Seeing Xiaolan's expression, Conan couldn't help frowning, and had an ominous premonition in his heart, and asked, "Sister Xiaolan, you know that brother Xinyi has a girlfriend, why doesn't he seem to be angry at all, don't you like brother Xinyi?" ?”

Xiaolan looked calm when she heard this: "Nonsense, who told you that I like Xinyi, and Xinyi is just my friend, I'm just a little surprised to think that a guy like Xinyi has a girlfriend, although he Didn't tell me, but I will still bless him."

Conan's face was immediately filled with ashes. If Xiaolan stood up immediately when she heard this, and retorted angrily, it means that what she said might be false, but in this case, Xiaolan answered calmly, that is to say Everything I said was true.

Conan couldn't help wailing in despair in his heart: I don't want such a blessing, who the hell is framing me!

Xiaolan shook her head and looked at Conan: "Besides, Conan, you will never know the person I like." After saying this, Xiaolan glanced at Mori Kogoro slightly, and soon concentrated on eating up.

Conan only felt that life was extremely difficult: he ran so hard yesterday, but did not get any clues related to the dark organization; today he was directly blamed for having a girlfriend, and his favorite childhood sweetheart even sent him blessings ; moreover, he had to bear the oppression of the good-for-nothing uncle, and Conan, who felt that everything was not going well, went to school with a heavy face.

Soon after eating, Haibara also went to school, and Mori Kogoro sat back on the sofa and read the newspaper.

After tidying up the dining table, Xiaolan came over: "Father, aren't you going to the office today?"

"No, just take a day off. Besides, most of the commissions received by the office will be called first to make an appointment. It's okay if the door doesn't open. It's just Xiaolan, don't you have to go to school?" Mori Kogoro couldn't help being surprised.

"Well, I don't need it today, because the classrooms have been lent out to other grades for exams, so we have a holiday, and I just take advantage of this time to clean up the house." Xiaolan entered her room while speaking.

Mori Kogoro didn't pay much attention. He boiled the water, took out the tea set, and started making tea.

Mori Kogoro quit the bad habits of drinking, betting on horses, and betting on football that he had acquired before his memory came back to life, but he developed other hobbies instead.

Ordinarily, I would practice channeling, go to the shooting range to practice spear fighting, and finally drink tea at home.

Drinking tea can bring peace of mind. The tea leaves are Tieguanyin purchased from Huaxia. Watching the tea leaves spread out on top of the emerald green tea, Mori Kogoro gradually felt that he had entered an ethereal realm.

It's just that as soon as the door opened, Xiaolan walked out, instantly breaking the ethereal realm of Mori Kogoro.

I saw Xiaolan's hair tied up, wearing white shorts, revealing two slender thighs shining white light, and a black vest on the upper body, highlighting the deep ravine.

Xiaolan keeps practicing karate, her limbs are well-proportioned and slender, which is very beautiful. This figure does not look like a sixteen-year-old girl at all, but is already mature.

"Xiaolan, don't you feel cold dressed like this? It's winter now."

Although the sun is out now, it is really inappropriate to dress like this in winter.

"It's not cold. There is heating in the room. Besides, it's convenient to do housework when you dress like this." Xiaolan tugged at the collar of her vest.

The collar kept springing back and hitting Xiaolan's crisp chest. Mori Kogoro turned his head sideways, looked down at the cold tea, and couldn't help reheating the water to make tea with a wry smile.

Xiaolan took out the rag from the bathroom, walked to the TV cabinet, knelt down, and began to clean the TV cabinet. While cleaning, she complained: "Dad, you shouldn't have bought this TV. Everyone doesn't want to watch it. What a waste of money."

Xiaolan, who was kneeling, leaned forward and took out the useless things from the cabinet. This movement revealed a graceful curve, and her buttocks were constantly changing shapes under the wrapping of ultra-short groups.

She picked up the rag and began to wipe it meticulously. After a while, the TV cabinet and the TV were all wiped. Xiaolan is indeed a very virtuous girl, and she is really handy in doing these housework.

Xiaolan took the rag to the bathroom to wash, wrung it out again, and came out. She came to Kogoro Mori, bent down, and began to tidy up the magazines and snacks on the coffee table. Just worry about Xiao Ai, it's not good for children to eat so many snacks, and Xiao Ai is so young, can she understand these cosmetic magazines? Always read these things."

The spring light poured out of the loose vest, and she didn't even wear underwear.

The tea in Kogoro Mori's hand was poured on the table without realizing it.

Xiaolan organized the magazines in an orderly manner, and then placed them neatly, and then smiled at Mouri Kogoro.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Xiaolan was about to run to open the door, but was pulled back by Mouri Kogoro.

"You stay here, I'll open the door."

Mori Kogoro opened the door. It was a courier guy wearing a hat. The courier guy said, "Excuse me, is this Maori Lan's home? This was sent by Ms. Fei Yingli to Ms. Mao Lilan, please sign for it." ?"

Mori Kogoro signed, then carried the gift box in and placed it on the table.

Xiaolan immediately came over: "Father, what is this?"

"Your mother sent it to you, open it and have a look."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan threw down the rag, and opened the gift box with a look of anticipation on her small face, she couldn't help being surprised.

This gift box contained a pink dress. Xiaolan took out the dress and painted on her body, her face was full of joy.

Mori Kogoro took out the card in the gift box, on which was a computer-printed word: "Xiaolan, I know you are going to the ship banquet on the Ilibes, and my mother prepared this dress for you. I hope You'll like it."

Mori Kogoro frowned when he saw this card, he immediately realized that it wasn't from Fei Yingli, recalling the plot, it was Kaitou Kidd.

Mori Kogoro immediately turned around and rushed downstairs, but the courier boy just now had disappeared.

Back on the third floor, Xiaolan greeted her immediately: "Dad, what's the matter?"

Mori Kogoro patted Xiaolan's head: "It's nothing, I just remembered something suddenly."

Xiao Lan didn't care when she heard this, she carried the pink dress into the room, and not long after, the door opened again, and a girl with the appearance of a princess came out.

Xiaolan stood in front of Mori Kogoro handsomely, her little face was a little red: "Dad, do you look good?"

Even Kogoro Mori has to admire Kidd's tricky eyes. This suit of clothes really complements Xiaolan and fits perfectly. Kogoro Mori raised his thumb: "Xiaolan, you are so beautiful, I like it." !"

Chapter 0112 Xiaolan doing housework

Xiaolan was even more happy when she heard the praise, but soon she went back to the room and changed back into the clothes for doing housework.

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa and re-brewed a pot of tea. The fragrance of the tea was overflowing. Sure enough, the tea bought at a high price was not bad.

But at this moment, one crystal clear foot stood on the marble coffee table, and then the other also stood up.

Mori Kogoro looked up, two slender white thighs, white shorts that only covered half of the buttocks, a slender waist, two mermaid lines on the beautiful belly, and a loose vest that followed Xiaolan's movements One after another, the peak light is infinitely good.

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