If it hadn't been for the darkness, this scene would have been the headline of tonight's business newspaper if it was filmed.

Suddenly, the lights came on, and the two separated immediately. The cut circuit was finally repaired. Yuanzi and Xiaolan walked over. Yuanzi looked at his mother with a blushing face, and Mori Kogoro beside him, feeling a little strange , quickly asked: "Mom, are you okay?"

There was an unnatural smile on Suzuki Tomoko's face, but his expression soon returned to calm, and he returned to his self-confidence, and said proudly: "Of course I'm fine, with the protection of Maori detective, there is nothing that Kaitou Kidd can do. Let's do it."

At this moment, dark stars rolled out of the ground. Just as everyone was surprised, the dark stars exploded by themselves, and thick smoke appeared in the venue with flashes of light.

There was immediate chaos at the meeting place, these celebrities were very greedy for life and fear of death, they all shouted after seeing this scene: "This thing will explode, who would wear it!"

They threw down all the dark stars in their chests, then rushed out, quickly fleeing the exploding party venue.

Dozens of people rushed into the gate of the meeting place, and the few policemen guarding the gate couldn't resist at all. Soon, this group of people broke through the gate and escaped.

A group of people rushed over from behind Kogoro Mouri, and were about to hit Tomoko Suzuki, Xiaolan and the others, Kogoro Moori took the lead, and stopped in front of the three girls, stopping all the rushing people with one hand, Mori Kogoro was like an iron wall, blocking the eight or nine adult men who rushed over.

Seeing this scene, Tomoko Suzuki couldn't help but see a gleam of light in her eyes. She looked at Mori Kogoro with more praise in her eyes, and she was indeed a reliable knight.

At this moment, Yuzo Tomizawa, the fiancé of Tomoko Suzuki's eldest daughter, also ran over and approached Tomoko Suzuki, asking, "Auntie, are you okay?"

Tomoko Suzuki waved his hand and said, "I'm fine, go and see if Mr. Mori was injured!"

At this moment, Yuzo Tomizawa suddenly found that the dark star worn by Tomoko Suzuki was gone, and asked, "Auntie, where is your dark star?"

"Isn't it still there?" Tomoko Suzuki lowered his head, seeing that the dark star hanging on his chest had disappeared, he couldn't help screaming.

"My dark star!!!"

Mori Kogoro turned around, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Conan is even more smiling, I found you, and finally Kaitou Kidd!

At this time, Police Officer Nakamori shouted repeatedly: "Kaitou Kidd must be among the group of people who just escaped, and all the policemen chased me out."

After saying that, he led the crowd and rushed out.

Seeing this scene, Conan hurried forward. He pulled Suzuki Sonoko's sleeve and said, "Sister Sonoko, don't you want to see Kaitou Kidd? Let's go, let's go and see Kidd being killed with our own eyes." The arrest scene, it's going to be fun!"

Suzuki Sonoko was about to refuse, but a gleam flashed in Conan's eyes: "I already know where Kaitou Kid is!"

Conan pulled Suzuki Sonoko and ran out of the venue. Xiaolan couldn't help being surprised when she saw this scene. When did Conan and Sonoko get so close.

And Kogoro Mori looked at the two people who were going away, a smile flashed across his face, but he didn't catch up.

Chapter 0117

Conan led Yuanzi and ran out of the venue, because the police were chasing the high-class people who just ran out, so no one stopped at the door.

The two of them came to the engine room of the cabin.At this moment, Conan looked confident, stepping on a football that appeared out of nowhere, and the football kept kicking the wall and bouncing back.

Sonoko looked puzzled, and asked, "Conan, what did you bring me here for? This is the computer room! Didn't you say to take me to see Kidd? Really, children can't lie, I won't accompany you crazy!"

"Sister Sonoko, do you know the meaning of gems? In fact, that dark star has always been worn on your mother's chest." Conan told the reasoning about pearls, which was exactly the same as that of Mori Kogoro.

After hearing this, Yuanzi couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Oh, so that's true, and my mother is also true, and she didn't even tell me."

Conan put the football on his head, and continued to speak: "And the principle of the notification letter from Kidd that you took out from your hand is even simpler, that is, when the magician Sanada Yizo changed into a pigeon, everyone All eyes were attracted, you secretly put the poker card with Kidd's notification letter back into the deck, or else you would have used your magician-like technique to instantly switch the cards, and finally, in front of everyone Expand, your purpose of doing this is to shake the hearts of the guests at the venue."

"Because there are only four people who touched that deck of cards, namely Kazuzo Sanada, Takuya Mifune, Yuzo Tomizawa and Sister Sonoko, you four, which means that Kidd must be among the four of you." Conan's eyes flashed clean.

"Afterwards, there was an explosion of a black pearl imitation in the venue. Among the four people, only you approached Madam Tomoko Suzuki. When Uncle Maori blocked the rushing guests and everyone's attention was diverted, you You stole the dark stars, right? Sister Sonoko, oh, no, Mr. Kidd!"

Conan only felt that his reasoning was perfect, and his appearance was even more handsome at this moment. He was about to turn around to admire the panicked Kaitou Kidd. Suddenly, three bursting chestnuts fell from the sky, and three big red envelopes appeared on Conan's head immediately.

Yuanzi's face was burning with anger, and the Hedong lion roared: "It's been so long, you think I'm Kaitou Kidd, it's really unreasonable to waste my time, Conan, I will teach you a lesson."

The violent Sonoko started chasing and killing Conan, and Conan ran away in the electric room in a daze, shouting: "Don't, don't hit me!"

Conan still couldn't believe it: "Sister Sonoko, aren't you really Kidd pretending to be you? Impossible, how could my reasoning be wrong!"

Sonoko picked up a broom from nowhere, chased after Conan's buttocks and beat him: "You are Kidd's fake, how can an invincible young and beautiful girl like me be a fake!"

For a while, chickens and dogs jumped in the electric room.


In the venue, Mori Kogoro touched the dark star wrapped in a handkerchief in his pocket, and couldn't help praying for Conan who had gone away.

When the lights were dimmed just now, Kogoro Mori sensed that the hand he was resisting was a woman's hand, and he suspected that the second power outage was not caused by Kidd, but by Belmode, and it was just Mori Kogoro. Goro didn't know why Belmode wanted to steal the dark star.

Before the lights came back on, Mori Kogoro had an idea and used a handkerchief to remove the dark star from the chest of the confused Tomoko Suzuki and put it in his pocket.

Anyway, the goal of this strange thief Kidd is the dark star, so let's watch and steal it first, let's see how this strange thief Kidd steals the dark star from himself.

It's just that Conan misunderstood because of this, thinking that Kidd had done it, he dragged Suzuki Sonoko and ran out.

Kogoro Mori looked at Tomoko Suzuki who was collapsed on the ground with a lost face, and couldn't help feeling a little more guilty in his heart.

Seeing Kogoro Mori, Tomoko Suzuki got up and grabbed Kogoro Mori's arm, and said, "Detective Mori, you have such strong reasoning skills, you must help me. The dark star is a treasure handed down from my Suzuki family, so don't lose it." Please help me find the dark star, as long as you can help me find the dark star, Maori-kun, I can promise you anything you want."

Kogoro Mori reached out and patted Tomoko Suzuki on the shoulder, comfortingly said: "Madam, don't worry, I will definitely bring back this dark star."

At this time, the butler looked at Tomoko Suzuki with an ugly face, and couldn't help but said: "Madam, why don't you go back to the room and rest first, and leave the matter here to the Maori detectives and the police!"

Tomoko Suzuki couldn't help frowning, and sighed: "Alright!" The two went to the VIP room at the back of the luxury cruise ship.

Kogoro Mori began to look left and right, but he couldn't find Chris in the venue, and this guy disappeared without a trace.

Xiaolan looked at Tomoko Suzuki who was going away, and couldn't help but wondered: "Father, although the dark stars are very precious, they shouldn't be a big deal to the Suzuki family. How could Auntie Tomoko be like this?"

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