But she reacted quickly, her eyes were red and she rushed up. There were two assistants behind her, and the three of them looked menacing.

Mariko Takeuchi scolded, "You bastard, why are you here?"

"I don't need your fake mercy, it's you who forced Hao Ming to death, get out of here."

I have to say that the female president's acting skills are very good, showing all her grief and indignation.

Everyone at the scene looked at Reiko Kujo with outrage, and discussed: "Is she the prosecutor who beat people to death?"

"It's pretty good-looking, I didn't expect such a femme fatale!"

"The Takeuchi family is also unlucky to have such a prosecutor."

The reporters in the memorial hall kept taking pictures, each one looking like they had picked up big news.

Mori Kogoro secretly thought that it was not good, and rushed up immediately.

He didn't plan to show up today, after all, this incident still involved people in the dark organization, and it was not easy for the group of rats to wait for them to show up.

In a few days, that group of people will make a big move. They want to assassinate Tumen Kanghui.

Mori Kogoro didn't want to startle them, lest they shrink back.

Originally, he came this time just to hack everyone's mobile phones and directly play the video he asked Xiao V to copy. After all, the evidence in the video can be said to be solid.

But now Reiko Kujo is surrounded by Mariko Takeuchi and the others, and she can't do it if she doesn't want to.

Reiko Kujo still said weakly: "Just let me burn the incense sticks!"

"You are not welcome here, if you don't leave, I will be impolite."

Mariko Takeuchi picked up the broom on the side, as if trying to chase away people.

But before the broom fell down, it was grabbed by a big hand, and Mori Kogoro was protecting Kujo Reiko.

He directly snatched the broom and threw it aside: "I really don't know, what right does the poisonous woman who killed her husband have to say such things, what right does she have to act like this here!"

Mori Kogoro's voice was loud and clear, and it was clearly heard by everyone present.

All the mourners were in an uproar, and the eyes of the reporters became more and more bright: Maori detectives are in their early days, it must be big news!

When Mariko Takeuchi saw Mori Kogoro appearing, her pupils shrank uncontrollably and her face turned a little pale.

"Detective Maori, you are spitting blood. I know. You are with this woman. You also go away. You are not welcome here." Hearing this, Kogoro Mouri had a sneer on his face and glanced at her. Mariko Takeuchi.

This Mariko Takeuchi wears gold-rimmed glasses and long wavy lavender hair. With this face, she really looks like a slut or a slut.

The flirtatiousness in the video just now is not inferior to the current actresses, the title of bitch is well-deserved.

Mori Kogoro disdainfully said: "What qualifications do you have for me to slander you? Your husband fell to his death yesterday afternoon, and today there is no body left. You cremated him directly. It is nothing more than you to hold this memorial service." This wife is destroying the corpse!"

"But even so, the truth will never be covered up by this. Hiroaki Takeuchi didn't commit suicide at all, and you are his murderer!"

Kogoro Mori pointed at Mariko Takeuchi with his big finger, cadenced each word.

Mariko Takeuchi's face changed drastically immediately, and he shouted: "It's nonsense, come here, and drive them out!"

On the side, Guntian Ikumi stood up and shouted loudly: "What are you going to do, what are you going to do, now the person who says you are the murderer is Kogoro Mori, a well-known detective in Tokyo, how could he tell lies."

"If you weren't guilty, how could you not even dare to listen to his reasoning!"

The onlookers nodded one after another, and the few company employees who wanted to be loyal in front of the president also stopped and did not dare to go forward.

Reiko Kujo looked surprised: "Kogoro, was Hiroaki Takeuchi really killed? Impossible, I saw him jump with my own eyes."

Mori Kogoro said: "Actually, when you arrived at the Takeuchi family's high-end apartment in Kubado City at four o'clock in the afternoon, Takeuchi Hiroaki was already dead. The person you saw standing on the low wall was actually a corpse. on."

"Then how can he still stand?"

"Because he was hung with a fishing line, it gave people the illusion that he was still standing. I remember that when you arrived at the murder scene yesterday, because the balcony door was locked, you could only see through the tulle curtains. Look out, and it happened to be raining at that time, so it's normal that you didn't see the fishing line."

"At that time, it was only necessary for Ms. Takeuchi Mariko to play the recorded sentence 'Kujo Prosecutor, stop here!' to lead you into thinking that Takeuchi Hiroaki was still alive."

"Afterwards, I asked the accomplice upstairs to help pull the fishing line hard, and pulled the line back. Takeuchi Hiroaki fell directly, creating a tragic scene of suicide!"

Mariko Takeuchi's eyes were full of panic, but she still insisted: "It's nonsense, what kind of accomplice is there, who is my accomplice, what kind of shit detective, what I said is all fantasy!"

Mori Kogoro ignored the bitch barking and walked directly to a projector in the memorial hall.

This is a tool for projecting photos and materials of Koaki Takeuchi's life just now, but now it comes in handy.

Mori Kogoro directly connected the computer next to him to his mobile phone. After one operation, a photo appeared on the white screen.

It's a picture of strangulation marks on the wall!

Mori Kogoro said: "I searched for the apartment property and asked about it. The property was very cooperative and told me that not only the apartment on the 18th floor where the deceased fell belonged to Takeuchi's family, but the apartment on the 19th floor was also under the name of Mariko Takeuchi, and this photo is me. It was taken on the balcony on the 19th floor, right above where the deceased fell!"

Hearing this, Mariko Takeuchi breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that Kogoro Mori had found some evidence. The traces on the balcony wall could not explain anything.

She immediately said: "I thought the detective would have some good ideas. I dare to use this photo to fool people. I don't know if you carved it with a knife yourself!"

"How could I kill my husband? I have no motive at all. Kogoro Mori, just wait to receive my lawyer's letter!"

Chapter 0048

"No motive, Mrs. Takeuchi, you're just joking," Mori Kogoro chuckled, "You also bought the apartment on the [-]th floor, and I don't know how many men stayed there during the period. Give me the registration information too."

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