"Come back! Are you looking for Conan again in the middle of the night?" Mori Kogoro's face was serious, like the calm before the storm. In fact, he had just watched the surveillance and knew that the conversation between the two was nothing. I ran out secretly, feeling a little upset.

Huiyuan blinked his big eyes, walked in front of Kogoro Mouri, lay on Kogoro Mouri's legs, raised his head, and showed a cute and healing smile: "Uncle Mouri."

At this time, Huiyuan has already developed a deep knowledge of being cute under the constant training.

Mori Kogoro's uncle's heart trembled slightly, but there was no expression on his face. He pointed to the clock on the wall and said gently: "Xiao Ai, it's already two o'clock in the morning, and staying up late like this is not good for your health. Yes, and you wear so little, and the weather is so cold outside, I will be very worried about you if you go out."

Hearing Kogoro Mori's gentle and caring words, Haibara squinted his smiling eyes, staring at Kogoro Mori with star-like eyes: "I know."

Mori Kogoro continued: "Although I told you not to play with Conan, but Xiao Ai, if you really like it, uncle will not stop you, just wait until the daytime? Don't let uncle worry so much next time Yes, Xiao Ai is very important in Uncle's heart."

When Haibara heard Kogoro Mouri say this, his face was full of joy, and he got up and walked towards the coffee table.

Kogoro Mori was puzzled, but saw Huiyuan in front of him taking off his pants with both hands, revealing two small buttocks. She lay on the coffee table, turned her head, and there seemed to be a hint of playfulness in her eyes, cute The loli voice came out: "Uncle Mao Li, I know I was wrong, please punish me!"


Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro couldn't believe it at all, his scalp was numb.

Oh my god!Is this tempting yourself?

The flair on the delicate little face turned from Haibara combined with the cuteness of the little girl, coupled with the little butt protruding under the light, instantly created an outstanding exposure to Mori Kogoro hit.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling a little flustered, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Sure enough, women who have experienced human affairs and women who have not experienced human affairs are completely different.

Kogoro Mori looked at Haibara in front of him, swallowed his saliva, and said to himself: I'm not a lolicon!You can't control me, Huiyuan!

Haibara looked at Kogoro Mori's reaction and smiled like a little fox. The loli voice fired again: "Uncle Mori, please punish me!"

Mori Kogoro lost the ability to resist in an instant, and a dry voice came out of his mouth: "Well, it's good if you know your mistakes and correct them. Uncle punished you in the hope that you will remember, and don't sneak out alone at night again."

Kogoro Moori's big hand slapped Huihara's butt once, twice, and the slapping sound seemed to hit Kogoro Moori's heart.

Mori Kogoro looked at the frowning Haibara, but he didn't dare to use force, and finally his big hand turned into a gentle caress.

Huiyuan's little face turned red, and there was mist in his big eyes.

Mori Kogoro's actions are getting more and more extreme...

(A lot of text is omitted here.)

After a long time, Huiyuan lifted up her scarlet pajama pants, and she gave Mouri Kogoro a hard look, cursing, "Uncle is a big pervert!"

Then Huiyuan limped a little and walked towards his room.

Kogoro Mori looked at his hands and couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Am I being trained to be a lolicon? ? ?

Mori Kogoro sighed deeply, and went back to his room with limited mobility.


The next morning, Mori Kogoro woke up, and saw a well-behaved loli sitting on the sofa, Haibara was sitting like a kitten, very elegant, the morning light shone on her childlike, yet mature There was a glint on her small face. She was flipping through a magazine, her light blue eyes were absorbed in reading it.

Mori Kogoro walked over, Haibara glanced at Mori Kogoro, and said, "Big pervert!"

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa and approached Huiyuan. Huiyuan's face immediately turned red, and he said coquettishly, "You big pervert, don't come near me."

Mori Kogoro hugged Huiyuan into his arms, and said, "Xiao Ai, uncle is here to apologize to Xiao Ai. Uncle and uncle were confused last night and did something too much to Xiao Ai. Uncle is very sorry , Xiao Ai, you must forgive me!"

Haibara's big light blue eyes rolled, as if he was thinking about whether to forgive Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro then said, "Uncle promises that it will never be like this next time."

"Really?" Haibara looked skeptical, looked at Mori Kogoro's serious face, and finally said: "Okay, then forget about this time, but you have to buy me this latest library Strange bag."

Mori Kogoro immediately patted his chest and said, "Buy, buy everything you want, but Xiao Ai, what happened yesterday is a secret between the two of us, and we can't tell others!"

Huiyuan nodded, a satisfied smile appeared on his small face, the two returned to normal, and started to play around.

The little cook, Xiaolan, came out of the kitchen and saw the two of them fighting again, she couldn't help but frowned, and said quickly, "Father, go wash up, you can eat soon."

Mori Kogoro put down Huibara and walked to the bathroom.

Huiyuan couldn't help frowning, and glared at Xiaolan who turned away. Not long after, Conan also came up to eat.

At the dinner table, Xiaolan said, "Dad, did you know? There is a new English teacher in our class. She is an American teacher. Her name is Judy. She is super beautiful. It's a pity that Xinyi can't see it."

Kogoro Mori immediately realized, Judy, it should be the big-breasted American woman in the FBI.

"Also, Dad, I saw Shinichi in Shibuya yesterday, and I didn't know why this guy hasn't come to class for so long. It turned out that he found a girlfriend."

As soon as Xiaolan said this, Conan immediately spat out the soup in his mouth, and everyone couldn't help but look disgusted.

Conan wiped off the soup on his mouth with a tissue, turned his head to look at Xiaolan, and said, "Sister Xiaolan, may you be mistaken, how could brother Shinichi be in Shibuya, with other girls?" together."

"No, how could I be wrong? I have known him for many years, how could I admit my mistake, but this guy didn't tell me that he has a girlfriend. He really doesn't regard me as a good friend at all." Xiao Lan's face There was no extra annoyance on the Internet, it seemed that he was talking about an acquaintance.

Conan's heart turned cold when he saw this scene. He has never been to Shibuya, let alone a new girlfriend.

It was really a cauldron directly on him, and Conan couldn't tell even if his mouth was all over his body.

Chapter 0111 Xiaolan's gift

Conan quickly said: "Sister Xiaolan, Brother Shinichi called me. He said he has a case to deal with in Osaka and he hasn't come back yet."

Xiaolan laughed: "Conan, he must have lied to you, that guy likes to lie the most."

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