Koshimizu Nanatsuki's heart was beating extremely fast, but she still restrained herself desperately, trying to find useful information.

Mori Kogoro had a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and his fiery hands directly covered Koshimizu Nanatsuki's thigh stockings, which were really soft.

As soon as he climbed up, Koshimizu Nanatsuki was completely stunned.

She was stunned for a moment, her eyes lost focus.

Smoke was coming out of the little head, obviously unable to handle this scene, the head was short-circuited directly.

Mori Kogoro was stunned, this is too exaggerated!

He reached out and touched Koshimizu Nanatsuki's forehead. Although it was a little hot, it was still at normal body temperature, so he was relieved.

Mori Kogoro chuckled softly, so he didn't want to take advantage of this little assistant.

He hugged Yueshui Nanatsuki a little tighter, his left hand was more disciplined, and he hugged her waist again, while his right hand controlled the mouse to continuously speed up the video.

The video was directly increased to thirty-two times, and it kept beating.

Mori Kogoro looked at it roughly, and then he understood.

That Takashi Ishikawa is not only a cadre of the gangster Inagawa Association, but also a policeman on the surface, but he also engages in some pimping in private, so he has the opportunity to shoot so many videos.

This guy is really talented. Kogoro Mori wondered if he had worked in an AV company before, and he learned a good trick of sneak shooting. The various pocket props also opened Kogoro Mori's eyes.

This is also normal. When Mariko Takeuchi took over the company, her father died, and the situation of the Takeuchi Group was extremely complicated. In order to keep her company and status, she had to sell her body and make financial transactions with various dignitaries.

I have to say that this female president is very economical. Various time-saving and labor-saving 3P, 4P, and 5P are very common. She keeps serving those high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Now, the company is also booming.

No wonder Mori Kogoro found out that Hiroshi Takeuchi wanted to divorce his wife tomorrow. Even a man can't bear such a vast prairie.

Just as Kogoro Mori kept pulling the video, Nanatsuki Koshimizu in his arms finally recovered a lot, and his deer-like eyes glanced at the side face of Kogoro Mori from time to time, his face blushed, and he was thinking about something what.

After a long time, Mori Kogoro finally found the recent surveillance video, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

He ordered directly in his mind: "Little V, help me copy this video."

Little V immediately replied: "As you wish, Master Host."

Then Mori Kogoro looked down at Nanatsuki Koshimizu in his arms, stretched out his hand and patted her buttocks, and said with a smirk, "Okay, I've been watching for so long, it's time to get up!" Nanatsuki Yueshui Tsuki immediately stood up in a panic, with a soft and well-behaved posture, which really easily arouses the desire to conquer in men.

If it wasn't for Reiko Kujo and Nanatsuki Koshimizu who were already waiting for him at the door of Takeuchi's house, maybe Mori Kogoro would become a beast and eat this girl.

Mori Kogoro rubbed Koshimizu Nanatsuki's head with his hands, and said with a light smile, "Next time, don't be so stunned!"

"Okay, I'll go first, and I'll leave this to you!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded heavily, not knowing what to say.

The Lexus kept galloping, and soon came to Takeuchi's hometown in Kubado City. It was a large Japanese-style building with bluestone and blue bricks, which obviously had a long history.

The streets were full of parked vehicles, besides the employees of the Takeuchi Group, more were Mariko Takeuchi's mistresses, and some reporters whom she had informed before.

And Reiko Kujo was still waiting obediently in the Ferrari Enzo, and Ikumi Gunda was still accompanying her.

After Mori Kogoro arrived, he reached out and knocked on the window glass of the Ferrari, and Reiko and Yumi came out.

After all, she was here to mourn others. Reiko Kujo was wearing a black suit, showing an abstinent temperament all over her body.

On the other hand, Guntian Ikumi was wearing a black cheongsam, which made her look even more sexy.

Mori Kogoro directly picked up a small black top hat from behind, put it on Kujo Reiko's head, and said softly: "Keep your head down when you go in, so don't let people find out, we're here for a show this time, Don't talk too much."

Hearing this, Kujo Reiko frowned slightly, but finally nodded obediently.

The three of them followed the flow of people into the Zhunei ancient house, signed the signature book at the door, and then walked towards the memorial hall.

In the memorial hall, as the defense lawyer of the deceased, Fei Yingli was already inside.

When she saw her man followed by two women, she couldn't help but frown.

Eri quickly walked towards Mori Kogoro, and found that the woman wearing a hat next to him turned out to be Kujo Reiko.

Being her own enemy, Feiyingli became even more furious.

"Okay, Kogoro, you are fast enough!"

"Xiaolan said last night that you were investigating the case outside, why are you with them now, how do you explain?"

But with outsiders present, Eri only questioned in a low voice.

Mori Kogoro quickly took Eri's little hand, and explained: "It's an investigation. Fortunately, I was there last night, otherwise Reiko might have been attacked and killed by a killer."

Hearing this, Yingli frowned: "What's going on, why is there a killer?"

Mori Kogoro patted Eri's little hand lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I've already taken care of it. Your husband is going to do it, you still can't believe it?"

Chapter 0047 Super social butterfly

While Mori Kogoro was explaining to Eri in a low voice, the kind-hearted Reiko Kujo had already taken off her hat and walked to the middle of the memorial hall.

She stood in front of Takeuchi Hiroaki's posthumous photo, wanting to burn a stick of incense.

From her point of view, no matter whether there was anything hidden about this matter or not, it was because she started to re-investigate the case five years ago that caused Takeuchi Hiroaki's death.

Mariko Takeuchi, who was kneeling aside and dressed in a black widow's costume, couldn't help standing up when she saw Reiko Kujo appear.

She couldn't believe it. When she thought about it, Reiko Kujo should have died tragically in her apartment at this moment, how could she appear alive again.

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