, Mori Kogoro will also know about it.

It is really hard to succeed in saving the country with a curve. It is not in vain for Mori Kogoro to study hard and practice spells.

After the goal was achieved, Mori Kogoro didn't greet Amuro Toru much, and went upstairs after saying goodbye to him.

Xiaolan sent a text message saying that dinner is ready.

Toru Amuro watched Kogoro Mori's back as he went upstairs, and couldn't help frowning.

He vaguely sensed something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

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