Not long after, Kogoro Mori came to the base, took the elevator to the basement, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who was dressed as an office worker, waited inside with his notebook in his arms.

She has short brown hair, and her green eyes are still innocent and bright as when they first met.She was wearing a black suit skirt and white shirt, wrapped in brown stockings.The tight suit skirt showed all the curves of its hips.

At this moment, Nanatsuki Koshimizu has resumed his part-time job as Kogoro Mori's assistant.

Miyano Akemi came to the base very rarely now, she always stayed in the flower shop to study flower arrangement skills, or to study better dishes.

The supervisors in the base are all Kogoro Mori's Ant-Man robots, which is equivalent to Kogoro Mori managing himself.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki is responsible for contacting Chianti and reporting relevant information, and she was also in charge of last night's actions.

After this trip to the United States, Koshimizu Nanatsuki has become a lot more capable, but the eyes that look at Mori Kogoro are still full of brainwashed fanaticism.

Mori Kogoro walked in front, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki reported: "Mori-kun, Chianti went to Kyoto to carry out a mission in the early hours of last night and killed the hawkish MP Masayoshi Kusuki. She returned to the northern suburbs of Tokyo in the early hours of this morning. The signal was lost in the mountains."

"According to her previous report, it should be to enter the underground base that shields the signal, conduct training in it, and wait for further actions."

"Also, the Tokiwa Kengo Police Department, who was arrested last night, was searched by the special search team and found the token of the Inagawa Club in his home."

"His real identity should be a cadre of the Inagawa Society. Now he is an undercover agent lurking in the police station. He has received certain training. Last night's interrogation did not yield any results. I am considering whether to use the brainwashing equipment in the base."

Inagawa meeting?

One of the three major gangs in Japan is the largest gang outside of the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Sumiyoshikai.

The main business is arms smuggling, human trafficking, drug dealing and money laundering.

Unexpectedly, the police department with a square face that looks upright turned out to be an undercover undercover gangster, is he playing Infernal Affairs?

And his uncle Tokiwa Eisaku is also a member of the dark organization.

He acts according to his uncle's orders. This guy's business is quite extensive!

Mori Kogoro reached out and rubbed Koshimizu Nanatsuki's short brown hair, and said with a light smile, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. If you really use the brainwashing equipment, you will have to wait another seven days. I have an easier way."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki seemed to be very attached to Kogoro Mori's big hand, and couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly.

Then Mori Kogoro came to the chemical laboratory of the base, while Koshimizu Nanatsuki waited outside.

Mori Kogoro put on a white coat and gloves, lit the alcohol lamp, turned on the extraction equipment, and started to warm up.

Afterwards, he took out various materials, scopolamine, midazolam, flunitrazepam, and temazepam, weighed them in quantitative proportions and poured them into test tubes, and soon a tube of brown liquid appeared.

Then he poured the brown liquid into the preheated extraction equipment and started a new round of extraction.

At this time, Mori Kogoro himself put on a mask, and then added a medium to separate the extracted liquid, leaving only a small bottle of blue liquid.

He filled the blue liquid with a needle, then turned around and took Koshimizu Nanatsuki to the place where Tsukipan Kengo was imprisoned.

Mori Kogoro's chemical skills have already been fully developed through continuous self-study, and it is no problem for him to play Breaking Bad.

Everything he did just now was nothing more than concocting a sharp weapon for questioning - Veritaserum.

With this thing in hand, the arrested police officer could not tell the truth.

Chapter 0045 Watching Movies Together

In fact, Mori Kogoro has a lot of ways to make Tokiwa Kengo tell the truth.

For example, Professor Koizumi Hongzi's Monster Pharmacy also contains the formula of the same potion, but you have to go to Hongzi to get the relevant monster raw materials;

Or the witchcraft from Fusang that he learned by himself, in which the psychic magic snake, the psychic magic snake can also spy on people's hearts;

Exchange psychedelic symbols in or from the system space, pull them into the illusion like last night, and use the function of tampering with memories to spy on their memories.

However, Mori Kogoro didn't want to waste points, so the world used the chemical skills in its own technology tree to concoct a powerful veritaserum.

Powerful veritaserum, in fact, has the same principle as tranquilizers, and will cause irreversible trauma to the brain after use.

The principle of veritaserum is also very simple, it is to inhibit the relevant brain areas activated when people speak.

Because when a person is lying, the brain will activate more brain areas, and there will be significant neuronal alternation in the bilateral ventral cortex of the prefrontal cortex.

As long as the reaction of the relevant area is suppressed, and then the subconsciousness of the human body is suppressed, it will directly enter a state of unconscious paralysis.

He will obediently answer whatever you ask at that time.

Soon, Mori Kogoro came to Tokiwa Kengo who was imprisoned.

The police department with a square face was in a terrible state. He was tied to a cross, and his body was covered with signs of torture.

When he saw Mori Kogoro, he couldn't help being surprised: "Detective Maori, how could it be you, did you send someone to arrest me?"

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect the famous Maori detective to be such a person."

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "To each other, I didn't expect Officer Tokiwa to be such a person behind his back."

Tokiwa Kengo sneered: "You don't even know who you've offended. Let me go, and I'll leave you with a dead body!"

This guy still doesn't understand the situation and is very domineering.

Mori Kogoro crossed his arms, and a vague smile flashed across his face: "You are so stupid, I let you see my face, do you think it is possible for you to leave alive?"

"You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you just shouldn't lay hands on my woman!"

Hearing this, Tokiwa Kengo's pupils immediately contracted.

He looked at Kogoro Mori who was walking towards him with a blue test tube in his hand, and couldn't help but shouted: "You, what do you want to do, no, no, let me go!"

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