Damn man, sure enough men are big pigs.

Mori Kogoro immediately argued: "How is it possible? This is a strategy. I want to divert her attention and keep her from falling into sadness and self-blame. Everything is in my calculations. "

Gun Tian Yumei's eyes rolled up again, I believe you are evil, you man, you are very bad!

Just now he said that his hands were out of control, but now he has changed his rhetoric.

Angrily, Gundam Ikumi stretched out her little hand, pinched Kogoro Mori's ear directly, and twisted it.

Mori Kogoro pointed at Ikumi the gun and hurriedly warned.

"I'm warning you, you can't twist a man's ear, it's a switch, if you twist it again, I won't be able to control myself!"

"Hmph!" Qiangtian Yumei didn't believe the man who was talking nonsense at all, and twisted harder.

Tolerable or unbearable!

Mori Kogoro immediately fought back.

Two Dragons Fetching Water·Magic Meaning·Chapo Dragon Claw Hand!

Guntian Yumei let out an exclamation, and hurriedly backed away clutching her chest, a blush instantly stained her pretty face.

The move just now had a ton of effects on this solo single female detective.


Guntian Ikumi immediately got up and wanted to run away, but how could she be faster than Mori Kogoro.

As soon as he turned around, Kogoro Mori, who was extremely fast, appeared in front of him, poking his head, and let the turned gun Tian Yumi kiss his cheek.

Guntian Ikumi immediately stepped back a few steps on the high heels, and Mori Kogoro followed with a smirk.

Soon, the female detective, who was wearing a cheongsam and had a good figure, was unable to retreat and leaned against the wall.

Her little face was flushed, her body was trembling from time to time, her small mouth covered in red lipstick was slightly opened, her voice was inaudible and trembling: "You, what do you want to do?"

Mori Kogoro leaned against the wall with his right hand, and chuckled lightly: "That's a good question, what do I want to do?"

While speaking, his left hand lifted Guntian Yumi's chin, and a delicate little face appeared in front of his eyes. There was a bit of panic in those emerald-like beautiful eyes, but there was a faint anticipation in his deeper eyes.

"Can you do it!"

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro directly printed on Guntian Ikumi's red lips, and his big hand fell on his body.

Chapter 0040 Emotional Yumei

Guntian Ikumi's eyes widened in an instant, and it was hard to believe that such vulgar words were said by the man in front of her.

【How can he say such a thing!So rude, so blunt!Should I promise him, or should I promise him?No, this is Reiko's home, so it's not suitable!I heard that the first experience will be very painful!And what if Reiko comes out and sees it?Just ignore him, what if Reiko gets on the board first?But I'm still so nervous, what should I do? 】

Her body couldn't help tensing up, her two small hands were clenched into fists, and her eyes were full of bewilderment.

Kogoro Mori looked at the unskilled girl in front of him, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

I kissed her for so long last time, doesn't she know how to kiss now?Can't you learn to breathe through your nose?

It's so stupid to learn how to be a detective!

Mori Kogoro kept climbing along the curve of the water-blue cheongsam with his big hands, capturing all the plumpness in his hands.

Finally, the left hand fell down, along the skirt of the cheongsam, covering the white and silky place - Guntian Yumei's right leg was picked up by Mori Kogoro.

At this moment, Guntian Ikumi's face was flushed red, not because of shyness, but because of suffocation.

She was almost out of oxygen, but she was still holding on foolishly.

The two had kissed passionately for four or five minutes, and Kogoro Mori could only let go of his mouth when he saw how hard he was working hard.

Guntian Yumi gasped for breath.

There was mist in those emerald-like beautiful eyes, and his eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori, full of affection!

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Am I that good-looking?"

Guntian Yumi nodded, and was about to say something, but her emerald eyes suddenly became blurred.

Her body also softened, and her upper body collapsed directly into Kogoro Mouri's arms, her bulging breasts pressed against Kogoro Moori's chest!

WTF! ! !

He was about to raise his gun and mount his horse, why did he faint all of a sudden.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Gunda Ikumi's delicate body and began to investigate.

Gun Tian Ikumi: State coma (drug coma!)

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look, and there was an inaudible white smoke constantly seeping in from under the gate, it was the misty smoke.

However, Mori Kogoro's physique far exceeds that of ordinary people, so that he is not affected by the smoke at all.

On the contrary, Guntian Yumi took a big breath just now, and then fainted all of a sudden.

Careless, it's all because Kogoro Mori was so focused that he didn't notice the attacker.

The timing here is really good!

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