Although he and Kogoro Mori have bathed many times, Haibara's little face will still be as red as an apple every time he sees this scene.

And every time Kogoro Mori washed her, little Lori felt that she was about to lose the ability to take care of herself.

Hui Yuan stood in front of Kogoro Mori with her legs crossed, quietly waiting for Kogoro Mori to give her a suit.

Mori Kogoro put shower gel on his slightly rough hands, and began to bathe Haibara.

He is very proficient, and his skill in taking a bath is increasing day by day, little Lolita can't help but close her eyes, it is very useful, and the bathroom is naturally warm.

Soon after finishing her homework, Xiaolan stretched her waist and walked out of her room.

Seeing that there was no one in the living room, she immediately shifted her gaze to the direction of the bathroom, and she immediately showed a clear look.

Sure enough, Dad is helping Xiao Ai take a bath again, and the two must take a bath together.

Xiao Ai is also true, other times she always pretends to be an adult, but she can't learn to take a bath.

But Xiaolan suddenly felt that her body was sticky, and she thought, anyway, from now on, she doesn't have to hide it from Huiyuan.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xiaolan's mouth, and she went straight back to her room to get her pajamas, and then came to the bathroom door, intending to go in and take a bath together.

This is very common in Japan, to protect precious water resources.

The bathroom door was pushed in, and Xiao Lan, who was standing at the door, widened her eyes suddenly, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Xiao Ai is actually licking ice cream!

Chapter 0064 Xiao Ai has doubled up again

The cute little loli had a shy face, but her eyes were full of charm.

The cold eyes are full of the unique style of mature women, combined with the innocent and cute face, the two feelings blend together, it is almost criminal to look at it.

Little Lolita saw Xiaolan, and turned her face to glance at her, took a sip like showing off, and then smiled sweetly, her brows were curved, and her blue eyes were full of pride.

Seeing such a broken scene, Xiaolan opened her mouth wide and sat down on the ground, muttering, "What's going on here?"

Half an hour later, after taking a shower, the three of them in pajamas sat on the sofa, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

The little loli Huiyuan was still leaning on Kogoro Moori's arms, fiddled with Kogoro Moori's clothes with her small hands, swinging her white legs, with a relaxed expression on her face.

She also glanced at Xiaolan next to her from time to time, and she didn't feel the slightest panic about being caught. Xiaomeng still had a smug smile on her face, obviously in a very happy mood.

Xiaolan looked at the two with serious eyes, sometimes at her father, sometimes at Huiyuan.

She still couldn't help but said: "Xiao Ai, you go back to the room first, I have something to say to Dad!"

"No, I'm going to be here." Huiyuan naturally refused.

Xiaolan still pretended to be calm and said softly: "Xiao Ai, the next topic is not suitable for you to listen to. Wait until my father and I finish talking. Be good, listen to my sister."

At this time, Moli Kogoro said: "Lan, let Xiao Ai be here."

As soon as he uttered a sound, he felt the terrible coldness in Xiaolan's eyes, and his heart shuddered.

Xiaolan erupted in an instant, her little hand slapped the marble coffee table, she exerted her strange force, a small handprint instantly appeared on the marble, countless cracks spread out, and the whole coffee table collapsed.

Huiyuan couldn't help swallowing dryly a few times, and only then did he show a bit of panic on his small face.

"Father, how could you do such a thing?"

"Xiao Ai is only seven years old. She doesn't understand anything. You will ruin her for the rest of her life. When she grows up, she will definitely hate you."

"If you really can't help it, you should come to me. How can you let a child help you?"

Xiaolan's eyes were full of disappointment, and mist formed in her eye sockets.

She couldn't help but reached out and hugged Hui Yuan, protecting him under her body.

His little hand caressed Hui Yuan's head, and comforted him somewhat flusteredly: "Xiao Ai, don't be afraid, sister will definitely protect you, and won't let Dad hurt you again."

"It's nothing, just forget about it after a night of sleep, and you'll be the same good boy from now on!"

When Huiyuan heard this, he couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded.

But as soon as she rolled her eyes, she pretended to be weak, helpless and pitiful, leaned against Xiaolan tremblingly, and said softly, "Sister Xiaolan, did I do something wrong? This is not a game." ?"

"And how is it possible to forget this? Every time I take a bath, my uncle says that I want to play games and do experiments, otherwise he will spank my ass. It's terrible."

"What?" Xiaolan's eyes widened when she heard this, and she glared at Mouri Kogoro, her eyes were about to burst into flames.

Seeing his daughter's posture, Kogoro Mori burst out countless sweats on his forehead: Huiyuan, you cheated me!

The little loli at the bottom is still thinking about showing a sly smile to Kogoro Mori.

And Xiaolan caressed Huiyuan's brown hair with trembling hands, her voice was a little trembling: "Xiao Ai, when did this start?" Little Loli bit her index finger and made an innocent gesture, and continued to add fuel to the fire: "From the first day of living here, I have to do experiments every day!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's beautiful face showed a look of pain, as if she couldn't believe that her father was such a person.

She couldn't help closing her eyes, and there seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes.

Seeing his daughter's expression, Mori Kogoro immediately couldn't bear it, and quickly said: "Xiao Ai, stop making trouble, and speak honestly!"

But the daughter suddenly yelled, "Shut up!" Mouri Kogoro was so frightened that he fell silent.

Seeing Xiaolan's expression, Haibara succeeded in playing a prank, so he stopped joking.

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