Goosebumps arose on Tomoko Suzuki's neck. She was extremely shocked, but she didn't dare to show it in front of others. She fixed her eyes on Kogoro Mori, wanting to know how his head grew.

"Besides, pearls represent the moon and women. When Mrs. Suzuki said that the only lady who is suitable for it is present, I am afraid she meant that the lady wearing black pearls has the word moon in her name. It just so happens that Tomoko Suzuki has it in your name." Moon, so the elegant lady Madam spoke of is probably yourself!"

"Ms. Suzuki, I will deposit the reward first, and come to pick it up when I want it!"

Mouri Kogoro's gentle voice instantly broke Tomoko Suzuki's defenses. Her eyes were filled with shock, she opened her mouth but stopped, the original arrogance and confidence on her face disappeared at this moment, and she finally smiled.

"Mr. Maori's reasoning is really amazing. He actually saw through all my designs at a glance. I thought my plan was perfect, but I didn't expect there to be so many flaws."

"Why don't I give this dark star to others to wear!"

Mori Kogoro placed his hand on Suzuki Tomoko's shoulder, and said with a gentle smile: "Madam, there is no need to do this. Since I have taken over the commission, Madam can wear it with peace of mind, and I, Mori Kogoro, will guard it." Madame!"

Suzuki Tomoko heard the firm words in her ears, and the astonishing heat from her big hands on her shoulders, which caused waves of waves in her peaceful heart.

At this moment, the cruise ship departed from the port and started to sail. Kogoro Mori moved his hand away, and Tomoko Suzuki felt a little bit lost.

All the guests gathered in this venue, Mori Kogoro saw that Huiyuan was alone, he couldn't help frowning, and hurried forward: "Xiao Ai, where did Xiao Lan go?"

"She! I just said I'm going to the bathroom, but I haven't come back yet." Huiyuan looked calm, and then reached out to grab the hem of Mori Kogoro's suit, and stretched out two short hands, wanting to hug again .

Mori Kogoro picked up Huibara, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful. He was attracted by Chris just now, and he didn't see Xiaolan leaving alone.

If he hasn't come back for so long, he must have been stunned and transferred by Kidd. When he is caught, Kidd must give him a good lesson.

When Mori Kogoro was about to go out to look for Xiaolan with Huiyuan in his arms, Conan suddenly ran back and shouted to everyone: "That Kaitou Kidd has sneaked into the boat, the police just found Kaito Kidd in the toilet." Toku dressed up as Mr. Shiro Suzuki's props and costumes."

Conan continued: "Moreover, Police Officer Teaki called Mr. Shiro Suzuki just now, and he said that he didn't board the boat at all, but was stripped naked and knocked unconscious in the toilet at the pier."

Tomoko Suzuki couldn't help touching his forehead when he heard this, and looked speechless.

At this moment, Sonoko and Xiaolan came back together, their expressions were very normal, Mouri Kogoro's pupils immediately contracted, his eyes were echoing on Xiaolan, and he couldn't help but be amazed.

Sure enough, he deserves to be called the guy with the strongest camouflage ability in this world. This Kidd inherited Black Feather Robber One's Disguise and Voice Changing. I am afraid that these two skills have reached the master level, and he can't see anything at all. flaws.

At this moment, Officer Chamu stood on the high platform and shouted at the crowd.

It's that old routine where people design secret codes in pairs.

Chapter 0115

Huiyuan's big eyes lit up when he heard Officer Chamu's words, and he said, "Uncle Maori, let's match up a code too!"

Kogoro Mori naturally had no objection.

Huiyuan said, "Uncle Maury wants to talk about Humbert, so I'll talk about Dorothy Hayes."

Mori Kogoro stroked Haibara's brown hair, with a smile on his face: "Okay, just as you said, Dorothy Hayes."

Conan on the side immediately reacted when he heard the signal from Huiyuan, and couldn't help but look at Huiyuan in shock, this woman is like this.

Dorothy Hayes has another name, Lolita, and Humbert is Lolita's stepfather. Obviously, Haibara and Mori Kogoro have already revealed their intentions when they gave such a secret sign.

Conan looked at Huiyuan and couldn't help but shook his head. She really isn't a simple woman, she has too much taste!

He couldn't help but look at Mori Kogoro contemptuously: he can't even understand such a simple code, he really is a useless uncle.

Conan was about to make a secret sign with Xiaolan, but he saw Sonoko and Xiaolan whispering to each other. The two paired up and designed a secret sign. It's like throwing away.

But Conan quickly comforted himself. Anyway, he is a child, and Kaitou Kidd can't pretend to be a child. It doesn't matter if there is no password.

At this moment, the lights in the venue dimmed instantly, and the roars of Officer Chamu and Officer Nakamori rang out immediately, and spread through the radio: "What's going on, what happened in the electric room, why is the power suddenly cut off."

Before they could answer, a ray of light appeared on the wall in the venue, and the figure of Kaitou Kidd appeared on the wall. Everyone in the venue exclaimed. Mori Kogoro saw the calm expression on Suzuki Tomoko's face. Look, knowing that this is a magic trick, so I didn't pay much attention.

Mori Kogoro put Huibara down and told her to stay where she was, then took Xiaolan by the hand and walked outside.

Conan wanted to catch up with a look of surprise, but Kogoro Mori hammered out three big red envelopes, and directly hammered back into the venue: "Little ghost, I have something to say to Xiaolan, you have to follow, yes Not looking for a fight."

Mori Kogoro pulled 'Xiao Lan' out of the venue and walked towards the empty deck.

'Xiaolan' looked surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Father, why did you pull me out? Didn't you want to protect the dark stars? Why did you come out!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Bringing you out will naturally protect the dark stars."

Kogoro Moori looked at the face of 'Xiaolan', pinched it with his hands, and the skin was very smooth: "Wow, this material is really similar to a human face!"

"I didn't expect your disguise technique to be so brilliant. I couldn't see it at all. If I hadn't been prepared, I'm afraid you would really take advantage of it."

"Little guy, tell me quickly, where did you hide Xiaolan?"

"Father, I'm right here, what's wrong with you?" 'Xiao Lan' in front of her said angrily.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help shaking when he thought of Kaitou Kid standing in front of him.

Mori Kogoro walked around 'Xiaolan', and slowly said: "Are you still refusing to admit it? I knew your plan when you sent the dress before. It is indeed a good idea to pretend to be a woman , but there is always one unavoidable thing when a man pretends to be a woman, and that is—”

Mori Kogoro stretched out his big hand, along the gap of Xiaolan's collar, put his big hand in, and caught a soft ball: "Silicone!"

Feeling the big fiery hand on her chest, Xiaolan couldn't help opening her mouth slightly, her pupils contracted for a while, and her face turned red all of a sudden: "No, Dad, you can't be here, people will see you."

Mori Kogoro sensed the soft touch, and couldn't help rubbing his hands. He still looked like he couldn't believe it, and he put his other hand in and caught another ball. As expected, the touch was also soft. .

Obviously, it's not silicone, it's real!

Thinking of this, Maori Kogoro quickly pulled out his hand, looked at Xiaolan in front of him apologetically, and couldn't help laughing dryly: "Xiaolan, I'm sorry, just now I thought you were Kaitou Kidd in disguise, that's why you made a mistake." It looks like this, but it seems to be a mistake."

Little V immediately opened his mouth and said: Mission failed, [-] points will be deducted!

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