Xiaolan clasped her chest with both hands, her little face was red, her eyes were full of mist, and she said, "Dad is a big villain."

After saying that, Xiaolan hurriedly ran towards the venue, followed by Kogoro Mouri who also came back.

After returning to the venue, Xiaolan's expression quickly returned to normal. Conan glanced at the two of them and found nothing unusual, so he turned his gaze to the magic show above.

The performer is the famous young magician, Sanada Ichizo, who just played Kaitou Kidd and was shot and subdued by Suzuki Tomoko.

Yuanzi stood in front of him and drew out a card, with a look of shock on his face.

"I'm like Xisha, who was bewitched by the Queen of Egypt, and I came to you quietly—Kid the Kaidoo!"

Without Xiaolan, Kaitou Kidd's notification letter still appeared in front of everyone.

But just now Kogoro Moori went out for a while, and he didn't know what happened at all.

There was a smile on Conan's face, and the only person who had just come into contact with this deck was the magician Sanada Kazuo;

The young son of Mifune Group, Mifune Takuya;

Suzuki Ayako's fiancé, Tomizawa Yuzo, the youngest son of the Tomizawa Foundation;

And the four Suzuki Sonoko.

In other words, Kaito Kidd is definitely among the four.

Mori Kogoro didn't know the situation, so he could only stay by Suzuki Tomoko's side. Anyway, no matter how Kaito Kidd disguised himself, as long as he wanted to steal the stars in the dark night, he would definitely get close to Suzuki Tomoko and capture him in one fell swoop. Then there is no problem.

At this time, the lights in the hall disappeared again, and the venue was once again plunged into darkness.

Officer Chamu immediately called out: "Ma'am, are you doing any shows again?"

Tomoko Suzuki replied: "No!"

Officer Chamu immediately became furious: "Dianfang, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

The staff in the electric room immediately replied: "The circuit leading to the venue has been damaged and needs to be checked. We are organizing staff to repair it. It will take a few minutes to call."

Police officer Chamu immediately shouted: "Everyone, don't be nervous, the power will be restored soon, and stand with the people who formed the original group quickly, and confirm the code."

As soon as Officer Chagi finished speaking, Mori Kogoro felt a sound of breaking wind in the darkness attacking Suzuki Tomoko's chest, and he quickly stretched out his right hand to block it.

But pushed by this hand, Mori Kogoro put his right hand on Suzuki Tomoko's chest.

Suzuki Tomoko suddenly exclaimed and was about to scream.

Kogoro Mori quickly explained in a low voice that it was him, and Tomoko Suzuki stopped shouting.

Chapter 0116 The Business Queen in the Darkness

In the darkness, the little hand that wanted to steal the dark stars shrank back, and that figure disappeared into the darkness extremely quickly.

Mori Kogoro could only vaguely judge the direction of his retreat, but he dared not go up, lest he be diverted away from the mountain, so Mori Kogoro guarded Suzuki Tomoko's side.

But Tomoko Suzuki didn't notice any abnormality, she sensed her big hand on her chest, two blushes immediately appeared on her cheeks, the look in her eyes became extremely cold, and she scolded Mori Kogoro behind her: "Maori-kun, what are you doing now? I didn't expect you to do such a rude thing!"

Mori Kogoro quietly approached this mature beautiful woman, his gentle and magnetic voice fell on Suzuki Tomoko's earlobe with fiery breath.

"In the darkness just now, someone reached out to Madam's chest, trying to snatch the dark stars. I only heard the voice. I'm really sorry, ma'am, but to protect Madam and the darkness on Madam's chest. Xingchen, even if it is the most impolite thing, I must do it."

Suzuki Tomoko's face suddenly showed panic when he heard this, and he couldn't help asking: "Mori-kun, where is the dark star? Did the Kaitou Kidd succeed?"

The man's hand was blocked by Mori Kogoro in the darkness just now, so naturally he failed, but the words cannot be said that way.

A smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face: "Ma'am, I can't see clearly in the dark, please let me confirm the dark stars again!"

After all, Kogoro Mori also stuck out his left hand, and Kogoro Mori pretended to be trying hard to find the appearance of the dark star worn by Tomoko Suzuki.

Sensing Kogoro Mori's fiery palm on his chest, Tomoko Suzuki, who was stimulated by this, was immediately upset, and fell backwards into Kogoro Mori's arms.

"Madam, I seem to have found it. Are you all right?" Kogoro Mori pretended to be relieved after a lot of searching, and said gently to Tomoko Suzuki in his arms.

Tomoko Suzuki fell into Kogoro Mori's fiery arms. In the darkness, she looked up at the silhouette of Kogoro Mori, and said, "Mori-kun, you are so rude."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, it's unavoidable, I think you should forgive me!" Mori Kogoro smiled gently.

Tomoko Suzuki couldn't help but cast a blank look at Kogoro Mori, and said, "Since there is a reason for the incident, let's forget it this time!"

But she didn't intend to break free from Kogoro Mori's embrace, just as Kogoro Mori enjoyed the excitement in the darkness, Tomoko Suzuki also enjoyed the beauty of the moment.

Kogoro Mouri smiled, and a magnetic voice came out: "Madam, I can't just let it go, I still want to ask Madam for the reward that was deposited with you!"

As soon as the words fell, Mori Kogoro looked at the light purple lips in the darkness, and kissed them in one breath.

Tomoko Suzuki's pupils searched continuously, and her heart beat faster and faster. She looked at the silhouette of Kogoro Mori, and mist gradually appeared in her eyes.


A woman wearing night vision goggles in the distance looked at the scene of Mori Kogoro and Suzuki Tomoko hugging each other in the distance, a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she shook her head in disappointment.

Sure enough, this big detective is a womanizer through and through. Obviously this is his weakness. It's unbelievable that such a character, Gin Jiu, would be planted twice in his hands!

She gently took off the night vision goggles with a handkerchief. The big water green eyes seemed to have light in the darkness. Her movements were extremely elegant, and she threw the night vision goggles under the table, while she retreated slowly. , like a night elf, moved freely through the crowd, and soon disappeared without a trace.


The kiss was as long as three minutes. When Mori Kogoro's mouth left Suzuki Tomoko's mouth, Suzuki Tomoko's head was still up!

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