The manager inserted his master card into the slot in the suite as a power card, and he immediately went back to the front desk downstairs to check in for Mori Kogoro.

This is just a small privilege of the black card.

Mary also recognized the black card, and couldn't help frowning: I can't tell that this Maori detective is quite rich, eh, no, why did he drag me into the room.

Mary couldn't help stepping back and said, "Uncle Maori, what did you bring me here for?"

"My mother said, I'm underage and I can't be alone with men."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Little guy, what are you thinking? I still have things to do first, but I just promised you to heal your injuries, so I asked for this room."

"If you don't want to be cured, then I'll go first."

Hearing this, Mary became anxious immediately, and grabbed Kogoro Moori: "I'll fix it, I'll fix it."

"Then take off your clothes."

"Ah???" Mary's blue eyes widened instantly.

"Of course there can't be any hindrance to the transmission of qigong into your body. Naturally, you have to take off your clothes, but you have to take off your clothes."

Seeing Mary's little face slowly turning red, Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "You little girl, you are only thirteen or fourteen years old, and you haven't even developed yet. Why are you so shy!"

Mary immediately looked hesitant, her small hands were pinching the hem of the sweater, but she didn't move for a long time.

After waiting for a long time, Kogoro Moori scratched his head: "It's troublesome, since you are so shy, little guy, then I will treat you next time. You can go to the office to find me in a few days, and I will help you." I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro turned around and walked towards the gate.

Just as he was about to turn the doorknob, Mary's voice came from behind: "Please wait!"

Mori Kogoro turned around, not to constrict his pupils for a while.

Standing by the bed, Mary's face was red, her upper body was naked, and her arms were still covering key parts, she was ashamed to hide it.

This is really good at hiding, the development is so good, the childlike big breasts!

At only thirteen or fourteen years old, she is comparable to Xiaolan. Foreigners are really developing ahead of schedule.

"Help me heal!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro let go of the doorknob, turned around and returned to the room.

Chapter 0056

Mary's skin was very fair, much fairer than Huiyuan's.

Huiyuan is of English-Japanese mixed race, while Mary is a pure-bred Caucasian from the Eagle Country, with natural skin better than snow.

At this moment, the little loli was obediently lying on the bed, her face flushed, waiting for treatment.

Mary's emerald green eyes were full of mist, and she hadn't been topless in front of the opposite sex for many years.

Even though she is the body of a child who has been shrunk by taking APTX, Mary is still very uncomfortable.

Mori Kogoro said: "Don't worry, the parents of the doctors are kind, I will try my best to help you."

While speaking, his big hand was pressed on Mary's left chest.

Mary's brows twitched, she was about to have a seizure like a goddamn doctor's parents.

But Mori Kogoro's face was also close together, staring at the healed scar on his left chest.

"Is this a gunshot wound? It went through your left chest and pierced your lung lobe, that's why you keep coughing."

Sensing the fiery hands, Mary couldn't help but blush.

But when she saw Mori Kogoro's serious look, she suppressed her anger and nodded obediently: "Yeah!"

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly: "This is strange, if this is a gunshot wound, it would be too small!" His index finger and middle finger opened the skin around the wound: "This is a [-]mm caliber bullet. There is no [-]mm caliber in the world!"

"And your wound obviously happened four or five years ago. You were only six or seven years old four or five years ago."

"If you were shot at a very young age, the wound will grow up after the wound heals, and the scars left will grow larger as you grow up. It is the same principle as when we were vaccinated when we were young."

"In other words, the real wound is less than three millimeters, which is almost invisible. How is this possible? Where in the world is there such a small gunshot wound? This kind of injury can't hurt anyone at all!"

Mary was stunned by this series of questioning. She didn't know that Kogoro Mouri could tell so many things just by looking at a wound, and the shyness on his face eased a lot.

Mary complained secretly in her heart: Is this what you should focus on?Do I want to tell you that I was hunted down by gin and fled into the river after being shot, so I took the shrinking medicine?

It was because Mary, who was drifting in the river, took APTX and her body shrunk, the [-]mm gunshot wound on her chest shrank to [-]-[-]mm, and the bowl-sized wound on her back shrank to the size of a coin, so she didn’t lose too much blood and die.

Mary could only reply weakly at the moment: "I forgot."

Mori Kogoro nodded: "That's right, you were just a child at the time, so it's normal to forget."

While saying this, Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, as if he was studying something interesting, he turned his hands over Mary's chest to study it.

But after all, Mary is a small loli after an adult. She has three children. The big hands of the opposite sex will naturally bring her a strange feeling. Her little face is flushed, and her breathing has become much faster.

Seeing this nasty man, Mary's forehead kept throbbing: "Although I'm just a little girl now, it doesn't mean you can behave in such a disrespectful manner."

Her short legs were slightly bent, intending to deliver a fatal blow to Mori Kogoro's crotch.

But Mori Kogoro seemed to have noticed it, and quickly turned Little Loli over, instantly shattering her plan.

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