"We're asking you if yesterday's case was solved? You didn't go home to sleep last night!"

Saying this, Xiaolan's fists clenched tightly, making a crackling sound, which sounded very frightening.

"Also, sister Xiaolu told us a lot of interesting things last night!"

There was a smile on Xiaolan's face, but she didn't smile. She looked extremely dangerous, which made Yuanzi and Zhenchun on the opposite side a little scared.

Last night, Kuriyama Green was left at home by Hui Yuan, but this new young lawyer is no match for these two women.Under their repeated questioning, Kuriyama Midori told everything about her and Mori Kogoro, which made Huiyuan and Xiaolan furious.

If Kogoro Mori hadn't been smart enough to stay overnight at Reiko Kujo's house, it might have been another bloodbath when he returned home.

Now that Xiaolan thinks about this, she still has some lingering anger.

Seeing Xiaolan's expression, Mori Kogoro turned his body slightly and leaned over.

The big hand reached out from the invisible perspective of the two women on the opposite side, grabbed Xiaolan's buttocks, and he chuckled lightly: "From now on, we must get along well with Xiaolu!"

When her vitals were attacked, Xiaolan frowned immediately, she was such a rascal, to play this kind of low trick in front of Yuanzi and Zhenchun, it's abominable!

She glanced at the two best friends across from her, her little face flushed slightly, and she immediately retreated with a guilty conscience, not daring to fight against her father anymore.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth.

Sonoko and Zhenchun didn't become suspicious, instead they chatted happily. Girls' parties are like this, they talk about everything, and when they talk about it, they talk about it.

Yuanzi took a sip of his coffee and raised the topic: "When we came up just now, we saw a group of weird uncles. They were all gathered around the elevator, and they didn't know what they were doing!"

Zhenchun smiled lightly and said: "Those guys are the editors of the magazine. They should be waiting for the manuscript of the weird novelist next door. I heard that the novelist has a strange temper and likes to procrastinate draft!"

Xiaolan gradually got used to it, and added to the topic: "I know that one, it's a well-known love novelist named Huo Pu Jingwu, and his masterpiece seems to be "The Sea, Love, Me", which I heard is the best-selling novel this year." It's a romance novel."

"And that Huopu Jingwu heard that he had fallen into the bottom of the valley before, and almost couldn't eat. Later, he became a well-known writer again with this masterpiece."

"When Yuanzi and I came over just now, I happened to see him in room 3010. He ordered room service, set up a large table of delicious food, and the waiters kept delivering wine, pizza and cakes. I don't know who to invite! "

"I plan to ask this writer for an autograph later."

After saying this, Xiaolan couldn't help but exclaimed, causing Shiliang Zhenchun to be a little baffled: "Xiaolan, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, it's okay, I'm hungry, let's eat a piece of cake first." After saying that, Xiaolan picked up a piece of cake, but her big eyes couldn't help but glared at Mori Kogoro next to her.

And Yuanzi said, "I'm not interested in asking that bald novelist for an autograph. Why don't I take more photos with Uncle Mao Li?"

"It would be great if I could take a picture of Uncle and Xiaolan together when we were playing games in Izu."

After saying this, Sonoko lowered his head shyly, and winked at Mori Kogoro slightly shyly.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "In this way, you have to play the game very well!"

Shiliang Zhenchun, who was at the side, couldn't help but ask, "What kind of photo are you talking about?"

Yuanzi immediately had the idea of ​​sharing gossip, and immediately turned around and said excitedly, "Let me tell you, it was the king's game before..."

"Ah! Yuanzi, you promised me, don't say it!"

Xiaolan's face turned red in an instant, and she stared at Yuanzi like lightning, giving Yuanzi a strong sense of oppression.

Yuanzi immediately smiled embarrassingly: "Don't say it, don't say it!"

Chapter 0052 The trick 2

In the living room of the hotel suite, four people are sitting on the sofa, having a pleasant afternoon tea time.

Kogoro Mori looked at the three girls who were talking and laughing, and felt that his right hand was completely immersed in it, full of softness and elasticity, and he was even more satisfied.

Xiaolan's beautiful eyes stared at her from time to time, but her body leaned over, as if she was cooperating to cover it up, which was another aspect of being upright.

She managed her expression very well, controlled her breathing and blood, did not show any abnormalities on her face, and could pick up the topics thrown by Sonoko and Sera Masumi from time to time.

Sonoko glanced at Shiliang, and then said, "When Shiliang met for the first time, I felt like a tomboy, but after getting in touch, I feel like a little sister!"

Sonoko glanced at Shiliang again, then straightened out her small B-cup breasts: "It's just the feeling of an underdeveloped little sister."

Sera Masumi refused to admit defeat and said, "Don't look at the fact that it hasn't developed yet, but it will definitely make amazing progress after a while, just like a balloon, it will inflate with a bang."

Xiaolan glanced at Shiliang's innocent face, and couldn't help but said, "It's so strange, every time I look at Shiliang, I always feel like I've seen it somewhere before, and the sound of waves always rings in my ears. "

Hearing this, Shiliang Zhenchun's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Mori Kogoro: "Uncle Mori, do you feel this way?"

"Will you meet some people, and then feel familiar, like meeting again after a long time?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Of course there will be. Some people just meet each other once, and they feel that they are arranged by fate, and they are destined to meet each other."

Hearing this, Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help showing joy in his eyes.

On the other side of the phone where he turned on the phone, Mary couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly when she heard this.

Yuanzi on the side was a little confused.

There was a look of nostalgia in Mori Kogoro's eyes, he knew what Sera Masumi was probing.

If he hadn't completed the retrospective task about Yukiko before, he wouldn't be able to recall that memory at all.

Ten years ago, when Mori Kogoro had an affair with Yukiko before he separated from Eri, he took seven-year-old Ran and Shinichi to the beach to play.

It was there that he met the Akai family, including the adult form of Mary, Akai Shuichi, Haneda Hideyoshi, and Sera Masumi who had just turned seven.

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