Although she knew about this before, it was still so hard to accept when it really happened in front of her.

Huiyuan was a little dazed.

Xiaolan on the porch in front of her was covered in sweat, sitting on the ground with her back to herself.

When she heard the sound, she turned around, and her fair and beautiful back twisted into an arc full of beauty.

There was a happy smile on his flushed cheeks.

"Xiao Ai, are you home?"

Conan, who walked down to the second floor, looked at Hui Yuan who was stunned at the door, and couldn't help asking: "Hui Yuan, what's wrong?"

Little Lolita trembled as if she was frightened, then she pretended to be calm and said, "It's nothing."

After finishing speaking, she immediately stepped into the door on the third floor, and the door was closed immediately.

Conan shook his head, feeling nothing unusual.

He ignored the startled Huiyuan, took the key and opened the door and walked into the office on the second floor.

The little devil happened to meet someone this morning, he cared very much, he had a feeling of déjà vu, and he was trying to remember.

And the little loli standing at the porch couldn't help but blush, this scene is too explosive.

She couldn't help squinting her eyes, and looked at Xiaolan with a fierce look: "It's almost done, I'm already home."

Xiaolan laughed softly: "Then Xiaoai, go back to your room and do your homework, and my sister will cook for you later!"

Hearing this, Hui Yuan rolled his eyes to the sky.

If you really want to leave, then tonight's dinner probably won't be available until eight or nine o'clock.

So she resorted to the big killer and took out the mobile phone from her pocket.

When Xiaolan saw the phone, her face changed drastically and she immediately stood up, calm down.

More than two hours later, at the dining table on the third floor of Maori's house, Conan felt the strange atmosphere on the dining table again.

His eyes glanced at this and that from time to time, muttering in his heart.

Especially Haibara looked at Conan from time to time, which always made him feel malicious.

Mori Kogoro coughed, and the little ghost sat down like a chilling cicada, subconsciously wanting to resist the iron fist of justice that fell from the sky.

But this time Mori Kogoro didn't make a move.

"Conan, after school these days, just stay at home honestly, don't go out casually, it's not peaceful outside."

Hearing this, Conan suddenly looked puzzled.

When Xiaolan heard her father say this, her expression changed slightly, and she quickly echoed: "Conan, listen to what father says, he won't make mistakes." The last time Mori Kogoro said this, Xiaolan just didn't listen, and went out to talk to him. Eri was almost crushed to death by the crushed building when he was eating, so he was naturally very sensitive to these things.

Little loli Huiyuan frowned slightly when she heard this.

Mori Kogoro wanted to keep Conan from getting involved in this incident. This guy hadn't kept up with the progress in the full moon operation at the beginning, and now he is even more blind to the dark organization. If he is really involved, he doesn't know How miserable it is to die.

There has been news from Shui Wurenai, and this time the dark organization dispatched a big battle.

The visitors not only included gin, Chianti, and Belmode, but also several code-named killers drawn from all over the world, many of whom even Rena Mizumu didn't know much about.

They are bound to win Congressman Tumen Kanghui.

But Mori Kogoro didn't have the heart to protect Tumen Kanghui. To him, that guy was just a piece of bait thrown away, and it didn't matter if he died.

After dinner, Mori Kogoro, who was coaxing the little loli Haibara on the sofa, was suddenly taken aback, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

The thousand paper cranes that came out of the psychic before finally made a contribution.

The dark organization is about to act, and Toru Amuro is naturally not immune.

Today he even drove his beloved car to see Belmore.

Bourbon and Belmode have a very close friendship. Both of them are mystics, and they will meet and exchange information from time to time, not to mention that Bourbon still has a handle on Belmode.

According to the message from Qianzhihe, who came out of the psychic, the two met at the Mihua Bridge.

Mori Kogoro didn't need to go there in person, so as not to startle the snake.

He only needs to separate two paper cranes to attach to Belmode, and then he can follow her to find her lair.

This time, the Witch with Thousand Faces could not leave.

Beside the Mihua Bridge, Belmode was wearing a black windbreaker and a hat, looking at the night view of Tokyo.

Her long silver hair fluttered in the wind, but her delicate little face seemed a little lonely, and there was a look of reminiscence in her eyes.

Bourbon parked his white car beside him, walked up and stood beside him.

"Belmode, it doesn't feel good to be on the bench. The mission failed last time, and no one will listen to you now!"

Hearing this, Belmore's expression didn't change at all, she just lit a lady's cigarette, and the smoke was blown away by the wind as soon as it came out: "Bourbon, don't say any more sarcastic remarks, what about the matter I asked you to investigate? "

Bourbon shook his head: "I really don't know how you all suffered from Mori Kogoro. I have been monitoring him for more than two months. Apart from having many female companions, he has no other abnormalities at all. An ordinary detective is nothing but a waste of time."

There was a vague smile on the corner of Belmor's mouth, and his cold eyes glanced at the man beside him: "Oh?"

"What about the other one?"

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