"The other little girl, apart from going to school every day, just goes to the flower shop when she has time. Dr. Li, who used to go there before, hasn't been to Dr. Li's house much recently."

Bourbon was a little puzzled by this, and didn't know why Belmode paid so much attention to the little girl named Hui Yuanai.

But he ignored it, and instead asked what he wanted: "I heard that Gin went crazy during that mission in the Middle East and slaughtered a whole village."

"Isn't that guy always like this? It's just worse after Vodka died."

Bourbon asked: "Is he still leading the team this time?"

"Rum has more important things to do, and he and his subordinates are going to do other things. Naturally, Gin will lead the team."

Chapter 0063 Xiaolan stared blankly

Hearing this, Bourbon's eyes became more thoughtful. He was very concerned about Rum's mission.

I heard that it was related to the undercover agent, but Bourbon didn't want to ask Belmode for more information.

The number two person in this organization is mysteriously tight, the boss's confidant, many subordinates, and even many substitutes, Bourbon has never seen it before.

There are different opinions about his appearance, but the one thing that is consistent is that his eyes have been injured.

Belmode said: "Bourbon, enough vacation, do you want to act together this time?"

Bourbon leaned on the fence, chuckled and said, "Forget it, I don't want to cooperate with that lunatic Gin, besides, the rye whiskey didn't show up, it's just an assassination of a congressman, how can I be used."

"And this time, didn't we also recruit Taoster, Westland and Chianti? There is also a new partner for gin. There are already enough people, so I won't join in the fun."

Hearing the names of Taoster and Westland, Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing.

He has an impression of these two people, the code-named strong man of the dark organization, the character who received a box lunch after a soy sauce in the previous life animation.

But they have one thing in common, that is, they are all undercover agents.

Toust is an undercover agent sent by the Central Intelligence Service (SIS) of the Eagle Country, while Wesleyn is a female undercover agent of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), and Chianti is an undercover brainwashed by herself. Reina is an undercover agent of the CIA in the United States.

That is to say, Gin Jiu is really good enough to act with a lot of undercover agents this time. How did he choose such a lineup?

Belmode took a puff of a cigarette and said, "I don't know why, I have some ominous premonition."

"Belmode, this is not like you. You used to not be so concerned about gains and losses."

Hearing this, Belmore chuckled a few times, then stamped out the cigarette, then turned around and got in the car to leave, leaving Bourbon in place.

Bourbon's eyes were gloomy, looking at the dark lake, wondering what he was thinking.

The two separated thousand paper cranes left with Belmode.

The car kept galloping, and Kogoro Mori felt very familiar with those roads, and they turned out to be the road leading to Mihua City [-]-chome.

In the end, Belmode stopped at a dilapidated ninth-floor apartment. Looking from that apartment, you could see the big characters of Maori Detective Agency.

No way!

Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked out from the balcony behind. As far as his eyes could see, the apartment was also in sight.

Is this woman really skilled and daring, playing the routine where the most dangerous place is the safest place?To stay so close to him.

Could it be that she is also watching herself, she is really quite fat.

There was an evil smile on Mori Kogoro's face, and a picture of how to concoct Belmode had already appeared in his mind.

Suddenly, his cheek was pinched by a small hand.

"Uncle, what are you laughing at?"

The little loli Huiyuan narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyes were full of cold light: "Smiling so badly, could it be that you are reminiscing about what you just did?"

"Where is it, Xiao Ai, where are you thinking, uncle is holding you now, how could he miss other people?"

Huiyuan's small face was a little satisfied, but he still rolled his eyes and continued to curse: "You pervert!"

Kogoro Mori is completely immune to this title, and in fact, he has accepted this title faintly in his heart.And being a pervert is addictive!

He turned the little Lolita over, let her lie on his legs, and then gave her a few fat buttocks, which felt great.

Hui Yuan pursed his lips and did not say a word, his face flushed, but he was extremely ashamed in his heart: How could you hit me in front of others!

Conan's eyes widened, and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground: What's going on, why are the two of them flirting like no one?Completely treat yourself as air!

Mori Kogoro realized that Conan was still here, and turned his head to look at the little devil, raised his eyebrows, and the threat in his eyes was self-evident.

Before he could speak, Conan stood up tactfully, and he acted artificially: "Oh, I almost forgot, I still have a lot of homework to do, uncle, I won't bother you."

After saying that, he ran away and went back to his own room.

After Conan left, the little loli Haibara turned her head to one side, and gave Mori Kogoro the back of the head, pretending to be angry: I also want to save face!

Mori Kogoro poked Huiyuan's bulging face, bent his head and kissed her, and then said softly: "Uncle is very happy today, he found someone who has been hiding, so, to celebrate this, Xiao Ai, let's take a bath together!"

Hearing this, Hui Yuan's expression instantly became confused. Is there a relationship between the two?The hearse drift is not so fast!

Kogoro Mori looked at Haibara's cute expression, and the smile on his face became brighter. He picked up the little loli and headed towards the bathroom.


Haibara immediately struggled, but Kogoro Mori suppressed this pretentious struggle.

The bathroom door was quickly closed, and the little girl with the tablet was pulled out completely, and the bathtub began to fill with water. The hot water from the shower head flowed out, and the dense water vapor continued to rise.

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