In the room where Tomoko Suzuki was resting, the old butler came over to inform the venue of what happened: "The Maori detective found Kidd out, but the dark star was still stolen by Kidd."

Hearing this, Tomoko Suzuki couldn't help but sighed, and the old butler withdrew.

Soon, the door was pushed open again...

Chapter 0119 Cruise Ships

Suzuki Tomoko, who had just been woken up by the old housekeeper, was lying on the bed with a look of melancholy and anxiety. When she thought of the dark star being stolen from her hands, her mood became extremely bad.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a handsome man in a white suit walked in. This was Kogoro Mori.

Hearing the sound, Tomoko Suzuki got up quickly, and the quilt slid down, revealing her fair shoulders.

When she saw that it was Kogoro Mori, she forced a wry smile on her delicate face: "It turned out to be Detective Mori. I've heard from the butler just now. Detective Mori has worked hard. Out of the Phantom Thief Kidd."

Mori Kogoro walked slowly to Tomoko Suzuki's bed, and asked with concern, "Is Madam feeling better? I was very worried when I saw Madam's face just now."

"It's okay, I'm sick, it's just a little dizzy." Tomoko Suzuki gently rubbed his temples with his fingertips. Under the light, he looked like a contemplative beauty. The white shoulders and jade neck exposed outside the quilt looked like a white swan. Elegant and charming.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking: "Is that dark star so important?"

Suzuki Tomoko raised his eyes, the purple eye shadow seemed to be shining with a sliver of light, and smiled: "Now that the dark star is stolen, there is no need to hide it from the Maori detective. It can be said that most of the success of my Suzuki family is due to this star." Dark Star, this black pearl does have a very wonderful magical power."

"After my grandfather got this gem, he started from scratch as a poor boy, and built a big business in Tokyo. The journey was smooth and smooth, and there were noble people to help everywhere."

"It's strange to say that this dark star was stolen once forty years ago. During that time, my Suzuki family was blocked everywhere, and many properties in the family went bankrupt. My grandfather also passed away at that time. Fortunately, the dark star Later, it was returned to our hands, and this is where the Suzuki consortium is today."

Tomoko Suzuki turned to look at Mori Kogoro, and said earnestly: "If Mori Detective can catch Kidd and take back the dark star for my Suzuki family, no matter what Mori Detective you want, we can satisfy it!"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Can you satisfy all the requirements Madam said?"


After hearing the answer, Kogoro Mori took out a handkerchief from his pocket, Tomoko Suzuki's eyes lit up immediately, Kogoro Mori slowly opened the handkerchief, and a dark and irrelevant black pearl appeared in his hand , Mori Kogoro smiled: "Fortunately, my life is not disgraceful, madam, I have taken back the dark star."

Tomoko Suzuki recognized the real product at a glance, and every tiny trace on the dark star has already been deeply imprinted in Tomoko Suzuki's mind. A smile immediately appeared on her pretty face, and she jumped out of bed with joy Standing up, he reached out and grabbed the dark star.

Mori Kogoro took a step back and raised the dark star.

Tomoko Suzuki, who lost his center of gravity, immediately threw himself into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and the two lumps of softness just touched Kogoro Mouri's chest.

Suzuki Tomoko looked anxious, what kind of business queen is she at this moment? She is clearly a little girl who wants to eat candy but can't get it. stars.

The two lumps of softness hit Kogoro Mori's chest back and forth, and Kogoro Mori looked at Tomoko Suzuki's delicate face in front of him, and couldn't help being sexually aroused.

Tomoko Suzuki jumped up several times, but in the end he couldn't reach the dark star in Kogoro Mori's hand, so he stopped, looked at Kogoro Mori's playful smile, and his face gradually cooled down: "Detective Mori, what are you doing?" ?”

Mori Kogoro smiled, held the dark star in one hand, and put his arms around Tomoko Suzuki's slender waist with the other without hesitation, and said, "Ma'am, my request has not been fulfilled yet! So the dark star cannot be given to you right now." You!"

Tomoko Suzuki's face became colder, and his evaluation of Kogoro Mori couldn't help being lowered in his heart, and he opened his mouth slightly: "Mr. Tomo, if you fight against my Suzuki family, I'm afraid it will not be good for you, Mr. Mori!"

At this moment, Tomoko Suzuki has regained the aura of the business queen, and is trying to intimidate Kogoro Mori to take back the dark stars.

It was this confident and haughty look that really moved Mori Kogoro's heart. With a pull of his left hand, Tomoko Suzuki pressed against his chest, and said domineeringly, "I don't need your Suzuki family to do anything. I only need you. lady!"

Tomoko Suzuki's expression changed drastically upon hearing this, and she couldn't help struggling.

Mori Kogoro directly kissed Suzuki Tomoko's small mouth covered in purple lipstick, and threw the incomparably precious dark star with his right hand, and it fell directly on the bed, while the left hand on Suzuki Tomoko's waist followed the curve to scare , Grabbing directly to the raised buttocks.

The free right hand reached towards Tomoko Suzuki's thigh, and the silky touch of the purple stockings made people love it.

Tomoko Suzuki seemed to be recalling the scene in the dark before, the familiar masculine breath penetrated into Tomoko Suzuki's nostrils continuously, looking at the handsome man in front of him, especially his pair of extremely deep eyes, Tomoko Suzuki put his hands together resistance is getting smaller and smaller.

Her heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and a blush that she hadn't seen in many years appeared on her delicate face, but Tomoko Suzuki still had some clarity in her mind, she tried her best to free her head, and softly scolded: "Mori-kun, Stop, I have a husband, and my daughter admires you, how can you do such a thing?"

A smile appeared on Maori Kogoro's face: "Madam, you can ask for anything. Now that I have found the dark stars, Madam is planning to break her promise?"

Tomoko Suzuki's face flushed anxiously: "I can ask for anything, but this is not included, Mori-kun, please let me go!"

"How is it possible, I caught such an elegant woman like Madam, but I couldn't let go of it. After all, from the first time I saw Madam, Madam immediately took all my thoughts." Mao Li Xiaogoro's explicit words The fiery breath reached Tomoko Suzuki's ears, and immediately made half of his body soft.

Suzuki Tomoko's heart trembled, and the clarity in her eyes gradually disappeared.

Mori Kogoro gave another indulgent kiss, which instantly shattered all his defenses, and he was no longer able to resist.

With a sound of tearing, Kogoro Mori tore a hole in the exquisite purple stockings, revealing her fair skin under the light.

Mori Kogoro threw Suzuki Tomoko onto the bed, and then followed suit. Not long after, a familiar melody sounded in the room.

(A lot of text is omitted here.)

At this moment in the dark water, a Kidd wearing a black diving suit reappeared on the surface of the sea. He looked at the cruise ship in the distance with a disdainful smile on his face.

Kidd took out the dark star he had stolen from Mori Kogoro's arms, uncovered the handkerchief on it, and the smile on his face froze immediately.

Chapter 0120 Suzuki Father and Daughter Strike

Kidd looked at the dark star shining brightly in his hand, which was clearly a fake.

It was only then that he realized that it was no wonder that Kogoro Mori didn't stop him from leaving at all. It turned out that he had taken precautions. When he stole it, he didn't have time to confirm the authenticity of the dark star wrapped in a handkerchief.

Kidd couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and threw the counterfeit into the sea with all his might: "Damn it, it's been thrown out. Detective Maori, you really belonged to me. Next time I must win it back!"

Kidd turned his head and looked at the land about [-] kilometers away, his face turned bitter, and a cry of grief and indignation came from the sea: "Next time I must win it back!"

In the hall of the Ilibes, it can be said to be gloomy, especially the police officer Nakamori, this time the Kaitou Kidd had already appeared in front of him, but he still escaped, squatting in the corner by himself, rubbing Rubbing his hair with a look of remorse.

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