Unconvinced, Lai Shengai puffed out the small C cup on her chest: "I'm not a child."

"Hmph, when you use me, you say that I am also a cat's eye, and when you don't need me, you say that I am a child. Okay, you guys, it's too bullying!"

Laishenglei folded her hands on her chest, and the broad breasts of the E-cup were fully exposed. She glanced at the third sister's chest with disdain, and laughed: "It's not developed yet at this level, what kind of adult, go back to sleep La!"

In the next life, Ai's face swelled up with anger, and she glanced at the big sister's big breasts with resentment: "It's really a cheap chest, hmph, what kind of cat's eyes are they, it's almost like a big milk cow!"

After finishing speaking, she picked up the big fat orange cat and walked up.

When Lai Shenglei heard this, his brows twitched, and he kept saying to himself: This is my sister!biological!

Laisheng Tong sighed: "In that case, I'll call Uncle Yongshi to see if he has any clues."

After finishing speaking, Laisheng Tong picked up the phone again and made a call.

Lai Shenglei sat on the sofa again, propped his chin, and fell into deep thought again.

Yes, as smart as she is, she already has a suspect for that 'gentleman'.

The most important thing is that on the rooftop, when she joined forces with Xiaotong and Meizi to fight against that man, the sense of oppression on that man was actually the same as what she felt when she met Kogoro Mori on the skyship.

And the trick of the thief jumping off the building and then disappearing is so similar to the 'teleportation' magic show seen in Ginza last night;

Also, the Maori detective suddenly appeared in the Maoyan Cafe at noon today, as if foretelling this scene tonight.

Coupled with a woman's peculiar sixth sense, Lai Shenglei was already [-]% certain that the "gentleman" was Maori Kogoro in disguise.

But for some inexplicable reason, she didn't want to tell her two younger sisters about her doubts, but instead just wanted to ask Mori Kogoro face-to-face.

Chapter 0043

The next day, Wednesday, was cloudy, and the sky outside was gray and drowsy.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the punctual biological clock woke Kogoro Mori from his sleep.

There are still a few strands of black hair on his cheeks, his right hand is full of softness, he couldn't help scratching, it's really not a woman who can be grasped with one hand, this is Reiko Kujo.

Kogoro Mori opened his eyes, and saw Prosecutor Kujo lying in his arms, and a smile immediately appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Reiko's black hair is like a waterfall, her small face is full of luster, her eyebrows and eyes are stretched.

Reiko Kujo, who was sleeping at the moment, was as docile as a kitten.

It was unbelievable that she was as wild as a wild cat last night, she was indomitable after repeated defeats, like a fighter, and the battlefield was shifted from the living room to her bedroom.

The most pitiful one was Guntian Yumei, who fell asleep in a daze, and then was rushed by her best friend.

But Reiko is a young child after all, so she is no match for the old driver Moori Kogoro.

In just over two hours last night, she was completely cut off by Kogoro Mouri, and she couldn't get up again.

Looking at Meijiao Niang beside him, Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to caress her small face, and there were still tears in the corners of his eyes.

Reiko seemed to have a feeling, opened her hazy eyes, woke up, and saw Moori Kogoro with a gentle face.

She immediately lifted the quilt shyly and covered her head.

Mori Kogoro smirked, put his hands under the quilt, and started to play tricks again.

"Xiao Lingzi, why are you still so shy, you don't dare to see your husband anymore, how can this work?"

"If you don't come out, you will be punished!"

After saying that, the big hands that penetrated into the quilt began to slap, making a crisp sound.

But Lingzi still refused to show her face. Instead, she turned around, lay down on the pillow, and then pretended to be an ostrich.

The smile on Mori Kogoro's face became more obvious, and he joked: "So disobedient, it seems that I have to find you!"

After saying that, Mori Kogoro lifted the quilt and got in.

Reiko Kujo inside immediately let out an exclamation, and then only the nasal sound remained, it was being kissed.

Riding the horse and raising the whip, the beauty is not enough for outsiders.

(A lot of words are omitted here again!)

More than half an hour later, Kujo Reiko, who was tidied up like a little daughter-in-law, was cooking breakfast in the kitchen in her pajamas.

After all, she lives alone, so simple cooking is of course not a problem.

Kogoro Mori, who finished washing, was dressed neatly, and when he returned to the living room, he saw Ikumi Gunida who was still sleeping peacefully on the sofa.

Guntian Yumi was covered with a thin quilt, which was covered by Mori Kogoro last night to prevent her from catching a cold.

Seeing that Gun Tian Yumei hadn't woken up yet, he reached out and put his hand on it.

If the effect of the drug is still there, he will use the healing technique.Fortunately, this beautiful detective is just sleeping.

Mori Kogoro didn't pay much attention to it, instead he played back the results of the men and robots he sent last night in his mind.

Sure enough, the Ant-Man robot in this world is a heaven-defying existence. It is easy to catch a person who is not a dark organization.

They didn't alarm anyone last night, so they captured Tokiwa Kengo into the base.

But it's a pity that Tokiwa Kengo's mouth is very stubborn, and he didn't get anything out of the torture. It seems that he needs to do it himself.

Just as Mori Kogoro was thinking about how to deal with Tokiwa Kengo, Gundam Ikumi who was on the side gave an order and woke up.

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