Hearing that Kogoro Mori was alone outside, Reiko Kujo's face flushed slightly.

But there was no other way, so she could only speak softly: "Mr. Mao Li, can you go into my room and help me get the pajamas from the cabinet?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Of course."

After saying that, Kogoro Mori turned and walked towards Reiko Kujo's bedroom. There was indeed a dark blue pajamas on the cabinet.

But this is too conservative. Long-sleeved tops and trousers are really nothing to look at.

On the other hand, the underwear underneath is of black lace type, which is quite big!

Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect Reiko to be so good at hiding!

But it's true, who made her wear an old-fashioned black suit all day long, tightly wrapped, so that she naturally doesn't show her figure.

Mori Kogoro picked up the clothes, put them down again, then returned to the bathroom door, and said again: "Reiko, you can open the door now."

At this moment, Kogoro Mori is no different from a big bad wolf.

Reiko in the bathroom didn't suspect him, so she unlocked the bathroom door.

The sliding door opened a gap, and a small white hand stuck out, trying to take the clothes.

However, Reiko's little hand did not get the familiar clothes, but was grabbed by a fiery big hand instead.

Immediately afterwards, the sliding door was pushed open, and a huge force came from the arm, pulling Reiko out.

She immediately clutched her towel to prevent it from falling off.

She was indeed a beauty like suet jade, her skin was glowing and smooth under the light.

Especially after taking a bath, the whole body exudes water vapor, and there is still a charming fragrance faintly.

Her long black hair was wet, and her delicate face looked charming.

The white bath towel was wrapped around his body, forming a bottomless gully on his chest, which was very eye-catching.

Reiko was pulled out by Mori Kogoro, her face full of panic, her two slender beautiful legs were standing inwards, her toes were gripping the floor uneasily, she was very beautiful.

"Maori-kun, what are you doing, where is my pajamas?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Your pajamas are too old-fashioned, I don't like them."

Reiko froze for a moment, her slightly green eyes widened: "What does it matter to me that you don't like it?"

Mori Kogoro then said: "I think you look good wrapped in this bath towel, so you should wrap it in this bath towel, it's more convenient!"

Hearing this, Reiko's face immediately turned red.

Convenience, what convenience?

There were countless conjectures in her mind instantly, and she felt a little unsteady.

Looking at Reiko who bowed her head like a quail, Mori Kogoro was not in a hurry, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he took Reiko's small hand with his big hand and walked to the living room.

On the sofa in the living room, Yu Mei was still sleeping peacefully.

But Lingzi didn't seem to notice, her eyes were already dazed, and they couldn't focus together.Mori Kogoro asked Reiko to sit on the sofa, and this powerful prosecutor in the court was as well-behaved as a primary school student.

With his legs close together, his hands clenched into fists on his knees, he was obviously in a state of extreme tension!

This look is really strange and cute.

Mori Kogoro picked up the hair dryer on the side cabinet, plugged it in, stood beside the sofa, and started blowing on Kujo Reiko's jet-black hair.

Reiko immediately wanted to grab the hair dryer and blow it by herself: "Mori-kun, I will do it myself!"

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "If you raise your hand again, you will be gone."

When Reiko heard this, she immediately reached out and grabbed the towel that was on the decline.

Although the spring light passed by in a flash, it was stored in the brain by Kogoro Mouri, who has excellent eyesight, which is really great.

Mori Kogoro stroked Reiko's head with his big hand, and started to fiddle with the wet hair, and the hot wind also blew up.

Water droplets were continuously blown out and landed on Reiko's arms and shoulders, appearing extremely crystal clear.

At this moment, Reiko found her best friend who was sleeping beside her, and she couldn't help but ask, "Hey, why did Yumei fall asleep?"

"Maybe she's tired today!"

Reiko couldn't help but look puzzled, if she was tired, she must be tired.

I haven't slept at all since yesterday, I have been interrogating Hiroaki Takeuchi, and then I witnessed another person committing suicide, and then I was called to the police station, and it took a long time for interrogation before I came out, but Yumei was so tired that she fell asleep first.

However, Reiko didn't feel tired at all. At this moment, her whole body seemed to be pumped with adrenaline, and she felt a faint sense of excitement.

And the big hand on her head seemed to have magical powers, as if it was massaging her scalp, giving her a very strange feeling.

With Mori Kogoro waving his hands, Reiko's originally rapid heartbeat gradually calmed down.

She couldn't help asking, "Xiao Wulang, why don't you want me to resign?"

Mori Kogoro replied: "Because I don't want you to go, I don't want to be without you under the sky of Tokyo."

"Because I want to breathe the air under the same sky as Reiko, that's why I won't let you resign!"

Hearing this answer, Reiko Kujo's heart fluttered.

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