She also said that she wanted Uncle Maori to see her underwear when she took it off. She was so shameless. It was just a statement of a lecherous girl!

Yuanzi was about to say something, but Xiaolan covered her mouth from behind, and could only make a sound of "¥%...@#@%*".

Xiaolan comforted in a low voice from behind: "Yuanzi, calm down, Shiliang is not my father's favorite, so my father will not agree to it. Don't make any noise, or you will startle the snake."

Just as she was saying this, Mouri Kogoro's voice came from the earphones.

"Hehe, I'm very interested in Shiliang's underwear, so let's see it first!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan in the corridor was also stunned.

Then her head drooped down, her little face was in the shadows, her face was expressionless, but extremely terrifying.

An invisible magic flame seemed to be burning fiercely behind him, and the strength in his hand could not help but increase.

Unforgivable, didn't you tell me that a daughter with big breasts is justice?

And Yuanzi, whose mouth was covered by her, suddenly looked terrified, and she felt that the little hand on her mouth was getting stronger and stronger, almost suffocating.

Under the will to survive, Yuanzi desperately patted Xiaolan's little hand.

And Kogoro Mori, who was standing at the entrance, had already opened the door, and saw the scene in the bedroom inside, which was really messy.

There was an extremely obvious pile of clothes on the bed, as if someone had picked up a whole bag of clothes and dumped them on top in a hurry.

But apart from being a bit chaotic inside, there was no sign of anyone at all, and there was no place to hide people.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the closed window in the bedroom, and then smiled at Sera Masumi: "Shira, it's really messy inside."

Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then touched his forehead with a reddish face: "I just don't know how to tidy up my clothes, ha ha, ha ha!"

Suddenly, there was a chaotic knock on the door, which instantly made Sera Masumi nervous again.

Kogoro Mouri opened the door immediately, and Sonoko fell in, and fell into the arms of Kogoro Mouri, with a look of being saved.

And Shiliang Zhenchun was confused: "Xiaolan, Yuanzi, why are you here?"

Seeing her father and Sera Masumi's clothes neatly dressed, Xiao Lan immediately retreated from the blackening mode.

She made a shy expression on her small face, rubbed her head and laughed dryly: "Hey, yes, it's strange, how can I also rain here!"

Just as the three of them were talking, a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes was hanging on the window sill outside the bedroom window.

She supported it with one hand, looking very dangerous.

Someone seemed to have seen it below, and couldn't help but stop and look up, but it was the [-]th floor after all, and pedestrians couldn't see it clearly.

The little girl also noticed the movement on the ground, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Afterwards, with a push of her hand, she jumped onto the balcony of the next room.

The little girl jumped into the balcony, and walked in as if there was no one there, and walked directly to the door.

She completely ignored the young couple who were having sex on the sofa, causing the man to wilt in fright.

Chapter 0051 The tricks of the underworld

Shiliang Zhenchun who was at the entrance could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly when he heard Xiaolan's pale words, his expression was speechless.

These two guys must have misunderstood something and came here to catch rape, right?

And a female voice came from the embedded earphones worn in his ears: "Idiot, today's plan has been cancelled."

Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but let out a long sigh in his heart.

And Sonoko, who was in Kogoro Mouri's arms, got up directly: "Shiliang, we heard that you live in a hotel, so we came to play with you."

The corner of Shiliang Zhenchun's mouth twitched: "Isn't there class in the school in the afternoon? Besides, why are you still holding this 'walls have ears' when you come to play with me?"

Sonoko had the cheek to put away the cylindrical bug: "It's not what you said, it's just a water cup for me to drink from. Don't pay attention to these details."

After finishing speaking, she immediately ran to the window in a hurry, and pretended to be amazed: "Wow, this place is really tall, although it can't compare with my Suzuki Tower, but looking at it like this, you can feel that the earth is round. !"

"Such a nice suite, let's order some snacks, and then have an afternoon tea party."

As soon as Yuanzi suggested, Xiaolan responded immediately: "It just so happens that I'm a little hungry, so hurry up and call for room service. The novelist who just passed by also ordered a lot of food in the room."

Seeing that the two of them were about to hang on and not leave, Shiliang Zhenchun silently covered his forehead, and could only agree.

Mori Kogoro could only passively get involved in this girls' afternoon tea party.

However, at the moment, he is more concerned about Shiliang's pure mother, that is, the rejuvenated collar girl-Mary.

Now the four thousand paper cranes he had channeled were following the lead girl, secretly observing this little girl who looked like a junior high school student.

The younger sister outside the field, whose real name is Mary, is about 13 or 14 years old now. She looks like a junior high school student. She has short curly light blonde hair, green eyes, and looks extremely calm. There are single folds under her eyes. She has a very delicate face and fair skin. At first glance, it feels like someone from Eagle Country.

She was wearing a beige sweater and brown trousers, and coughed occasionally.

What's even more strange is that Mori Kogoro actually saw a bit of Hui Yuan's shadow from her.

Mary was very agile, she was able to jump from the window sill to the opposite side with just one hand, she was not like an ordinary girl at all.

Kogoro Mori still remembers that in the anime memory of his previous life, this Mary's strength when she was an adult is not inferior to Shuichi Akai in the slightest. It seems that her background is not simple!

Now that the plan was cancelled, the room was full of people, so Mary directly pressed the elevator down, intending to go to the restaurant on the second floor to have something to eat.

"Dad, Dad, why are you in a daze?" Xiaolan's little hand waved in front of Mori Kogoro's eyes.

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