With the loss of the dark stars, Yuanzi's complexion became extremely ugly, without the livelyness of the past, Xiaolan comforted Yuanzi, but it still had no effect.

Hui Principle blinked her big eyes, and kept patrolling the venue. She was looking for Kogoro Mori, but she couldn't find it.

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Conan, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face. Conan still couldn't figure out why his reasoning went wrong. That Yuzo Tomizawa had never had contact with Tomoko Suzuki!

Huiyuan's cold voice came out: "Hey, 'Big' Detective, have you seen Uncle Maori?"

"I don't know, maybe that guy went somewhere to have fun with some beautiful woman again, yes, the American actress I met today is very beautiful, maybe she went on a date with Uncle Maori." Conan casually said Dao, but found that Hui Yuan's face became more and more ugly.

Conan turned around involuntarily: "Haihara, you don't like Uncle Mouri, do you?"

"Cut!" Huiyuan sneered back.

"Lolita and Humbert, I've seen the famous "Lolita", how can you hide your thoughts from me, but the age gap between you and Uncle Maori is too big, look at your current appearance , There is a thirty-year difference between you and Uncle Maori, even if you develop the antidote, there will be a twenty-year difference between the two of you, you have to think about it!" Conan's expression became very serious, he didn't want to After marrying Xiaolan in the future, she will call Huiyuan her mother!

If Xiaolan knew about Conan's idea, Xiaolan would definitely say that he was thinking too much.

"Just take care of yourself!" Huiyuan's face became more and more cold, she turned around and looked in other directions.

At this time, Yuanzi suddenly remembered her mother who had gone back to her room to rest, so she stood up and walked to the VIP lounge in the cabin alone.

In the room at the moment, Mori Kogoro and Suzuki Tomoko were in constant battle, and the wooden bed kept making teeth-stinging sounds.

Yuanzi walked outside the lounge alone, knocked on the door, and asked, "Mom, is your headache better?"

Tomoko Suzuki, who was in Kogoro Mori's arms, immediately changed his face when he heard this, and couldn't help being frightened, and his body trembled constantly because of it.

Yuanzi opened the door and walked into the room. She seemed to smell a strange smell, but she didn't know what it was. Looking at the messy quilt, the dresses and stockings scattered on the bed, she couldn't help but frowned: "What the hell is that?" What's the matter? You're so messy in this lounge, where are you going, mother."

In the closet, Tomoko Suzuki heard the movement outside, with mist in his eyes, and looked at Kogoro Mori begging for mercy, but Kogoro Mori had no scruples.

She couldn't help biting her wrist, not letting herself make any sound.

Sonoko went around, but still couldn't find Tomoko Suzuki, so he went out.

As soon as she left, the rhythmic rhythm sounded again in the closet of the room.

At this moment, the captain's voice sounded on the ship's radio: "Dear guests, this voyage is about to end in half an hour. In half an hour, we are about to resist Tokyo Bay. All guests, please get off the ship." Prepare."

This half hour was extremely difficult for Suzuki Tomoko, she never imagined that there would be such a brave and diligent man among men like Mori Kogoro.

With the continuous practice of Kogoro Mori's channeling technique, he has already been able to completely control himself at this moment.Reached the realm of 'come and go freely'.

Half an hour later, the Ilibes finally stopped, and Shiro Suzuki, who had been waiting in Tokyo Bay, boarded the ship immediately.

It only takes [-] or [-] minutes to go from Yokohama to Tokyo by Shinkansen, but it took almost three hours for the Ilibes to set off from Yokohama Port to resist Tokyo Bay. Show off the cruise party just held on the newly bought Ilibes.

Suzuki Shiro had received a call from the steward a long time ago, saying that the dark stars had been stolen by the phantom thief Kidd. He was frothing anxiously on the shore, and as soon as he boarded the ship, he saw the old steward waiting by his side.

Suzuki Shiro hurriedly asked, "Where's Madam?"

The white-haired old butler replied: "Madam suffered from a headache again due to the theft of the dark stars, and is currently resting in the VIP room."

"Take me to see her!"

Suzuki Shiro, led by the old butler, came to the door of the VIP lounge.

He pushed the door open and went in, shouting, "Friends!"

As the door opened, the sound in the closet also stopped.

When Tomoko Suzuki heard her husband's voice outside, her delicate and pretty face suddenly paled, and she looked terrified.

This matter was found out by Yuanzi, and there was still room for maneuver. If he tried hard to plead, according to Yuanzi's temperament, he would still help to conceal this matter.

But if her husband finds out about this matter, Tomoko Suzuki will not know how to deal with it at all. Looking at Kogoro Mori in front of her, she can't help feeling bitter: This enemy is sent by heaven to torture her right?



Suzuki Shiro's voice fluctuated from far to near, and Tomoko Suzuki's heart fluttered. She looked at the switch of the cabinet with fear on her face, for fear that the cabinet would be opened suddenly.

However, this time also brought a different kind of stimulation to Tomoko Suzuki, the feeling of adultery reverberated in her heart, Suzuki Shiro had completely died more than ten years ago, she thought of her body that had not been watered for a long time, After being a widow for so many years, I couldn't help but feel a little bit of indescribable confidence in my heart.

Fortunately, after more than half an hour, the smell in the room had already dissipated, and Suzuki Shiro naturally didn't notice anything unusual.

"Butler, didn't you say that Tomoko is here? Why is it missing!"

The old butler couldn't help frowning, and said: "Maybe the boat stopped, so Madam got up and went back to the hall, master, why don't we go to the hall to look for it."

Suzuki Shiro nodded, and walked out with the old housekeeper.

Tomoko Suzuki in the closet heard her husband and the housekeeper go out, so she no longer had any scruples. Instead, she reached out and hugged Kogoro Mori, taking the initiative.

Chapter 0121 once again famous

The red carpet avenue in Tokyo Bay is full of onlookers and reporters. The first voyage of the Ilibes was successfully completed, and there was also a strange thief Kidd who stole the night stars on this cruise ship. The reporters who got such great news Like a shark smelling blood, it was waiting on the shore early.

At this time, guests in high-end dresses came down from the cruise ship.

Xiaolan led Huiyuan and got off the boat, and she couldn't help frowning: "Father is too serious, he didn't show up after landing, where did he go?"

Haibara's small face was also quite ugly. She searched for Kogoro Mori on the cruise ship for half an hour, but she couldn't find him at all.

Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Sonoko were also waiting anxiously on the shore, but they did not meet Suzuki Tomoko.

Soon, two figures appeared on the cruise ship, the personable Kogoro Mori and the noble and elegant Tomoko Suzuki. Tomoko Suzuki held Kogoro Mori's arm, and the two stepped down gracefully.

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