After Yumei woke up, she felt a little dizzy. Because she slept on the soft sofa all night, her body was not used to it, and she was a little sore. She saw Mori Kogoro next to her, and she smelled that there seemed to be a strange smell on her body , and saw a hole cut in the sofa that was originally intact, she instantly misunderstood it!

It's so embarrassing, how can I sleep through such an important moment, it's really useless!

Yu Mei was full of depression, sat up all of a sudden, put her arm around Mouri Kogoro and said, "Xiaogoro, you are so bad, how dare you take advantage of others' danger and do bad things to me while I'm asleep, no, you You have to be responsible!"

After all, she lowered her head shyly.

Mori Kogoro was shocked instantly, what the hell is taking advantage of others?I do not have it!

However, Kogoro Mori quickly realized that it was a misunderstanding of the maternal solo Ikumi Gunta.

She has never been a human being, so it is possible to think that she has lost her innocence.

What a fool, how can such an IQ learn to be a detective!

Mori Kogoro smirked, rolled his eyes, and admitted.

He put his arms around Yu Mei's fragrant shoulders, and said, "Yu Mei, you are so beautiful, even a man can't help it!"

Hearing this, Yu Mei's little face immediately turned red: "I can't help it, but I can't do this, so I don't have any memory."

"But it's so strange, why did I fall asleep while kissing him last night, Kogoro, did you secretly drug yourself?"

Mori Kogoro said: "How is it possible, did you eat or drink anything last night? It was obvious that you were too nervous, and you passed out all of a sudden, and you still depended on me."

Yu Mei looked in disbelief, her eyes patrolled Mouri Kogoro: "I see, you must have put drugs on your lips, you villain!"

After saying that, she punched Kogoro Mori with her fist.

Mori Kogoro grabbed his wrist and pulled him into his arms, his chest was soft again.

He put his arms around Yu Mei's slender waist, stared at her with deep eyes, and his voice was full of delusion: "Since you said that I have a drug in my mouth, let's try it again!"

Yu Mei's heartbeat quickened all of a sudden, and before she could agree, a force came from the big hand on her waist, making her kiss Moori Kogoro, and the two kissed together passionately again.

Four or five minutes later, Guntian Yumi pushed Mori Kogoro away out of breath, and said with a blushing face, "I'm ignoring you, I'm going to take a bath!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and ran to the bathroom, Mouri Kogoro laughed from behind, she was such a silly girl.

But twenty minutes later, Kogoro Mori at the dining table was not feeling well.

Yu Mei at the dining table still thinks that she and Mori Kogoro were combined last night, so she tries to show her gentle side as much as possible, and keeps picking up vegetables, or scooping soup, or serving rice, and she almost feeds Mori Kogoro with her own hands. , watching Reiko Kujo's brows twitch, and a cold light shines in her eyes.

This breakfast made him extremely tormented, but luckily Reiko Kujo didn't explode, so everything went on without incident.

Chapter 0044 Breaking Bad

After breakfast, a text message came from Kujo Reiko's mobile phone. She glanced at it and couldn't help but change slightly.

Mori Kogoro immediately asked with concern: "What's wrong, Reiko?"

Reiko Kujo didn't answer either, but handed the phone to Kogoro Mori, on which was a text message sent to her by her assistant.

The content said that Mariko Takeuchi will hold a memorial service for her deceased husband in the ancient house of the Takeuchi family today, and she plans to accept interviews from reporters at the memorial service to answer various opinions on the Internet.

My husband just died yesterday and was directly cremated last night. As of today, I will come directly to the memorial service.

This efficiency couldn't be faster.

This woman really doesn't give up, she still wants to pour dirty water on Reiko!

It seems that this should be the idea of ​​the old guy behind her.

Mori Kogoro understood the intention in an instant, and sneered in his heart: That old guy, I'm afraid he doesn't know that his nephew has disappeared!

But Reiko Kujo was still full of self-blame and guilt, thinking that it would be good to offer incense to the deceased in the memorial service.

Gun Tian Yumei frowned: "Reiko, don't worry about those people, that Takeuchi Hiroaki committed suicide, and his wife still makes so many news, what the hell is going on!"

"Besides, it's not your fault anyway, let's leave them alone."

Reiko Kujo shook her head: "Anyway, it has something to do with me, so let me put incense sticks on him!"

Guntian Ikumi turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro: "Kogoro, are you here to persuade Reiko?"

Mori Kogoro reached out to hold Kujo Reiko's little hand, interlocked his fingers, and said softly, "Since you want to go, Reiko, then go, and I will help you deal with anything that happens."

Gun Tian Yumei, who was on the side, saw the clasped hands of the two, and couldn't help but pouted: "Why do you say such things?"

Mori Kogoro continued to speak: "That's not a grand banquet, and maybe there will be a good show at that time!"

Hearing this, the expressions of the two women were a little dazed.

Reiko Kujo suddenly remembered last night that Mori Kogoro said that there was something hidden about this case. She had been thinking about it all the time, but then she had her first experience in life. above.

Thinking back now, she immediately asked: "Xiao Wulang, you said that there is something hidden in this case, do you know something?"

A smile appeared on Maori Kogoro's face: "Buddha's saying can't be said, you can't say it, you will know it later at the memorial service."

Seeing this mysterious Kogoro Mori, the two girls began to question him again.

However, Mori Kogoro still didn't reveal his tone, he just told them not to go in when they arrived at the gate of the ancient house of the Takeuchi family, and to go in together when he reunited with them.

And he himself left Kutiao's house by saying that he would conduct a final investigation.

Soon he got into the Lexus that the Ant-Man robot drove over last night, and went directly to the base.

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