Hearing this, many men present at the memorial service became flustered, and sweat started to break out from their foreheads.

"I believe that some men present are panicking now. Don't worry, this is none of your business. As a detective, I still pay great attention to protecting other people's privacy, and I won't harm Chi Yu."

Hearing this, the concubines of Mariko Takeuchi were slightly relieved.

"Let me ask, what man can stand his wife being on his head all day and having sex with other men?"

"Takeuchi Hiroaki planned to get rid of you a long time ago. He wanted to divorce you a long time ago, but you are not willing, madam. This is the irreconcilable contradiction between you two!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't say that the motive was to kill someone to silence him, he also wanted to numb Eisaku Tokiwa who was hiding behind and try to keep the old guy as steady as possible.

Therefore, his words only diverted to the ordinary breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife, and did not mention half of the Takeuchi bribery case.

Mori Kogoro started to operate again with the hand holding the mouse, and the photos in the diary he found before were projected page by page on the projection screen.

It contains all the records of Takeuchi Hiroaki's resentment towards his wife, dissatisfaction with his career, and every time Mariko Takeuchi cuckolded him.

The eyes of everyone looking at Mariko Takeuchi gradually became strange, and there was more disdain in their eyes.

Mariko Takeuchi's face turned blue and purple. She looked at Mori Kogoro with hatred in her eyes, but she pretended to be very pitiful, shed tears, and even wiped the front of her clothes.

"Detective Maori, who in the world ordered you to come here to slander me? I'm just a widow who just lost her husband. I'm no match for a famous detective."

"The police never found your so-called evidence; the handwriting in this diary is not my husband's at all."

"My husband and I love each other on a daily basis. How could I do something wrong to him? Detective Maori, you really misunderstood me, woohoo!"

The corners of the mouths of the dozen or so concubines who were watching, and her subordinates who were subconsciously watching Mariko Takeuchi's performance all twitched, feeling speechless for a while.

Mariko Takeuchi continued to perform: "I lost my love yesterday, which has already made my heart ache."

"I knew it would be very sad to live without a husband and no support, but I didn't expect someone to bully me so soon."

"Detective Maori, which one of our competitors have you been instructed by? Tell me, let me know."

After saying that, Mariko Takeuchi collapsed on the ground, lowered her head and covered her face, and wept.

Her acting skills are still very superb, this performance has shaken the hearts of many audiences present, and the ladies onlookers have criticized Mori Kogoro one after another.

Mariko Takeuchi, who lowered her head, heard that everyone was on her side, and at the same time she lowered her head and pretended to cry, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Behind Kogoro Mori, Reiko Kujo and Ikumi Gunida both looked worried.

Judging from the professionalism of the two of them, the photos shown by the projector just now are not real evidence, and there is no way to convict Mariko Takeuchi.

However, Fei Yingli is full of confidence in Mori Kogoro, she knows that her husband will not let her down.

Mori Kogoro ignored the abuse, and continued to manipulate the computer with his big hands, playing a surveillance video.

There was no sound in the surveillance, but the angle of view was the living room of Takeuchi's house on the [-]th floor, and the balcony was also filmed. The time showed that it was the video when the crime happened yesterday afternoon.

The video continued to play, and people's eyes gradually noticed the screen.In the video, Hiroaki Takeuchi was drinking red wine on the sofa calmly, with a stack of money on the table in front of him.

But when Mariko came in, they had an argument with him for some reason, and the two quarreled.

Mariko Takeuchi then turned around and walked to the balcony, picked up the brick on which the external unit of the air conditioner was placed, and slammed it on the head of the unsuspecting Hiroaki Takeuchi, blood spattered instantly.

Everyone who watched the video couldn't help but feel terrified. They glanced at the video, and then at Mariko Takeuchi, who was still pretending to be pitiful with her head down, and couldn't help feeling a chill in her back.

The female president was very cruel, she was afraid that Hiroaki Takeuchi would not die, so she even beat her up two or three times.

Then she started talking on the phone and cleaning up the blood in the living room.

Soon someone came to the door, and it was Kengo Tokiwa, the police department of the Kubado Metropolitan Police Department who had a close relationship with Mariko Takeuchi, that is, Takashi Ishikawa.

The police department came to Takeuchi's house and saw Takeuchi Hiroaki's body, so he scolded Takeuchi Mariko again.

But this courtesan's ability is really good, in front of her dead husband, she teased Takashi Ishikawa.

Then the two of them worked hard in front of the corpse to appease Ryu Ishikawa.

It really makes Takeuchi Hiroaki die by NTR!

Everyone in the memorial hall was shocked. This kind of poisonous woman is really rare in the world. After killing her husband, she can still do it next to her husband. It is simply the best!

When Mori Kogoro saw this scene for the first time, his reaction was similar to that of others, and his three views also collapsed.

Mariko Takeuchi, who was still bowing her head and pretending to cry on the ground, didn't look up. She was a little surprised, why everyone stopped scolding Kogoro Mori.

Immediately afterwards, she began to cry: "Chairman Hechuan, President Tanaka, and Director Xiaogou, you all have to make decisions for me. Don't let me, a widow whose husband just died, be bullied like this!"

The three people she called now were rich businessmen and senior officials who had an affair with her, and she wanted them to help reprimand Kogoro Mori.

But the three people who were called all had expressions of hell.

The bald-headed President He Chuan said, "I can't help you, a vicious woman, to make the decision. People like you should go to hell."

The head of the Big Fatty and Little Dog also echoed: "You are really good, you can make peace with people as if nothing happened after killing someone, what are you doing here?"

As for President Tanaka with the goatee, he was very witty, ignored these things, got up and sneaked away.

Mariko Takeuchi, who was scolded a lot, looked up in a daze, and couldn't help raising her head, and immediately saw the video on the white screen.

I was helping Takashi Ishikawa, who was done in less than a minute, to clean up the plus-blowing scene.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, how could this be possible!Where did the video come from!

Mariko Takeuchi couldn't help screaming, she immediately rushed over to turn off the video on the computer, but before she could take two steps, she fell to the ground, the trip was naturally caused by the Ant-Man robot.

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