Mori Kogoro then said: "Reiko, do you know? You are a very beautiful color."

"Especially when I'm in the courtroom in the prosecutor's uniform, it's like a rose with thorns and irreplaceable."

"You were born to be a prosecutor, and no one can do it better than you!"

"Besides, there are still many secrets about this matter that you don't know, but I have already investigated it clearly!"

Reiko turned her head and asked with concern, "What's the secret?"

Mori Kogoro stopped the hair dryer, threw it on the sofa, and laughed badly: "I can't say it, now is not the time to talk about the case!"

While speaking, Mori Kogoro kissed Reiko's pink lips in one breath, pulling her back from the state of discussing business affairs to the original tense atmosphere.

Reiko's eyes contracted sharply, her small fists involuntarily grabbed the towel, and her heart beat faster.

Before Reiko's hair was completely dried, Mori Kogoro pinched several fingerprints with his right hand.

The Wind Control Technique was cast again.

Wisps of breeze engulfed every strand of Reiko's hair, taking away all the moisture in it.

In an instant, Reiko's jet-black hair fell loosely.

It's just that the wisps of breeze were a little mischievous, even blowing off Reiko's bath towel.

Chapter 0042 Beauty Prosecutor

The night sky in Tokyo after the rain is so alluring. There is a crescent moon hanging in the sky, exuding silver light, and the sky is full of stars, which complement the night view of Tokyo city.

In Kujo Reiko's house, the temperature seemed to be rising, extremely hot.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and his left hand immediately fell down.

Reiko couldn't help trembling, her body shrank uncontrollably, her eyes were full of panic.

With a smile on his face, Mori Kogoro bowed his head and kissed Reiko's pink lips. He greedily asked for it, and even his breath became much heavier.

Master-level kissing skills were displayed, and Reiko was quickly lost in it, and she responded slowly.

The blush on her cheeks gradually faded, causing her jade neck, earlobes, and neck to turn red, which was very touching.

The two in the passionate kiss forgot everything and lay down on the sofa one after another.

Mori Kogoro's right hand covered Reiko's calf, and Reiko's jade arm was wrapped around Mori Kogoro's neck at some point, her beautiful eyes were slightly narrowed, her heart was pounding, she felt that this moment was extremely beautiful .

But when Reiko caught a glimpse of aqua blue from the corner of her eyes, she woke up as if she was frightened, and pushed Kogoro Mori's body with her little hands.

"Xiao Goro, let me go, Yu Mei is still here!"

Mori Kogoro smirked, looking at the beauty below, his left hand was still wriggling: "It's okay, Yumei is exhausted, you can't wake up if you fall asleep."

"No, what if she wakes up in the middle, she can't be here."

Reiko was still shaking her head in panic, but Mori Kogoro felt that it was more exciting to have Yumi by his side.

Moreover, the majestic Jiutiao prosecutor in the court is so pitiful now, it seems that he can be bullied wantonly.

He just didn't want to wait for a moment, so he said: "Then Lingzi, you can keep your voice down later, don't worry, Yumei won't be woken up."

After saying that, he kissed Reiko domineeringly again, and launched an offensive with his fiery hands.

Kujo Reiko kept struggling underneath, but found that no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't match the strange strength of Mori Kogoro's hands. In the end, Reiko could only accept her fate.

She glared at Mori Kogoro blushingly, and then covered her mouth to avoid making a sound.

Not long after, a deliberately forbearable movement sounded from the living room.

(More than [-] words are omitted here!)

On the other side, in the underground training base of Maoyan Café, the three girls just got off the small plane and returned to the basement.

Second sister Lai Shengtong called Kuroba Chikage to report today's action: "Master, today's action by my eldest sister and I failed."

"Papa's painting was published first. It was made by a man. His name is 'Master Gentleman'. Master, do you recognize it..."

Kuroba Chikage on the other end of the phone was a little confused, 'Mr. Gentleman', she had never heard of this name at all.

The little girl holding a tiger-striped orange cat loves to eat chocolate in her next life, and couldn't help complaining: "This name doesn't sound like a good person."

"But eldest sister, second sister, haven't you two teamed up to defeat him? This is too good, if you call me, I will definitely catch you."

Hearing this, Lai Sheng Tong stretched out his hand and pinched the third sister's ear, and Lai Sheng Ai suddenly begged for mercy.

The eldest sister, Lai Shenglei, was sitting by the table, holding her cheek with her little hand, looking thoughtful.

She completely ignored the two noisy sisters!

After hanging up the phone, Hitomi sighed, she failed to get any useful information from the master.

However, when she saw the elder sister's appearance, she couldn't help asking: "Elder sister, do you already know who that guy is?"

Lai Shenglei was stunned for a while, and quickly panicked: "No, I don't know either!"

The third younger sister next to her interjected with a chuckle: "I think the eldest sister is probably thinking about spring again, and she is thinking about that handsome uncle detective again, isn't she?"

Laisheng cried and rolled his eyes, walked over and knocked on the third sister's head, and pulled her up: "Xiao Ai, you have class tomorrow, go back to sleep obediently, this is not something you, a child, should meddle with. "

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