Gun Tian Yumei held her cheek with her small hand, and said with a teasing smile: "Detective Maori, you dressed up just now, and you didn't walk in front of the front, and sneaked in. Could it be that you want to steal something?"

This woman is really evil. She can guess what she just did by random guessing. No wonder she can be a detective. This mysterious sixth sense will definitely help her a lot.

Kogoro Maoli laughed softly: "Yes, I just want to steal something, and I came here on the moon. I heard that there are two beauties here, so I came here to steal jade and fragrance!"

Hearing this, Lingzi and Yumei, the best friends, blushed slightly, looked at each other again, but immediately looked away without any trace.

Yu Mei couldn't help but said: "Then you are really greedy, you want two more, I'm afraid you won't be able to take one!"

Mori Kogoro was dumbfounded for a while, and couldn't help laughing again: "How do you know I won't be able to bear it if you don't try it? Maybe you two are the ones who can't bear it?"

Seeing that the topic was slipping towards the direction of the Eighteen Bans, the upright Reiko Kujo coughed twice, and then spoke: "Detective Maori, the bribery case of the Takeuchi Group that I entrusted you to investigate before can be stopped, there is no need to stop it." Check it out!"


A look of melancholy flashed in Reiko's eyes: "I have already killed anyone who knew the inside story. I don't want to see someone committing suicide again."

"Maybe my decision was wrong in the first place!"

Chapter 0039 Obedient Nine Prosecutors

Mori Kogoro held Kujo Reiko's small hand with his left hand, and said softly, "Reiko, you are not wrong. It is very right to want to find out the truth and seek justice for your boss. You don't have to blame yourself for it."

Seeing this scene, Qian Tian Yumei couldn't help narrowing her eyes slightly.

Kujo Reiko immediately retracted her hand, her earlobes seemed to be slightly red.

She calmed down, and then sighed again: "Actually, I have seen all the news on the Internet. They all said that the judicial system does not need prosecutors who can kill people."

"I'm thinking about whether to resign now. Maybe I shouldn't be a prosecutor. I should be a detective just like Yu Mei."

Reiko Kujo lowered her head, with a trace of loneliness in her expression.

Gun Tian Yumei immediately said: "Cheer up, Reiko, you are an undefeated prosecutor, how could you resign because of such a trivial matter."

"Besides, it's not your fault, but it's just the interrogation of Takeuchi Hiroaki overnight. That man is too timid. He committed suicide by himself. What does it have to do with you?"

"Reiko, this is just a trivial matter, and there are many people who can help you on the Internet."

Hearing this, Kujo Reiko didn't react too much, but shook her head gently.

Just as celebrities only pay attention to the remarks of black fans, people only care about the remarks that are not good for themselves, and they don't remember those remarks that speak for themselves.

Mori Kogoro's face turned serious, and he said, "Yu Mei, don't persuade me, Reiko, if you want to resign, just resign, don't tell us."

"I'm just disappointed. The majestic and heroic Madonna in the prosecutorial circle when we first met has died, and now there is only a vain shell left."

Guntian Yumi opened her mouth slightly, a little at a loss: This is a bit heavy, how can Kogoro say that?

When Reiko heard this, her body froze, and her panting became much faster.

Mori Kogoro continued: "What I value is the prosecutor who argued back and forth with me in court, and even when he fell into a disadvantage, he was always thinking about how to find evidence and reverse the situation, not the current self-pitying prosecutor. woman!"

"Hehe, Reiko, I remember, you are the most outstanding prosecutor in the prosecutorial world, but you have never won the queen of the legal and political circle, Eri, are you willing to be defeated by Eri for the rest of your life, and leave with the name of a loser? ?”

The sneering Mori Kogoro is very flattered, full of hatred.

Hearing Fei Yingli's name, Kujo Reiko raised her head immediately, her eyes were full of flames, full of fighting spirit.

She glared at Mori Kogoro: "Okay, you don't need to say any more, it's really a clumsy way of provoking, I will do what you want, and I won't resign!"

"You are right, I must defeat Fei Yingli to wash away the humiliation on my body!"

"But Maori-kun, next time you are sneering at me, can you stop touching my thigh with your big hand."

As soon as the words fell, Kujo Reiko pulled the wooden table away, and the scene underneath was revealed.

Mori Kogoro's right hand was pinching Kujo Reiko's beautiful leg wrapped in stockings.

Looking at the shape of the stockings on her legs being pulled, it is obvious that she has been ravaged for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Guntian Yumei's eyes were full of cold light.

In fact, when the three of them were seated, Mori Kogoro began to act unruly and attacked secretly.

Kujo Reiko, except for glaring at him at the beginning, cooperated very well the rest of the time.

And the acting skills are excellent, and Ikumi Gunta didn't notice the slightest clue.

It was only later that Kogoro Mori's remarks annoyed her, and she blew herself up.

Mori Kogoro immediately withdrew his hand, patted his right hand with his left hand, pretended to be stupid and said, "Hey, why is my hand not in control? I can't control it at all. Could it be a disease?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the two women almost rolled to the sky, how could they believe what this pervert said.

Reiko Kujo felt a little embarrassed, got up and said, "I don't care about you, I'm going to take a shower!" After that, she hurried to the bathroom, and only Kogoro Mori and Ikumi Gunida were left in the living room.

Mori Kogoro laughed complacently: "Did you see that, someone like Reiko will take the tough but not the soft, it's useless for you to try to persuade her. You just want to go against her and stimulate her."

"So that's why you're sneaking up on other people's thighs underneath!"

Guntian Ikumi folded her hands on her chest, her arrogance became more and more prominent.

Damn guy, if you touch Reiko's legs, you won't touch mine. Are my legs worse than Reiko's?

Guntian Ikumi looked down and saw that her legs were fair and pink, slender and smooth, and also very elastic. How could she lose to her best friend.

At most, there is only one pair of black stockings missing, but where can you wear stockings in a cheongsam?

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