Mori Kogoro directly blamed Takeuchi Hiroaki for the video incident. Anyway, no one else knew that this was Takashi Ishikawa's hobby.

"Your husband Hiroaki Takeuchi has already planned to divorce you, so of course he is prepared to do so."

"This is the hidden camera he installed in your home. He wanted to secretly film the evidence of your cheating, but he didn't expect to just film the process of his own death."

"Don't be in a hurry to shut it down, let's see how you design the nine prosecutors later."

Mariko Takeuchi, who was lying on the ground, really cried this time, she knew that she was really doomed!

Chapter 0049

All the pictures on the projector were played, and the method behind it was exactly the same as what Kogoro Mori said.

Takeuchi Hiroaki's mother fainted when she saw the scene of her son falling.

And his father rushed up, holding a found stick and trying to beat Takeuchi Mariko.

He was still yelling: "It's too ruthless, you vicious woman, how can you be so ruthless, bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and Mori Kogoro protected Reiko, Yumi, and Eri and hid behind, not intending to get involved.

However, there were still many subordinates of the Takeuchi Group protecting their president, and Mariko Takeuchi was just frightened a lot.

Fortunately, not long after this chaos, there was the sound of a police car outside, led by Miwako Sato.

Just now Kogoro Mori called Miwako to come and arrest him.

As soon as Miwako and the others entered, they quickly took control of the scene.

She quickly put the handcuffs on Mariko Takeuchi, and she had learned about the situation on the phone before.

Mariko Takeuchi was taken into the police car. Although the woman was a little pale, she wasn't too flustered.

It seems that she thought that she could get out of this accident unscathed. After all, many of the men she had served were still high-ranking men. In her opinion, saving her would not be an easy task.

I have to say that her idea is too naive. If Kogoro Mori wants to do something, those people can't keep her at all.

Seeing the mess in the mourning room, Mori Kogoro led the three daughters and followed Miwako out, and the men in the mourning room who had ghosts in their hearts all heaved a sigh of relief.

Mei Hezi said: "I really didn't expect such scum to appear in the police. These municipal police departments down there are really filthy."

"About the Tokiwa Police Department, Chief Police Chief Hakuba was very furious. He intervened in person, scolded Police Kubado, and asked Police Officer Megure to lead a team to arrest him. This has become a special case."

"However, I just received a message from Police Officer Megure. It seems that Tokiwa Kengo has been caught in the wind for a long time and has disappeared. Now the police have issued a red arrest warrant. I hope he can be caught soon."

Mori Kogoro smiled slightly, it seems that this hope may be difficult to realize, Tokiwa Kengo, no, Ishikawa Takashi may not be able to leave his own base.

"Miwako, thank you for your hard work this time."

Meihezi smiled heartily: "If there is any hard work, I will lead the team to catch someone, and you are the one who worked hard."

"You guy, you haven't stopped for a day since you came back from vacation. How many times have you been on the news? The news about the confrontation with Kidd two days ago hasn't gone down yet. Today, you got involved in this incident again. Why did you make yourself so messed up? Busy."

She leaned over and said coquettishly, "I'm so busy, I don't have time to accompany me."

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt the coldness in the eyes of the three girls on his back, so he could only reply in a low voice: "I've been busy with a few cases for a while, I will definitely find time to accompany you, good boy!"

Miwako rolled her eyes at Mori Kogoro, and said, "Then I'll go back to the living room first, and I'll let you know when there's news about Kengo Tokiwa."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and said to the subordinates: "Close the team!"

The team hurriedly got into the police car and went back, rather swiftly and resolutely.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the three daughters, Reiko's expression had recovered a lot, knowing the truth, her heart would no longer suffer.

And Guntian Ikumi looked suspiciously back from the far away Sato police car, and she had some doubts that Miwako Sato was also having an affair with Mori Kogoro just after meeting each other.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Okay, that's the end of the detective's mission. That Mariko Takeuchi has been arrested. The next thing is for you lawyers and prosecutors. You have to work hard." Eri glared at Mori. Kogoro glanced at him: "I won't take a case that I know I'm going to lose at a glance like this. Then there's room for prosecutor Kujo to play."

After that, she pinched Mao Li Kogoro's ear: "You bastard, you sent all my clients to the Metropolitan Police Department, who will get my reward?"

Seeing Kogoro Mori being bullied like this, Gunta Ikumi couldn't help feeling distressed, and quickly pulled Eri's hand away: "How much is the reward, I'll pay it for him!"

Huh? ? ?

Yingli couldn't help but looked at the beauty in black cheongsam in surprise, and she soon realized that her brows were constantly twitching.


The Hedong lion's roar erupted directly.

But Mori Kogoro, who has full eyesight and skills, has already got into his car, only showing his hands outside the car window, waving at the three girls.

"Oh, I've been entrusted with a case again. Eri, Reiko, and Yumi. I'm leaving first. You guys should go back to work."

After saying that, the Lexus started directly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Fei Yingli, who stayed where she was, looked annoyed.

Yingli turned her head, her glasses glowed coldly, the queen's aura burst out completely, and she asked, "What does Kogoro have to do with you?"

Standing in front of him, Kujo Reiko and Guntian Ikumi felt a little suffocated.

Kujo Reiko, who was able to confront Eri tit for tat in court, was trembling at this moment. She only realized how terrifying her opponent's explosion was today.

Faced with this question from the big house, the two women are psychologically weak, so naturally they dare not hide it.

As soon as he said it, Yingli became furious again: "What? You are all Kogoro's women too!"

Why does this guy have such a big appetite? Isn't there enough people?

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