The situation was extremely critical back then, and Mary had no choice but to take the APTX drug. Fortunately, her body became smaller and she saved her life.

Now that he was pressed by the big detective, his body became cold, and his throat miraculously soothed a lot.

Mary couldn't help but asked: "Detective Maori, do you know medical skills? Why do you feel a cold back, as if something came in!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "This is qigong, a mysterious martial art from Huaguo, which is very effective in strengthening the body. After all, as a detective, I naturally have to master some strange skills."

"But little guy, you coughed very hoarsely just now. This situation is pretty bad."


Mary, who was well-informed, naturally knew something about it. Coupled with the strange feeling in her back just now, she believed it [-]-[-]% in her heart.

A look of expectation flashed in Mary Bi's eyes, and she immediately asked, "Detective Maori, can you cure me?"

Sera Masumi in the hotel suite also listened with concern.

Mori Kogoro rubbed Mary's little head with his hands, and said with a light smile.

"It's cured well, but in your case, you need to be cured at least four or five times before you can recover."

"But uncle is very busy and doesn't have much time. Go to the doctor, little guy. Eat some fragrant pears when you have time, and you will recover slowly."

Mary shook her head and said, "The hospital can't cure me. I've seen many doctors, and the medicines I took didn't help at all."

"I want you to help me!" Mary stared fixedly at Kogoro Mori.

She really didn't want to be tortured anymore, especially when she woke up in the middle of the night and coughed hoarsely, it was really uncomfortable.

Mori Kogoro turned his head sideways: "This is nerve-wracking, little guy. I just promised to accompany you to visit this hotel in the afternoon. Why do you still make new requests? You can't be so aggressive, uncle is very busy."

Mary quickly said, "Then I entrust you to treat me, how much will it cost?"

"It's not a question of money, it's that uncle still has important things to do, and he has to deal with a group of bad guys in black suits and black hats!"

Upon hearing this, Mary's pupils immediately contracted. Upon hearing this, Sera Masumi upstairs immediately walked to the balcony and covered her ears, trying to hear more clearly.

Dark organization!

Are they coming?

Mary felt a little flustered immediately, and she wanted to call her daughter and change to a more remote hotel.

Kogoro Mori squatted down, took advantage of Mary's loss of consciousness, and pinched her pink face, and it really felt great.

He smiled gently: "So I can only help you after I get rid of all those bad guys. Don't worry."

"Oh, why do you look unhappy? Well, since you are my fan, uncle will help you with a course of treatment!"

But Mary's attention was completely shifted to the dark organization just mentioned. She pretended to be a child and asked, "What do those bad guys look like?"

Kogoro Moori took Mary's little hand and walked forward, said with a light smile, "I can't tell you about this, and I don't know if you're a little guy, if you leak it out and let them hear that you've escaped, then It will be miserable."

"After all, I waited for them for a long time before they showed up."

"Well, let's put it this way. Those guys are the mice hiding in the mud. Only a silver long-haired mouse is especially good at running away. He slipped away two or three times. The rest are easy to solve."

Hearing this, Mary's emerald green eyes flashed a gleam of coldness.

JIN, the injury back then was thanks to him.

That is to say, the previous rumors are all true. JIN disappeared for a while, but suffered a big loss under Kogoro Mori.

That said, it's not unreasonable for this man to be so conceited.

Mary's eyes kept patrolling Kogoro Mori, and Kogoro Mori seemed to notice it, and turned his head to smile at her.

For some reason, that smiling face was a bit scorching, and Mary's pretty face blushed slightly, and she turned her head quickly.

After that, no matter how Mary led the topic, Mori Kogoro never mentioned the dark organization again.

He played a qualified accompanying role and took Mary to the concert hall and amusement hall to play.

Mary, on the other hand, tries to act like a little girl, acting as cute and innocent as she can.

But this is still too difficult for her. Although Mary has become younger for four or five years, she has always been accompanied by Sera Masumi.

She only needs to play the role of a mother, telling her daughter to do everything, and never showing up herself.She doesn't need to deal with others, and naturally she doesn't need to sell her morals, pretend to be a baby voice, and various little girl poses.

Even though the flaw was so big, Mori Kogoro played dumb in cooperation and didn't expose her.

During this period, Mary remembered that her mobile phone was also on and connected to her daughter's earphones.

Only then did she realize that her daughter had heard her embarrassing cuteness, and immediately pressed the phone in panic.

Now the image is completely ruined, how can I educate my daughter in the future!

Mary looked mournful, while Sera Masumi in the room kept all the recordings of the call with a smirk.

Mom's black history, get!

Then Mori Kogoro did not take Mary to the indoor swimming pool on the [-]th floor, but took her to the hotel room on the lower floor.

Just when Kogoro Moori saw a passing hotel manager, he stopped him.

Then he took out a black card from his wallet and explained his needs.

The manager recognized the black card, and immediately led the way respectfully, led Kogoro Mori to a business suite, and opened the door to let Kogoro Mori and Mary in.

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