As early as three or four hours ago, in the hotel room, the little angel was already emotional.

Mori Kogoro's situation is roughly the same. He also felt the evil scene at the afternoon tea party, and the treatment of the little Yangma with a childlike face and big breasts also gave him a different kind of stimulation.

With dry wood and fire, the two of them stopped wasting time.

After an indescribable operation, the dragon dived into the abyss, and a stirring and beautiful movement resounded in the entrance.

In the Kubado Premier Hotel, little Loli Marie had already entered the ensuite bathroom, and she was taking a bath in it, but it was cold water.

The cold water spurted out from the shower head and landed on the little Lolita's jade-like body, instantly calming her down a lot.

But even so, the picture just now appeared in Mary's mind from time to time, and her mind wavered.

Gently stroking and treating like a father, and sucking greedily like a baby, what a bad guy!

Mary couldn't help reaching out to grab the place where she was bitten just now, her little face flushed again.

At this time, the voice of her daughter Shiliang came from outside: "Mom, are you okay, come out quickly!"

Her daughter's voice brought Mary back to her senses, and she turned off the tap, wrapped herself in a towel, and walked out of the bathroom.

Shiliang Zhenchun said: "Mom, what should we do next? Those guys are going to act, it's just these two days."

When she heard the business, Mary's face became serious: "Wait. It's not like you don't know how scary those guys are. We can't expose them easily."

"Then I'll call my elder brother and see if he's also got the information."

After finishing speaking, Shiliang called the phone, and the call was connected quickly.

"Brother Xiu, are those guys about to act, are you going to arrest them?" Akai Shuichi on the other end of the phone frowned: "How do you know, is the information leaked?"

"No, no, the Maori detective just came to our side, and my mother and I worked together to find out?"

Akai Shuichi became anxious immediately: "What, why are you making your own decisions and getting involved with Mori Kogoro? That guy is very dangerous, and it's still not sure whether he's a good guy or a bad guy!"

Hideichi Akai, who was robbed of his girlfriend and taught him a lesson, was naturally hostile to Kogoro Mori, and was naturally very anxious when he heard his mother and sister approaching him.

At this time, Mary answered the phone: "Xiuyi, mom has confirmed for you that he is someone you can trust."

"You FBI said to cooperate with him before, doesn't it mean that you trust him?"

"Xiuyi, you can't be impulsive, tell me now, are they going to act tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

Akai Shuichi pondered for a moment, then said: "Friday the day after tomorrow, I can't tell you the exact location. Don't meddle in this matter. We, the FBI, have recruited people and arranged everything. Just wait to catch a few big fish."

"You have just come into contact with Mori Kogoro, I suggest you change to a new residence, so as not to be affected by that arrogant guy."

Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but interjected: "Brother, how can you say that about Maori Detective? He is very powerful. Didn't you say that the gin that hurt your mother before was a big loss under his hands?"

Hearing what his sister said, Akai Shuichi's face became extremely ugly.

Now, even the younger sister is falling for the guy who robbed his girlfriend.

Akai Hideichi said coldly: "Okay, we're going to have a meeting, I won't talk to you anymore, you should pay attention to safety." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Mary and Sera Masumi in the room looked at each other, not understanding Shuichi Akai's reaction.

"Mom, do we really just leave it alone?"

"Whatever, didn't your brother say that it's already arranged, and besides, this time I can just see the skills of Maori detectives, so that guy should be the right field!" After finishing speaking, Mary chuckled lightly.

Akai Shuichi on the other end of the phone was really in a meeting, and he followed James into the basement.

The basement was already full of players transferred from the United States this time, and Judy was sitting in it.

Next to him was a big man with a very ferocious appearance, long hair, a square face, and many scars on his face.

This is Andre Kamel who volunteered for this operation.

Two years ago, when the FBI arrested Gin, it was this guy who evacuated the organization members who were disguised as old people at that time, so that the arrest operation was exposed, which exposed Akai Shuichi's identity, and even recommended Akai to join the organization. Akemi Miyano.

Afterwards, Andre Kamel sat on the bench, and this time he learned that it was another action to arrest 'Gin', so he tried to come over to help.

Standing in front of everyone, James turned out a photo, and it turned out to be a photo of Gin.

Although there was only one side face, many people present with long silver hair recognized it.

"According to the informant, he sneaked into Japan last weekend, and there is a high probability that he will command this operation."

James clapped his hands on the table, staring at everyone with tiger eyes: "And our goal is to arrest Gin and his men."

Chapter 0062 stunned Huiyuan

At around five o'clock in the evening, Huiyuan returned to the Mori Detective Agency with his schoolbag on his back.

Conan followed behind, holding his chin, wondering what he was thinking.

Little Lolita walked up the stairs with light steps, looking quite in a good mood.

However, when approaching the gate on the third floor, Huiyuan heard an indistinct sound.

Soon the little Lolita recognized it, and her face couldn't help but change slightly.

She quickly took out the key from her schoolbag and opened the door.

When the door was pushed in, Huiyuan's pupils widened, as if he had suffered a great shock.

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