But Mori Kogoro just showed his face, on the contrary, Xiaolan and Shinichi and the two children spent more time with the Akai family.

At the beach ten years ago, there was also a case where a robber drove into the sea and died.

Two robbers who had just robbed a luxury watch shop had an argument in the car because of the uneven distribution of the spoils, so that the car lost control and fell into the sea.

The robber in the driver's seat was not wearing a seat belt. Under the impact, his head hit the windshield and died of a broken spine.

But his accomplice escaped by opening the window when the sea water poured into the car, and mixed into the crowd at the beach.

So the goal is to find another robber at that time! ! !

At that time, Akai Shuichi, who had not yet joined the FBI, asked the energetic Shinichi and Xiaolan to help with the investigation.

And Mori Kogoro and Yukiko were flirting with each other under the sun umbrella, but it was Yukiko who found out about the case after going to Xiaolan and Shinichi.

At that time, You Xizi was a big star in China, and there was a group of spectators watching the case.

In order to avoid the relationship between the two being discovered by others, Mori Kogoro did not come forward.

He only confirmed the identity of the other robber through the phone call from Yuxizi and listening to her dictation.Then Yukiko listened to the phone, relayed Kogoro Mori's reasoning at that time, and grabbed the other robber who was wearing a fixed watch among the suspects.

Because at that time Mori Kogoro hadn't been hit by the separation, hadn't parted with Yukiko, and hadn't caused his own confusion due to the awakening of his previous life.

The whole person's intelligence was at its peak, so it was easy to find the prisoner.

However, Akai Shuichi and Mary's reasoning was a step slower.

They couldn't help but be very interested in the guy on the other end of Yukiko's phone who could find out the truth just by listening to people's narration.

After the subsequent case was over, Mori Kogoro appeared next to Yukiko, took the three of them back and left.

It was at that time that he showed his face and met Akai's family.

But at that time, he hadn't awakened the memories of his previous life, so he naturally didn't care about Akai's family, and left with Xiaolan and Yukiko.

But the Akai family was very impressed with Mori Kogoro. At that time, the little cute boy Sera Masumi ran over and shouted at himself: "Are you a magician?"

Mori Kogoro didn't respond either, he just waved goodbye!

That is to say, Mori Kogoro left a very deep impression on Sera Masumi and Mary. After the mother and daughter learned from Akai Shuichi that the dark organization had suffered many losses from Mori Kogoro, they felt The idea of ​​seeking help from Mori Kogoro.

Sera Masumi looked at Mori Kogoro expectantly, hoping to suddenly say 'you are the little girl ten years ago' from his mouth.

It's a pity that Mori Kogoro didn't say anything.

And Xiaolan who was at the side saw her reminiscing look, and suddenly twitched her brows: Dad must be thinking about some girl again.

"Father, who are the people who feel that they are destined to meet each other when they meet each other, let's hear it!"

Xiaolan stretched out her hand to pinch Mori Kogoro's waist, and twisted it. Xiaolan, who is practicing channeling, has a strange strength, even Mori Kogoro can't stand it.

In pain, his cheek twitched for a while, and he retaliated with his right hand and rubbed it.

Come on, hurt each other!

As soon as Mori Kogoro's right hand abused, Xiaolan's cheeks flushed slightly, and the twisting force couldn't help but reduce.

She glanced winkingly at the two girlfriends opposite, and could only desperately challenge her breathing, adjust her blood flow, and control herself as much as possible without any abnormalities.

A smirk appeared on the corner of Kogoro Mori's mouth, and he said, "Lan, sometimes you don't have too much curiosity. Dad just sighs." Come on, point your sword at the Central Plains.

Sera Masumi on the opposite sofa suddenly looked disappointed.

And Yuanzi still didn't understand the situation, so he just echoed: "It's fate that we are together now, so we should cherish the time we spend together."

After all, Sonoko pretended to be affectionate and gave Kogoro Moori a few winks, but unfortunately, the timing of the throw was wrong, and Kogoro Moori didn't see it at all.

Chapter 0053 Xiaolan's Suffering Time

This time of afternoon tea was so difficult for Xiaolan, Shiliang Zhenchun and Yuanzi who were opposite were chatting and laughing constantly, but in Xiaolan's eyes, it was so far away, as if separated by a world.

Her whole body was pulled away as if her soul had come out of her body.

Xiaolan's heartbeat continued to speed up, she tried her best to control herself, but her body still couldn't help trembling.

She couldn't help leaning her back on the sofa cushions, raised her little head to look at the ceiling, her jade neck kept swallowing and breathing, she looked very attractive.

Shiliang Zhenchun on the opposite side seemed to have noticed something unusual, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Lan, what's wrong with you, are you cold? Why are you shaking?"

"No, I'm fine." Xiaolan replied immediately, her voice trembling a little.

Seeing that Xiaolan's eyes were full of mist, Yuanzi's face was filled with disbelief: "Then why do you look like you're about to cry?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan became more and more panicked, and couldn't help saying: "Ya!"

However, Xiaolan's adaptability is amazing, and she quickly changed her voice to "Wow!!!!"

Her body bounced, and then she clenched her fists and raised her hands, making a gesture of yawning.

The mist in the eye sockets flowed down the corners of the eyes, and the proud chest was still heaving sharply, but Xiaolan tried her best to control her opening and said, "I'm not crying, I'm just yawning!"

"It's coming again, ah!!!"

Xiaolan, who was yawning, leaned directly onto Kogoro Mori next to her.

She begged in a low voice: "Dad, please forgive me!" This voice was heartbreaking.

Kogoro Mori saw the pitiful appearance of his precious daughter, so he let her go and did not continue to punish her.

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