Around eight o'clock in the evening, the Lexus parked outside Dongdu Bank.

Looking at the commanding policewoman who just entered the bank, Nogami Meiko.

Mori Kogoro frowned, but it was true, when Toshio Utsumi was with her, he was beaten out of shit and was hospitalized.

It makes sense that Toshio Utsumi's original mission was taken over by him.

Silver Fox VS Maoyan Three Sisters of Metropolitan Police Department!

All of them are big beauties, this is a good show to watch.

Mori Kogoro's Lexus stopped under the big tree, adjusted the back of the seat, and lay down comfortably to wait.

While waiting, he didn't have any idle hands, he kept practicing the mudra of connecting and hiding the enchantment that Fusang taught him.

As a result, small objects such as ornaments, steering wheels, and clutches in the car are sometimes hidden and sometimes appear, which is very strange.

Kogoro Mori in the car squinted his eyes slightly, watching Yazi lead his subordinates to deploy defenses, he couldn't help but praise in his heart.

This is the defense method of the Delta Force, one of the four major special forces in the United States, especially against terrorist organizations. This officer Yazi is really a real counter-strike!

About twenty minutes later, the future tears and future pupils appeared in the cat's eyes, but none of the people in Dongdu Bank noticed.

Chapter 0033 good genes of afterlife family

The cat-eyed sisters are both wearing tights and black boots, they are extremely sexy but reveal a bit of sex.

Laishenglei's clothes are purple, and Laishengtong is dark blue.

The two women's figures are very graceful, with well-proportioned bumps, especially the low-collar design of the tights, which shows their white and greasy chest, and two deep ravines are also revealed.

But of course, as the eldest sister, Laishenglei has more capital, probably an E cup, and Laishengtong is a D cup.

Neither of these sisters is a woman who can be controlled by one hand.

And the little girl who didn't come, Ai, also has a C cup at a young age. I have to say that the genes of the next life family are still very good.

But at the moment, the cat-eyed sisters were very distressed. They were watching Dongdu Bank with infrared binoculars on a building in the distance.

The defense of this bank can be called impenetrable and impenetrable.

Every floor is patrolled and guarded by police officers, and there are no dead ends at all.

The delta special forces deployment method adopted by Interpol Yazi really has two brushes.

The Delta Force is a special force that is as famous as the Navy Seals in the United States, and it is also one of the top ten special forces in the world.

All the police officers were assigned by Yazi to a group of three, and the groups maintained communication with each other, and each was responsible for patrolling the relevant areas.

Moreover, the password is changed every fifteen minutes, and the password must be answered correctly to pass.

Among them, the secret whistle is extremely hidden. From the security booth, the parking lot, the flower garden inside, and the big trees, these police officers are not professional enough to hide, otherwise Lai Shenglei and Lai Sheng Tong would not be able to find them.

"Sister, what should we do? Are we going to use violence to sneak in?"

Lai Shenglei frowned slightly: "Wait a little longer!"

After about ten minutes, the president of Dongdu Bank, a middle-aged man in a blue suit, walked to the lobby on the first floor.

This bank president is not the fat man who was sweating all the time last time. The fat president has retired. The new president who came to power this time is very domineering.

He said directly to Yazi: "What are you doing? Why did you arrange so many police officers to enter the bank? It has already affected our normal work!"

Yazi, who was wearing a red windbreaker, had a cold face: "It's our duty, and we are also protecting the safety of your bank property. You don't want to be stolen by Lupine easily like last time!"

The Domineering President said: "Tch, you policemen are useless at all. I knew it last time. If it weren't for the Maori detective, Lupine would have succeeded."

"If I had known earlier, I would have entrusted Maori detectives to come. This time we have already arranged security personnel. Now hurry up and get all your subordinates out of the bank. Wait for some distinguished guests to come. If you bump into them, you will be betrayed." I can’t even afford it.”

A chill flashed in Yazi's eyes, and a small pocket gun suddenly appeared in his hand, and he was playing with it carefully: "You called the police and asked the police to help protect the famous paintings. Now that we have arrived, it is naturally not your turn to speak."

The menace in his actions is self-evident.

The head of the bank president was sweating immediately, but he didn't give in so easily. Instead, he said, "What do you mean? Why are you holding a gun? Let me tell you, Dongdu Bank is a private bank. I have the final say."

"The guests I'm waiting for are from the Middle East, do you know? The world's richest man, how much investment can he bring to our country! Now you let all your police officers withdraw, right at the bank gate Just stay on the outside, if you don’t do it, I will complain to your boss.”

Yazi turned her head to the side, very speechless to these capitalists in the country, if she had privately she would definitely teach the bank president a lesson, but in front of so many people, she didn't want to talk to this guy anymore.

But the president became more and more arrogant, and continued to speak: "Aren't you going to give an order? Okay, then I will write down the numbers of all the police officers in the bank and complain one by one."

Hearing this, Yazi frowned.These police officers are ordinary criminals seconded by themselves, and they are all the lowest members of the police station.

Complaints will have a great impact on their future promotion.

Yazi could only sigh, and said into the intercom: "Signal: Catch insects! Now order all the police officers in the bank to evacuate and gather in front of the bank gate."

So the police officers in the whole bank took action and walked outside the bank.

And the president looked smug, glanced at the police officers in police uniforms, then straightened his clothes and went to the VIP room to wait.

Moori Kogoro in the car watched Yazi come out with a group of police officers, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, this cat's eyes are quite tricky.

In the opposite building, Lai Sheng Tong saw this scene through the binoculars, and couldn't help asking: "Sister, how did you do it?"

Lai Shenglei laughed softly: "I'll tell you when the task is completed. Now that the rooftop is empty, let's act quickly. Are you ready?"

Laisheng Tong nodded and picked up the black paraglider: "Of course I'm ready."

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