Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Mouri Kogoro with red eyes: It's too bad!

On the opposite side, Shiliang Zhenchun and Yuanzi didn't notice it at all, but because Xiaolan yawned, they yawned themselves, which is quite funny.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Okay, your girls' afternoon tea parties, cosmetics, and all kinds of gossip are not suitable for me, and I am not full of these snacks. I will go to the restaurant below to find something to eat, and I will be back later Looking for you."

Yuanzi immediately looked resigned, while Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "Father, go quickly and leave us alone."

Mori Kogoro got up straight away, put his right hand in his pocket, rubbed Xiaolan's head with his left hand, and walked out of the room.

But seeing her father leave, Xiaolan felt a little more empty in her heart, and her interest suddenly dropped a lot, but soon the three girls started another topic.

Mori Kogoro walked out of the room and walked directly to the elevator. He entered the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor.

Mary is now in the restaurant on the first floor, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

On the newspaper is the case that Mori Kogoro reasoned at Takeuchi's house in the morning, and the picture above is when Mori Kogoro confronted everyone in front of Kujo Reiko.

Even from Mary's aesthetic point of view, Mori Kogoro in the photo is very good-looking, with a handsome face, clear lines, deep and gentle eyes, no wonder so many fans like him.

Since it is a partner who wants to cooperate, Mary naturally needs to analyze it carefully.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori suddenly appeared at the entrance of the restaurant. Mary couldn't help but put on her sunglasses in a panic, unfolded the newspaper, and blocked it in front of her.She cursed softly into the phone: "Zhenchun, why didn't you tell me that Detective Maori left?"

Shiliang Zhenchun in the upper room suddenly looked innocent, obviously her mother didn't pay attention.

Mary felt that now was not the time to meet Kogoro Mori, she just wanted to observe in secret, so she begged Kogoro Mori not to see herself.

But this is obviously an extravagant expectation. Among a group of Japanese, a foreign loli with blonde hair and blue eyes stands out very much.

And this loli can't be called small, it's fully mature and can be called and eaten.

Soon Mori Kogoro walked to Mary's desk and chuckled lightly: "Son, what are you doing with my photo?"

Hearing this, Mary realized that she had inadvertently shown the photo of Mori Kogoro in the newspaper.

And in the room upstairs, Shiliang Zhenchun heard the voice from the pocket earphones in his ears, and couldn't help crying inwardly: It can't be such a coincidence, Uncle Mao Li went to find something to eat and even found his mother!

"Hey, I'm still a little foreign girl, can you understand Japanese?" Mori Kogoro asked gently.

Mary hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Mori Kogoro sat down and said with a light smile, "Then you don't mind lending the newspaper to uncle, after all, you are the only one in the restaurant who has this newspaper."

Although Mary is not younger than himself, the thick-skinned Mori Kogoro directly calls himself an uncle.

Looking around, it was true that only Mary had a newspaper in her hand.

She couldn't help sighing, it seemed that the newspaper really brought him here.

At this point, Mori Kogoro didn't recognize him, so Mary regained her composure and handed over the newspaper.

She is planning to test it out as a child!

Mori Kogoro pretended to read the newspaper: "Reporters nowadays are becoming more and more efficient. The reasoning in the morning will be reported in the afternoon, but the report is fair."

Mary couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she heard this. Most of the report was praising Mori Kogoro. How can such remarks be considered fair? This famous detective is too thick-skinned.

Mori Kogoro closed the newspaper, put it on the table, and looked at Mary with interest. He was about [-] meters short and fair-skinned: "Son, where are you from? You don't look like that." Too much of a half-breed? American, or Eagle Country?"

"People from Eagle Country, are you really a Maori detective? That great detective who is as famous as Sherlock Holmes? I'm your fan!" Mary's voice was mature, but she tried her best to pretend to be a girl's curiosity.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Aren't I not like the one in the photo? However, Sherlock can't compare to me!"

Hearing this, Mary couldn't help muttering in her heart: Arrogant.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be adoring: "Hiss!"

Shiliang Zhenchun in the upstairs room was stunned, she never realized that her glamorous old mother would have such a side.

"Hey, wait a minute, how did I find out that you look so much like a person!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro grabbed Mary's shoulders with his big hands, his eyes became sharper, and his face moved closer to Mary.

Mary and Sera Masumi in the room panicked. Could it be that they were recognized by Maori detectives?

Chapter 0054

Kogoro Mori stroked Mary's pale golden hair with his big hand, and then he saw her small earlobes.

His voice is full of magnetism and gentleness, and it penetrates into people's heart like the warm winter sun: "Heh, if I didn't see the pointed ears, I thought you were an elf who fell into the mundane world by mistake."

Hearing this through the transmission of the mobile phone, Shiliang Zhenchun's little face in the hotel suite instantly flushed red, and his heart was beating, as if someone had been poured a big mouthful of warm wine, and he was a little dazed.

Is this what being teased feels like?Uncle Maori's voice is so nice too!

Why does it seem like my heart is moving? Shiliang Zhenchun glanced at his arm, and goose bumps appeared.

Yuanzi next to him couldn't help frowning: "Shiliang, what's wrong with you, why are you blushing?"

"Oh, no, nothing, where are we talking?"

Yuanzi looked suspicious: "What's going on today, you two are acting weird, and what's more, did you smell any strange smell?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's complexion changed slightly, her legs tightened a little, she still held her school skirt underneath, and said with a light smile, "How can there be such a smell, Yuanzi, you are the only one who is surprised!"

"Well, that's my overthinking!"

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