On the other hand, Yuanzi laughed with relief: "Xiao Shiliang, why did you tell me earlier, what's the embarrassment of asking your uncle to help you treat a disease? I thought you wanted to invite your uncle to open a house, it's really misleading .”

Hearing this, the other three women present all laughed dryly.

Yuanzi is really outspoken!

Xiao Lan climbed her little hands on Yuanzi's buttocks with a smiling face, and twisted them mercilessly.

Under the pain, Yuanzi's eyes widened, and his little face turned red first, then purple.

But she tried her best not to scream, for fear of ruining her image in front of Kogoro Mouri.

In fact, there is no image at all.

Fortunately, Xiaolan gave up after a little punishment, Yuanzi supported the corridor wall and gasped for breath.

Then Shiliang Zhenchun said: "There is no way to do this. You have all seen it. My sister is very afraid of strangers and is very wary of strangers. She will definitely not cooperate when too many people come."

Mary, who was hiding behind Sera Masumi, pretended to be scared, her eyes were darting like a deer, and she acted so vividly.

Mori Kogoro naturally knew that their statement was made up temporarily, but he didn't dismantle it. Instead, he cooperated and said: "So this is the matter, Shiliang, can you explain it clearly on the phone, I thought it was What kind of confidential matter!"

"However, this little guy's old injury is quite serious, and the treatment is no problem, but it will take several courses of treatment."

"I happen to have some things to deal with these few days, how about this, I'll start treating her after the weekend!" Hearing this, Mary and Sera's pure eyes narrowed slightly: I have time this weekend, and That is, the time for the dark organization to act is either Thursday or Friday.

Because Akai Shuichi didn't want his sister and mother to be involved in this matter, he didn't disclose relevant information to them, so the mother and daughter who were hiding in the hotel didn't know.

Seeing the two girls looking thoughtful, Mori Kogoro said, "Okay, it's getting late, we should go back."

Then he walked forward, knelt down in front of little Lolita, and made a commanding gesture.

Mary thought he had some medical advice to say, such as what not to eat.

But Mori Kogoro just leaned into his ear and whispered: "Mary, your breasts are amazing, uncle likes them very much, please keep them well!"

Hearing this, little Lolita's pretty face instantly flushed red: Bastard, it's so vile, you even ran over to tease yourself.

And it's too erotic to say such things to a little girl of thirteen or fourteen!

But with her daughter Sera by her side, Mary couldn't have a fit at all, so Bi Mou could only stare at Kogoro Mori fiercely.

Mori Kogoro smiled triumphantly, and rubbed Mary's little head with his big hand, then turned around and pulled Xiaolan away.

Yuanzi hurriedly followed, and waved at Shiliang: "Shiliang, I'm going back too. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow!"

Waving goodbye Shiliang Zhenchun turned his head and saw his mother with flushed cheeks and smoking head, she couldn't help but wondered, "Mom, why are you so red?"

How could Mary speak up about such a thing, and cursed in a low voice: "Idiot!"

After that, she hurriedly went to room 3009.

After Mori Kogoro sent Sonoko home, the car turned towards his own direction.

As soon as the Lexus stopped, Xiao Lan immediately took Kogoro Mouri's big hand and ran towards the third floor.

The sound of the little leather boots stomped continuously, just like Xiaolan's heartbeat, which continued to speed up.

Mori Kogoro was still a little confused, so he was dragged home by him.

The door slammed shut!

At the entrance, before entering the room, Xiao Lan pushed Mori Kogoro against the wall, and her soft body pressed against the wall.

She stood on tiptoe and kissed Kogoro Mori's lips, while Kogoro Mori's big hand wrapped around his soft waist.

The two kissed passionately for a long time, and Xiaolan leaned against Moli Kogoro's generous chest with a red face, and said coquettishly, "Father, you are really necrotic. I just sent Sonoko and Shiliang away with great difficulty. A new sofa was moved to the room."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro reacted instantly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Oh, so that's the case, it's really Dad's fault, how can Lan want Dad to compensate you?"

His big hand gently stroked Xiaolan's soft back, just like plucking her heartstrings.

Xiao Lan's eyes were full of water waves, full of tenderness, her little nose hummed twice, and this girl couldn't hold it back anymore.

She didn't go into the living room either, and directly pulled Mori Kogoro to the floor.

Chapter 0061 The Enchantment at the Entrance

In the evening, at the entrance on the third floor of Mori's house, where the sun doesn't even shine.

The little angel sits on the belly of Kogoro Mouri, his eyebrows and eyes are curved, and his movements are full of amorous feelings.

The little suit-style blue school uniform had already been taken off by the girl herself. She was wearing a white shirt inside. Three or four buttons on the chest were unbuttoned, and the light green tie was also loosened, revealing the deep gully. Half undressed, full of allure.

Not to mention the absolute field formed by the blue school skirt and black knee socks, which is so white that it makes Kogoro Mouri brush his hands from time to time.

Seeing the girl's flushed face and long, disheveled hair, Mori Kogoro's eyes were full of encouragement.

His big hands supported the girl's waist, the curves were extremely perfect, and nothing was superfluous.

As if feeling itchy, the little angel giggled twice, then leaned down, and the pink lips were printed on Mouri Kogoro's lips, and the two kissed passionately.

Sensing the fullness of his chest, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but hugged the girl on his body tightly, as if he wanted to rub her into his body.

The fiery big hands continued to climb along the curve of the little angel's waist, and he could clearly feel the curvature of the waist, which made people fascinated.

Then those two big hands swam unscrupulously, their arms were extremely long, they couldn't reach anywhere, and soon reached above the full moon.

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