Hearing this, Suzuki Ayako's fiancé, Tomizawa Yuzo, explained: "Because this dark star is of great significance to the Suzuki family. Sixty years ago, the Suzuki family was very poor. At that time, under the guidance of a witch, I went to a small fishing village and bought this dark star there."

"Since then, the Suzuki family who returned to Neon began to rise. No matter what business they do, they can succeed. Today, they have become the largest consortium of Neon. They all believe that it is because this dark star has a mysterious power. Magic power, so this black pearl is the most important treasure of the Suzuki family, and the Suzuki family regards it as a treasure handed down from generation to generation."

"It's just that the Suzuki family didn't even want to exhibit it in the last rice flower museum exhibition. Auntie must be uncomfortable losing this dark star this time. Sigh, I didn't expect Kidd to be so powerful."

Tomizawa Yuzo looked at everyone looking at him, touched his head and laughed: "I also heard this from Ayako!"

Tomizawa Yuzo walked up to Mori Kogoro, bowed respectfully and said, "Mr. Mori, if you can help find this dark star, then Ayako and I will be very grateful."

After hearing this, Xiaolan couldn't help opening her mouth in surprise: "I didn't expect this dark star to be so magical, Dad, you must help Yuanzi and the others!"

"Of course there is no problem!" Mori Kogoro seemed to have thought of something, with a rather strange smile on his face.

At this time, the magicians Kazuzo Sanada and Takumi Mifune also came over, and the two also approached Mori Kogoro.

Sanada Kazan said, "I never thought that the Kaitou Kidd is so powerful, with so many dark stars, he actually found the real thing."

Takumi Mifune also sneered: "Of course this international thief is a character that should not be underestimated. Didn't you see that police officer Nakamori?"

Takuya Mifune glanced at Police Officer Nakamori who walked in from the outside, and smiled: "That guy, he has hunted Kaitou Kidd for eighteen years, but he has found nothing!"

Chapter 0118 Gem theft?

At this time, Officer Nakamori and Officer Chamu walked in, both of them looked like they had nothing to gain.

Officer Teaki walked towards Mori Kogoro, and said, "The [-] or more people who rushed out just now have been identified, and they are all participants of this party. There is no Kaitou Kidd in them. In this venue."

Police officer Chamu couldn't help but glared at Ginzo Mori. This time, Ginzo Nakamori will definitely have a lot of complaints when he goes back. Just now, Ginzo Nakamori kept pinching the faces of more than [-] high-class people outside to determine whether there was Kidd who was murdered by Kaitou Kidd. pretended.

A police officer said: "Officer Chamu, besides you, there was a girl and a child who ran out just now. Could there be Kaitou Kidd here?"

At this time Sonoko's voice sounded, and she dragged Conan back to the venue with a bruised nose and swollen face: "Nonsense, I'm not Kaitou Kidd, I was completely tricked by Conan when I went out, this little devil thought I was Kaitou Kidd Forget it, you policemen also thought I was Kaitou Kidd, it was simply inexplicable, but I am the youngest daughter of the Suzuki family!"

Yuanzi's face was full of anger, and he looked extremely difficult to provoke at the moment.

There were three big red envelopes on Conan's head, one hand kept covering his buttocks, his dead fish eyes kept staring at Suzuki Sonoko: Damn Baba, you wait for me!

The experience in the electric room was simply horrible. Conan never thought that one day he would be stripped of his pants by Sonoko and spanked with a broom. This is simply the most humiliating experience in his life. A scrubbing bath is completely inferior to this one.

Officer Chamu saw that the person who came was the daughter of the Suzuki family, so he didn't pursue it any further. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Kogoro Mouri with an expectant look on his face: "Brother Maori, you have been by Mrs. Suzuki just now, did you notice anyone approaching?" Mrs. Suzuki, maybe there is someone Kidd pretending to be in here."

Ginzo Nakamori on the side said disdainfully: "How could this guy notice this, Officer Chamu, you are asking the wrong person completely."

When working in the Metropolitan Police Department, Nakamori Ginzo and Mori Kogoro were not easy to deal with. They have completely different personalities. Mori Kogoro was relatively lazy when he was a policeman, while Nakamori Ginzo was very focused on his work.

The original impression is here, he naturally doesn't believe Kogoro Mori's reasoning.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly, and said, "Sorry, I just found out where Kaitou Kidd is?"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and Yuanzi's eyes were filled with urgency, and he quickly said, "Uncle Maori, tell me quickly, where is Kaitou Kidd?"

The theft of the dark stars also made Yuanzi extremely anxious, so after being "teasing" by Conan, Yuanzi would act so radically.

But Ginzo Nakamori, who was disdainful just now, immediately changed his face, and looked at Kogoro Mori eagerly.

Mori Kogoro said: "Mr. Kidd, do you know that the more you talk, the more mistakes you make? You like to show off too much in front of others. To be a thief, you have to dress like a clown. You are obviously a thief. But whitewashing yourself as an artist, and even showing off your knowledge when pretending, I think this should be your shortcoming."

"I really don't understand that such a guy has been arrested for eighteen years and still has nothing!" Mori Kogoro glanced at Nakamori Ginzo disdainfully, and Nakamori Ginzo ignored Mori Kogoro's ridicule, and quickly said: "Then tell me, who exactly is Kidd?"

Mori Kogoro looked at Tomizawa Yuzo, whose face changed drastically, and smiled: "Are you still refusing to reveal your real body? Tomizawa Yuzo, no, you should be called Kid."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help turning their heads to look at the son-in-law of the Suzuki family, Tomizawa Yuzo.

"Don't you think it's strange? Today is the [-]th anniversary of the Suzuki Foundation. Miss Ayako didn't show up, but his fiancé showed up instead. I'm afraid that when you were pretending to be Miss Ayako's fiancé, Kidd, the two of you happened to be together. In desperation, you can only choose to knock them both out, and it is easier to pretend to be a man than a woman, so you boarded the ship as Yuzo Tomizawa."

"As for knocking Mr. Suzuki Shiro unconscious, and putting disguise props in the toilet, that's just suspicion."

"However, the last mistake you should make is to explain how precious this dark star is in front of me. Although the Suzuki consortium and the Tomize consortium are married, they are actually competing. If the Suzuki family believes that this dark star has a special Miss Ayako will never tell you about the magical power, and Tomizawa Yuzo is the last person who should know about this matter. I am afraid that only Kaitou Kidd, who is good at collecting information, will be so clear about this matter."

"And when you bowed to me, the movement of your right hand to my pocket is really a bit big, Mr. Kidd, is there anything else to explain?" Mori Kogoro was shining with wisdom at the moment, everyone heard this After reasoning, I couldn't help but cast my eyes on Tomizawa Yuzo...

I saw the third son of the Fuze family clapping his hands, and his voice immediately changed into a clear male voice: "As expected, you are worthy of being a great detective Maori. I really underestimated you this time. I didn't expect that such a small flaw would be covered. You got it."

Tomizawa Yuzo lifted up the tablecloth on the table beside him, and immediately changed his costume. A guy wearing a white suit, a white cape, a monocle on his right eye, and a tall hat appeared. It was Kaitou Kidd .

The magician Sanada Kazuo couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene, even he couldn't see any flaws in this cross-dressing ability.

Ginzo Nakamori at the side couldn't help being excited when he saw Kaitou Kidd, and shouted: "I finally caught you, Kaitou Kidd."

He quickly flew forward.

Seeing the flash bomb suddenly dropped from his hand, Mori Kogoro reacted very quickly, quickly hugged Xiaolan Huiyuan, covered Xiaolan's and Huiyuan's eyes with both hands, and closed his own eyes.

The rest of the people screamed again and again. The power of the flash bomb was so powerful that everyone's eyes were stinging.

Ginzo Nakamori threw himself on the pigeons regardless of tears streaming down his face, but only a flock of pigeons landed on him.

Kaitou Kidd has appeared on the three-meter-high wall at this moment, with a closed window beside him, with a frivolous smile on his face: "Detective Maori, I will take the dark star away."

After finishing speaking, he pushed the glass on the window with one hand, and he had cut a big hole in the window in advance, and the Kaitou Kidd got out, and it was on the deck.

Nakamori Ginzo quickly called the walkie-talkie, and let the helicopter that had been hovering in the sky catch Kaitou Kidd.

With a relaxed expression on his face, Kidd took out the white hang glider from the shadow of the deck, and the hang glider flew out in an instant, and the helicopter entrenched in the sky immediately chased after it.

But in the end, there was only a dummy hanging on the white hang glider that the helicopter chased. As for the Kaitou Kidd, he disappeared without a trace on the cruise ship.

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