"It's simple, just climb in!"

The eldest sister smiled softly after tears: "I advise you not to do this, or you will be burnt."

She took a strand of hair directly and threw it on the floor.

The floor crackled and rattled, it was clearly high voltage electricity!

Laisheng Tong pouted and tied up his hair: "Really, let me come every time it's dangerous."

Lai Shenglei comforted: "Who told you that your skill is better than mine? Find it faster after you go in. I still want to go back to catch up with the drama." Saying this, Lai Shenglei raised a crossbow and lowered his body to face the other side. The wall shot through.

The harpoon shot directly into the opposite wall, firmly embedded in it, and the rope followed.

Lai Shenglei pulled the other end of the rope, connected it to the suction cup, and attached it directly to the wall here, and a rope was tightly suspended in mid-air.

Afterwards, Tongsheng Tong hung upside down on this rope and continued to climb over it.

The distance of more than twenty meters was a piece of cake for her, and she soon came to the other side of the corridor.

Inside are rows of iron cabinets, in which all the valuables entrusted to the bank are kept.

Lai Shengtong opened the cabinets one by one and searched, finally she found the painting tube.

Laisheng Tong bit the small flashlight and opened the painting tube, and the painting scroll unfolded.

But it wasn't her father's collection of scrolls, "The Smile on the Ley".

Instead, it was a piece of paper with the words: "Little Ermiao, I'll take this painting away first!"

Signed is 'gentleman adults! '

Seeing the bewildered expression on the face of Hitomi who came from the Ant-Man robot, and the small flashlight in his mouth dropped, Kogoro Mori in the car suddenly felt very happy.

Every time it was Maoyan who made things difficult for me, this time it was finally my turn to take revenge!

He glanced at the rolled picture scroll in the passenger seat, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

With the Ant-Man robot as an assistant, it's like picking out what you want.

He didn't need to take so much trouble to break through the layers of mechanism like Maoyan.

Kogoro Mori, who was cheating, directly sent two Ant-Man robots, without going through any mechanism, and sneaked directly into the bank's treasure house after shrinking.

Then they took the scrolls one after the other, and sent them out through the ventilation duct, no one would notice them at all.

As for the inscription left, it is just a bad taste of Mori Kogoro.

Kuroba Chikage is known as the Phantom Thief lady, as her man, he should naturally be called a gentleman!


In the underground treasure house on the second floor, Xishengtong was very frantic, and he looked through the cabinet next to him without giving up, but he didn't see the picture scroll again.

She could only return to the front of the corridor with a gloomy face, and said, "Eldest sister, someone got in first, a thief named 'Master Gentleman'."

Lai Shenglei frowned when he heard this, and quickly said: "Since something has changed, come back quickly, we will evacuate immediately."

In the next life, Tong could only climb up the hanging rope again and climb upside down.

After Lai Shengtong crawled over, Lai Shenglei said: "Let's go home first, and then find Uncle Yongshi or Master to find out who this 'gentleman' is!"

"we can only do this!"

Both of them were a little frustrated, but they cheered up and left along the road they had just cracked all the way.

Soon they came to the elevator on the second floor. Taking advantage of the patrol personnel just passing by, the two women immediately got on the elevator, and the elevator went towards the rooftop!

But the closer she got to the rooftop, the more strange the look on Lai Shengtong's face became. She seemed to have heard something.

She whispered, "Sister, put on the mask first, I have a bad feeling."

Hearing this, the two women took out their masks from their waists and put them on.

Soon, the elevator door opened, and a beautiful policewoman in a red trench coat stood in front of the elevator door. She was very bright, and it was Yazi.

Yazi laughed lightly: "Good evening, cat eyes!"

Chapter 0035

Yazi stood with her arms crossed, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

The two masked sisters looked at each other, and Lai Shenglei asked, "How do you know?"

Yazi said, "The president of the bank said that there are distinguished guests from the Middle East, and I feel something is wrong."

"I called the head of the investment section of the Ministry of Finance to inquire, and found that there were no qualified people in Tokyo, so I understood."

"Hehe, you spent so much time trying to force us out, you definitely didn't appear from the ground, so the only place is the rooftop, so I just waited here and caught two little wild cats."

"Tell me, should I surrender obediently, or should I personally arrest you!"

Laishengtong couldn't help but said: "Don't talk big, you are the only one who wants to stop us, go and dream of your spring and autumn!"

The two sisters used the pronunciation changing skills taught by Kuroba Chikage, so Meizi naturally couldn't hear their original voices.

Yazi was not annoyed when he heard this, and stretched out his hands, pointing the two pocket guns at the two sisters.

Laishengtears and Laisheng pupils shrank, a subconscious reaction came out.

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