After finishing speaking, the two women each held their paragliders, ran quickly, took a run-up into the air, and slid towards the roof of Dongdu Bank.

The black paraglider completely blended into the night sky, and the police below couldn't find it at all. The two women still have time to chat and laugh in the sky!

Soon, the two arrived at the top of the rooftop on the fifteenth floor of Dongdu Bank.

Hitomi was still a little unskilled in controlling the paraglider. When he landed, the paraglider hit the nearby water reservoir and damaged the paraglider.

Tears in the next life could not help but help his forehead speechlessly: "Little Tong, you are so serious, there is no way to leave now, I will let Xiao Ai pick us up!"

After that, she sent a text message.

Ersheng Tong stuck out his tongue embarrassingly.

Then the two used tools to pry open the outer door of the elevator, and then entered the elevator shaft.

Both of them wore gloves on their hands. They directly pulled the cable, hooked their slender legs to the cable, and directly adopted the posture of rapid descent, using the cable to descend directly from the fifteenth floor to the second floor.

The black leather shoes lightly stepped on the elevator car, then opened the lid above the elevator car, jumped down, and his chest trembled suddenly.

Mori Kogoro in the Lexus drank Coke and ate popcorn, watching the theft action drama transmitted by the Ant-Man robot in his mind, nodding his head from time to time, it can be said that he enjoyed it very much.

Yes, yes, this lens is great!

Then the Maoyan sisters pressed the elevator, and when they saw no one outside, they immediately ran.

This is the only corridor leading to the underground treasure house, and it is also monitored by several fixed monitors.

If you run over directly, you will definitely be found.

Laishenglei stopped, and stretched his little hand into the gully of his chest, this action was full of lust.

Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes speechlessly: Really, the good ones don't learn from the bad ones, this trick must be learned from Chikage.

Lai Shenglei took out a few photos and handed them to his sister: "I'll leave it to you next!"

Chapter 0034 Gentleman

These photos are the pictures taken in the corridor surveillance.

Lai Shengtong took the photo, and there was a number on the back of the photo, so naturally he took the wrong one.

With a stick of glue in her mouth, she smeared over the pictures and went into action.

With a flip of the wrist, the Flying Card Technique was used, and the photo flew up in a circle, and was precisely pasted on the lens.

Immediately afterwards, Laisheng Tong showed off his acrobatics, his slender and graceful body was doing somersaults in this corridor.

One after another, the photos were shot out, landed in front of each surveillance camera with extreme precision, and pasted on them.

The monitoring room thought that the signal was not good, and the pictures were blurred one after another, and the security personnel didn't pay much attention to it.

The last surveillance camera is suspended from the three-meter-high ceiling, and there is an exhaust fan just next to it. If the card is thrown directly, it may be unstable.

However, there happened to be a decorative vase underneath, so Hitomi jumped on it.

But the vase was more than two meters away from the surveillance camera, and she couldn't touch it with her hand.

She simply stuck the last photo on her boots, and then slowly lifted her long legs up.

She was wearing a blue tights and made a ponytail straight out of thin air. This picture was really alluring.

Mori Kogoro, who was spying secretly, couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth. Judging by his old driver's eyesight, Hitomi Kaisheng's body is soft, and he must be able to unlock many interesting poses.

Although a little trembling, Hitomi glued the photo in front of the camera very smoothly.

She breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the corridor.

Lai Shenglei followed leisurely, and Lai Shengtong said angrily, "Sister, it's your turn next!"

Laisheng cried and rolled his eyes: "My sister is doing technical work."

After finishing speaking, she came to the gate of the vault, opened the lock cover of the vault, and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, the German-made triple lock, model PGT-28XL, but this model has been upgraded last month. "

"How long will it take?"

"Don't be so impatient. Unlocking is the most taboo impatient. No wonder you can't learn it all the time. It only takes thirty seconds to get it done."

The next life listened with tears attached to its ears, and then began to twist the outermost number ring.

The six numeric passwords were quickly found, and the first lock was opened, and inside was a key letter lock.

Lai Shenglei chuckled when he saw this, and started pressing the pound key, inputting a long string of characters, and directly restored the key lock to its factory state, and the second lock was easily broken.

The last one is a keyhole, which is even simpler.

Laishenglei reached into his chest and took it out again, and soon a copied key was taken out.

Turn the key hole to the right, and the entire door made of heavy metal will automatically open, and there is another corridor inside.

The corridor was only more than twenty meters long, but it exuded a strange aura.

Laishenglei reached out and patted his younger sister's buttocks: "Xiaolei, it's your turn to play again."

Lai Shengtong put on infrared glasses and immediately saw the dense infrared rays in the corridor.

However, infrared rays are only available at a distance of [-] cm from the ground.

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