Hearing Sonoko say this, Mori Kogoro could only smile politely, and put on the dark night star, which was obviously a fake pearl.

After receiving the stars in the dark night, everyone walked into the party hall inside. There were already three or four hundred people in the hall, wearing suits or formal dresses. Obviously, the party participants were all dignified people.

Suzuki Sonoko took Xiaolan and his party inside and then turned around and went out. As the daughter of the Suzuki family, she also had to receive other guests. Sonoko's performance in such a big scene was very reliable, and she did not lose the Suzuki consortium. Face.

As soon as Conan entered the venue, he disappeared again. Mori Kogoro was holding Haibara, and Xiao Ran was holding the other arm.

Suddenly, a blunt Japanese voice sounded from the side: "Detective Maori, I didn't expect you to be here?"

Mori Kogoro turned around, and saw a big blonde beauty walking towards him.

This is Chris who met under the Cupido Hotel on Christmas, that is, Belmode. I didn't expect her to come to this party.

"So it's you, Chris, and you're actually on this cruise ship."

Mori Kogoro inspected this Chris, and saw that she was wearing a silver-white dress with splits at the base of her thighs, revealing two beautiful legs, a bright diamond necklace in the waves on her chest, and a fake face. Big waves look great.

From time to time, people in the hall cast their eyes on her, this is an absolute stunner!

Chris greeted her, her water green eyes looked at Xiao Lan, and there seemed to be quite a surprise in her eyes.

Haibara felt a little cold all over his body, and couldn't help but grasp Kogoro Mori's palm tightly.

Mori Kogoro immediately sensed Haibara's uneasiness, and remembering Belmode's hatred for Haibara in the anime, he didn't want Xiao Ai to get too close to this Chris, so as not to cause another twists and turns after being discovered, he ordered Xiao Ai to Landau: "Xiao Lan, you and Xiao Ai go to the side to have a rest, Miss Chris and I have something to talk about."

Xiaolan couldn't help frowning and said angrily, "Father!"

"Good, be obedient."

In the end Xiaolan obediently held Huiyuan's hand and walked aside.

Chris looked at Xiaolan who was going away, and couldn't help but said to Kogoro Mouri: "Mr. Maori, your daughter is so beautiful!"

"Miss Chris is also very beautiful, but I don't know why Miss Chris didn't call me after the last visit." Mori Kogoro approached Chris, and put his big arms around her slender waist. , Sure enough, the skin is tight, it is true.

Chris's acting skills were brought into play immediately, her little face turned reddish, and she said awkwardly: "Mr. Maori, don't be like this. I already made Madam Maori angry last time, so naturally I don't dare to call to bother you again." .”

Mori Kogoro smiled charmingly, and said, "But I think Miss Chris is quite courageous, she even dared to appear in front of me!"

Belmode couldn't help but feel tense when he heard this. Could it be that he was seen through like this?Impossible, there is no problem with the disguise, but Belmode's pupils shrank for a while, and she felt a big fiery hand on her buttocks.

Mori Kogoro had a frivolous look on his face. His big hands along his delicate waist grabbed the round buttocks and rubbed them hard. This is also true.

"I'm very happy to accompany a friendly fan like Miss Chris!" Kogoro Mori leaned close to Belmode, and said slowly into his ear, "Miss Chris, maybe we can find a chance." Get together alone'."

Belmode heaved a sigh of relief. It turned out that he hadn't been seen through, but soon his brows frowned: This guy is so vile, he treats him like this in full view.

Belmode couldn't help but sneered in his heart. It's unbelievable that gin fell on him twice in a row for such an obsessive person.

Chris quickly broke away from Kogoro Mori's big hand, her face pretended to be slightly red, and she took two steps back: "Mr. Mori, of course we can get together alone if we have the opportunity. The process of solving the case! But not now, please forgive me first."

After saying that, Chris cast a wink at Kogoro Mori, then turned around and walked in another direction stepping on her high heels.

Kogoro Mori looked at Belmode's disappearing figure, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Is the purpose of this guy here just to test himself?What else does the dark organization need on this ship?

Chapter 0114: Tomoko Suzuki

"Detective Maori, what are you thinking?" An elegant female voice sounded from behind.

Kogoro Mori turned around, and it was Tomoko Suzuki who had just boarded the boat.

She looked at Kogoro Mori who turned around, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Wearing a handsome suit, Kogoro Mouri, who is frowning and pensive, is really charismatic. His black eyes are like vortexes, and people can't help but immerse themselves in them.

Tomoko Suzuki wanted to smooth the slight frown between Mori Kogoro's eyebrows with her own hands. She recalled her middle-aged husband who was fat and had a lot of hair loss. Looking at Mori Kogoro's demeanor, there was really no comparison between the two. Sex, the same middle-aged people, the gap can be described as worlds apart.

While Tomoko Suzuki was looking at Kogoro Mori, Kogoro Mori's gaze echoed on Tomoko Suzuki.

This Mrs. Suzuki maintains her figure very well. Wearing a purple tulle shawl, she still can't conceal her fair skin. She has an exquisite figure under a long dress and her legs are extremely slender, but Kogoro Moori dares to surprise her the most. It was the strong confidence and arrogance on her slightly upturned face.

The aura of a business queen can most arouse a man's sexual desire!

Combined with Sonoko's comments, this is a very elegant woman in front of her.

Suzuki Tomoko stretched out his hand: "Sure enough, it is the Maori detective that Sonoko talked about every day at home. Sonoko said that she must invite you to protect the dark stars. I finally knew why after seeing Mr. Maori, hehe~ "

Suzuki Tomoko laughed, and Mori Kogoro could hear a hint of doubt about his detective ability in this laughter, but he didn't mind much, beautiful women always have a little bit of preferential treatment.

Mori Kogoro held Tomoko Suzuki's black-gloved hand and smiled: "Sonko, this girl makes me a little distressed! But Mrs. Suzuki, this time entrusts me to guard the dark stars. There are a total of five hundred in the venue. There are so many dark stars, so many imitations, madam, you have to tell me where the dark stars are, right?"

Kogoro Mori pretended to be distressed, and Tomoko Suzuki kept his expression on the face when he saw this, and couldn't help but feel a little more disdain in her heart. She withdrew her hand and said proudly: "An imitation is an imitation after all. You can still see it if you observe carefully. Discover the difference."

"Mr. Maori is a detective! You should be able to find out, but I can give you a hint."

"This dark star, I have given it to a lady who is most suitable for her in the venue, and only that elegant lady is worthy of such a precious black pearl gem. Maori detectives can try to use it She finds out, but there is a reward!"

Suzuki Tomoko is quite proud of her design, she is confident that even Kaitou Kidd can't see through it.

"Ms. Suzuki, is it really okay to praise yourself like this?" Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows and looked at Tomoko Suzuki with a smile on his face.

"Ale?" Tomoko Suzuki was stunned when she heard this.

Mori Kogoro approached Suzuki Tomoko slowly, and said, "The dark star is a black pearl bought [-] years ago. The luster on the black pearl has a long life. No matter how hard you try to preserve it, the light of the black pearl will eventually fade away." fades away, so all the black pearls that were there shining brightly were imitations.”

"In addition, pearls are actually very afraid of acid corrosion, especially the oil in their hands, and there are very few people wearing gloves in the venue. It just so happens that Mrs. Suzuki is one of them." Mori Kogoro stood beside Tomoko Suzuki, reasoning The words hit Tomoko Suzuki's ears wrapped in warm breath.

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