But before Yingli could say anything more, the best friends, Reiko and Yumei, had an internal strife. Both women despised the other's infidelity and fought for love.

Eri covered her forehead speechlessly, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

In the end, she could only show her grace and said, "Come with me, you two, let's find a coffee shop and have a good chat."

On the other hand, Kogoro Mori in the car had a happy face, but fortunately he hid quickly, otherwise, in the situation just now, he didn't know if he could leave a whole body.

Looking at the picture of the three women in his mind, Yingli actually took the two women to reconcile, and he was relieved and relieved.

Sure enough, Kogoro Mori's prediction was right. When he was on vacation in Izu, he discovered that Eri had begun to play the role of the big house of the Mori family consciously or unconsciously.

It is really the most suitable for her to do this kind of mediation.

With her Queen's aura, there is really no one who can't be suppressed.

The matter here came to an end, Mori Kogoro swiped open the phone, and a text message from Sera Makoto had already been sent.

The address is Kubado Premier Hotel, so the hotel is very close to my office.

Kogoro Mori turned the steering wheel and headed to the Kubado Grand Hotel, intending to meet the sister who was out of the field for a while.

Chapter 0050 daughter is justice

At noon, Kogoro Mori's Lexus arrived at the Kubado Grand Hotel.

This hotel is so tall that it makes you feel dizzy at first glance. It has fifty floors in total.

Mori Kogoro entered the hotel, took the elevator, and went to the [-]th floor written in the text message of Seliang Zhenchun.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator door, he saw three men leaning against the wall in the corridor, smoking cigarettes in boredom.

The three of them looked at the time on their watches from time to time, as if they were waiting for something.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the three middle-aged men, then ignored them, and walked in the direction of room 3009 that Shiliang said.

However, as soon as he came to room 3009, he heard gasps behind the door of room 3008, as if someone was peeping at him through the cat's eyes.

This familiar feeling provoked a smile on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth.

He knocked on the door directly, and Shiliang's pure voice came from inside: "Here we come!"

The door opened, and Sera Masumi, who was wearing a blue school uniform, appeared: "Detective Mori, I thought you would be late."

She shook her phone, and it was the report on the Takeuchi family case just now.

"Just now, a reporter reported that you helped Jiutiao prosecutors clear up their grievances. I thought you would be busy there for a while."

Shiliang Zhenchun asked curiously: "Is that female president really so vicious? Why did she want to kill her husband?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled, and glanced inside, thinking that the collar girl who came inside should have hidden away.

"Shiliang, are you going to talk to me at the door?"

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm sorry, Maori detective, please come in!"

Mori Kogoro then followed Sera Masumi into the room.

As soon as the door was closed, the door of room 3008 behind opened, and Yuanzi and Xiaolan in school uniforms got out from inside.

Xiaolan looked hesitant: "Yuanzi, this is not good, we still have classes in the afternoon."

Yuanzi's eyes widened: "What's wrong, don't worry, I've asked for leave for you."

"Besides, are you assured that classmate Shiliang and Uncle Maoli are together? A widow and a lonely man, although she is flat-chested, but if something really happens, how can it be done?"

Besides, I didn't attack my uncle myself, so why should I let you, a flat-chested girl, be with my uncle.

A gleam of coldness flashed in Yuanzi's eyes: "Could it be that Xiaolan, are you just watching your father fall into the flames?"

Hearing this, the corners of Xiaolan's eyes twitched, and Shiliang's pure and flat figure appeared in her mind: "It's not enough, just relying on Shiliang's classmate's pair of A's, I really can't confuse my father."

But Yuanzi has already fallen into a frenzy: "Besides, I bought this device, The-ear-listens, at a very high price. It is called Partition Wall with Ears in Japanese."

"It captures very small sounds and uses electronics to amplify them so that we can hear the sound from outside the door."

Sonoko pulled out a cylindrical device with earphones from the schoolbag in his arms.

The corners of Xiaolan's mouth twitched involuntarily, the preparations were all ready, it was almost like catching rape.

Yuanzi still looked regretful: "Hey, if there are people in the left and right rooms, we don't need to eavesdrop in the corridor. It's still easy for people to find out."

After finishing speaking, she directly pressed the black cylinder against the wooden door, and then each of Xiaolan and Xiaolan used earphones to eavesdrop.

"Detective Mori, you haven't told me yet. Why did Mariko Takeuchi kill her husband so cruelly? Wouldn't it be better if the relationship broke down and just divorced?" Shiliang Zhenchun seemed full of curiosity.

Mori Kogoro wandered around the room, except for the bedroom door on the right hand side of the entrance, which was closed, there was nothing unusual about the rest of the place.

When he heard the question, he smiled and replied: "It is true that there are some things that I didn't say in front of the reporter, but Shiliang, aren't you also a female detective? You can't ask others everything, you have to learn to use your own brain." But I'm quite curious, before you invited me here again and again, do you want me to meet someone, or do you want to entrust me with something?"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro put his big hand on the doorknob of the bedroom door.

Shiliang Zhenchun panicked immediately, and quickly said: "Detective Maori, the things inside are in a mess, you can't go in."

"Or Maori detective, if you want to see the underwear I took off, you can go in!"

Hearing this, the garden outside the door suddenly became furious, and invited Uncle Mao Li to enter the bedroom. What is this kind of words, if it is not a bright temptation?

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