"Xiao Lan, what are you doing?" Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking.

Xiaolan stopped her movements, lowered her head, her face was innocent and brimming with the joy of working, and she said, "The lamp on it is dirty, let me wipe it!" Focused on cleaning the chandelier.

Mori Kogoro smiled wryly and looked at the dust that kept falling down in front of him. It was obvious that there was no way to drink the tea anymore, so he could only turn off the water, and then looked up at Xiaolan wiping the chandelier.

Sure enough, it is so big, as expected of a good genetic inheritance, Mori Kogoro looked at the peak light under the undulating vest and couldn't help but lose his mind.

Standing on the marble coffee table, Xiaolan's small face was very focused, wiping every crack carefully, with her arms raised all the time, and the heating in the room was sufficient. Gradually, drops of sweat appeared on Xiaolan's forehead.

The sweat slid down the small face, along the snow-white swan neck, slid into the bottomless ravine, passed through the golden death-free medal, and finally dripped on the marble coffee table, crystal clear.

Maybe the chandelier bought by Kogoro Mori was too complicated, and Xiaolan took [-] minutes to clean it before finally finishing it. Kogoro Mori waited quietly on the sofa.

Finally the chandelier became brand new, Xiaolan wiped off the sweat from her head, with a satisfied smile on her face, looked down at Kogoro Mori, pointed to the chandelier and said, "How is it, is it beautiful?"

Mori Kogoro's eyes finally shifted, his neck turned up a little stiffly, looked at the chandelier, and said, "It's really beautiful, just like the new one."

After hearing the praise, Xiaolan moved her white legs with satisfaction, and jumped off the coffee table. There was another heart-wrenching scene, and then Xiaolan took a dark rag and walked into the bathroom.

Looking at the messy appearance on the white marble, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but wryly smiled.

He re-boiled the water, cleaned the tea set again, put the tea leaves again, and finally drank the tea.

Not long after, Xiaolan came out of the bathroom again, sat down beside Maori Kogoro, put his arms around Maori's arm, and said, "Father, I want to drink tea too!"

Mori Kogoro sensed the softness and the slight bulge in it. He handed the teacup to Xiaolan, touched Xiaolan's head, and said, "Thank you, Xiaolan."

Xiaolan drank the emerald green tea in one gulp, "Wow..." The innocent little face was full of happiness, and then she leaned her little head on the shoulder of Mori Kogoro, and the two of them quietly, Not talking, stayed on the sofa for a long time, for a long time...


The time finally came to December 12th. The Ilibes in Yokohama Port was brightly lit. This luxury cruise ship purchased by the Suzuki consortium was very gorgeous. On the red carpet at the pier, countless social celebrities gathered. There are countless cars.

There is also a banner hanging in the port: "Celebrate the [-]th anniversary of the establishment of the Suzuki Foundation!"

Mori Kogoro and his party also appeared at the port. He was holding Huiyuan with one hand, and Xiaolan was hugging him with the other.Conan behind him looked at the three people in front of him with dead fish eyes.

Conan is the same blue suit for thousands of years, white shorts, a red voice changer and white foot strengthening shoes provided by Dr. Ali.

Mori Kogoro was wearing a pure white suit, with a slender figure of [-] meters, with a man's fortitude on his knife-shaved face, a little bit of vicissitudes in his eyes, and a sexy moustache that affected all the women present The charming heart of a mature man swayed out, making people feel good at first glance.

Xiaolan has an angelic face, wearing a pink dress, which highlights her graceful figure, and her plump bust makes the ladies jealous. She is stepping on light purple high-heeled shoes, walking lightly, and hugging Mori Kogoro arms, with a happy smile on his face.

Huiyuan finally had a chance to wear the little dress that Mori Kogoro bought for her last time. She was like a little princess in the dark night who came out of a fairy tale. She was as delicate as a doll, but Huiyuan's small face was a bit ugly. .

She raised her head, passed Kogoro Mori, and saw the protruding part of Xiaolan's body. She couldn't help feeling depressed: How could it be so big? What did she eat to make it so big?

Haibara remembered the scene of the last recovery, and he was only a C cup. Xiaolan was only sixteen years old and already had a frightening 36D. Haibara remembered that his opponent, Fei Yingli, had even more impressive Desperate 36E.Thinking of this, Hui Yuan's little face couldn't help feeling discouraged.

Her light blue eyes couldn't help but stare at Mori Kogoro: What do you want to be more plump, I'm not satisfied with being able to control it with one hand.

As soon as the three of Mori Kogoro appeared, they attracted the attention of many people present, but no one paid attention to Conan behind him.

At this time, Suzuki Sonoko's surprised voice came over: "Xiao Lan!"

Suzuki Sonoko rushed towards the three of them, Xiaolan wanted to greet her friend with a look of surprise, but found that a whirlwind flew by, and Sonoko had already fallen into the arms of Mori Kogoro, Haibara could not help but stare at Sonoko with dissatisfaction .

Xiaolan's face immediately froze, her white eyes almost pierced the sky, and the veins on her forehead kept popping up.

I saw Suzuki Sonoko tightly hugging Mori Kogoro, little stars popped out of his big dark green eyes, and said to Mori Kogoro, "Uncle Mori, why are you so handsome today!"

It was an over-enthusiasm that filled people with burdens. Mori Kogoro had his left and right hands restrained just now, otherwise Sonoko would definitely be blocked.

Xiaolan couldn't help shouting: "Yuanzi!"

Suzuki Sonoko turned around cautiously, looked at Xiaolan who was puffed up, smiled awkwardly, and then let go of her hand reluctantly: "Xiaolan, I haven't seen Uncle Maoli for a long time, I really want to It's just him, don't mind, don't mind."

At this time, Yuanzi saw the dress Xiao Lan was wearing, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Wow, Xiao Lan, your dress is so beautiful, where did you buy it?"

Xiaolan immediately lost her anger when she heard the question, and said with a smile, "This is a gift from my mother. It's a Christmas present, isn't it beautiful?"

"Really, it's very suitable for you." Sonoko kept nodding, and suddenly found the frightening bust on Xiaolan's chest, and then looked at the slight bulge on the chest of her dress, and couldn't help but feel down all of a sudden. Li: It's a lie, it's not that big to wear a school uniform!

Chapter 0113 Meet Belmode Again

Under the leadership of Sonoko, Mori Kogoro and his party walked to the cruise ship. When they passed a high platform on the red carpet, they saw a mature beautiful woman in a purple dress standing on it and giving a speech.

That beautiful woman is Sonoko's mother, Tomoko Suzuki. She is gorgeously dressed, has exquisite hairstyle, and elegant temperament. In addition, she has been in charge of the Suzuki Foundation for many years, and the aura of a business queen overwhelms the audience. With exquisite makeup, there is a beauty mole next to the right eye, which adds a bit of unique charm.

This is an extremely outstanding woman. Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Sonoko, and he could vaguely see that Sonoko and his mother's face were somewhat similar. The immature little astringent fruit is far less attractive than its mother, like a peach that can squeeze out water.

Xiaolan couldn't help but said, "Yuanzi, your mother is so beautiful!"

Yuanzi waved her hand disdainfully: "Nonsense, she doesn't know how sloppy she is at home. This is what she looks like in front of people." Inadvertently, she sold her mother.

As soon as Tomoko Suzuki stepped off the high platform, two police officers greeted him. One was wearing a black suit with a slender face and an extremely burly figure; the other was wearing a light white suit and had a short beard on his lips. They stopped Tomoko Suzuki, hoping to prevent her from boarding the ship.

Seeing this scene, Yuanzi couldn't help rubbing his forehead: "It's these two police officers again who have been persuading my mother to go to the Ilibes another day, but today is the 60th anniversary, and it's impossible to change."

Mori Kogoro knew these two policemen, he had worked with them in the Metropolitan Police Department before, these two guys should be regarded as Kidd's deadly enemies, the one with the fleshy face was named Chaki Shintaro; the other had a short beard The one is Ginzo Nakamori, a guy who has captured Kidd for 18 years and has gotten nothing.

Speaking of which, Nakamori Ginzo is the father of Nakamori Aoko, and it is really strange that Nakamori Ginzo has grown up like this, and the child he gave birth to is almost exactly the same as Xiaolan.

A group of people boarded the cruise ship together with Yuanzi, and Conan's eyes kept scanning the people present, trying to find Kidd's trace.

Everyone followed Sonoko to the outside of the cruise ship's party hall. People from the Suzuki Foundation at the front desk were constantly distributing small boxes. Inside the small boxes were dark night stars.

Sonoko smiled excitedly: "Uncle Maori, it's amazing, this is my mother's idea, to create five hundred identical dark night stars, and every guest wears them, then Kidd can't do anything. "

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