She turned to laugh viciously: "Hahaha, big milk Lan, you have to remember, you will call me your mother in the future!"

After saying this, little Lolita was smart, she was afraid of being beaten, so she slipped directly from Xiaolan's embrace, and Ruyan threw herself into Maoli Kogoro's embrace like a forest, and found a comfortable place to sit.

Xiaolan was stunned immediately, looking at the intimate two with big eyes, her whole body was a little messy.

Haibara raised his little head, kissed Mori Kogoro on the cheek, and then said, "Xiao Lan, you don't understand anything at all, we have the purest love, that's why we are together."

Xiaolan wanted to vomit blood when she heard these words. These were the words she explained to Huiyuan two days ago, and now she has been reciprocated.

"Dad, what's going on here?"

Maori Kogoro blushed, laughed dryly, and said, "As you can see, Xiao Ai and I really love each other."

"Yes, I really love each other." The little loli on the side echoed repeatedly, rubbing her head against Kogoro Mori's chest, and said in a cute loli voice: "I like uncle the most!"

Hearing this, the veins on Xiaolan's forehead kept popping up, her eyes were filled with unkindness, and she began to twist her fists, making crackling noises.

Are you two kidding me?And this picture, no matter how you look at it, it's against harmony. Also, you two really love each other, so where do you leave me?

Mori Kogoro looked down at Xiao Ai, his eyes were full of questioning.

And the little Lolita who had a perfect understanding with her nodded, her eyes were full of trust, as if she was letting Kogoro Mori arrange her.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, kissed Haibara, and then said: "Lan, Dad is not the kind of person you think, I will not force Xiao Ai, in fact, there are many hidden secrets in this matter .”

"Wait a minute, I'll explain everything to you."

Hearing this, Xiaolan stopped the force action she wanted to carry out, and turned to wait.

Mori Kogoro reached out from his arms and took out a bottle of antidote that he carried with him, which was within an eight-hour time limit.

He tenderly fed the little Lolita to eat, and the little Lolita swallowed without any resistance.

Xiao Lan looked at Hui Yuan taking the medicine with a puzzled expression, not knowing what kind of medicine they were selling in the gourd.

Not long after, her pupils shrank sharply, and she was shocked more times today than in the past.

The little loli in front of her was emitting heat all over her body, and then her body grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her legs became slender, her waist became slender, her flat breasts bulged like inflated, her buttocks became bigger, and her pajamas became a little tattered.

Chapter 0065 Dad, Xiao Ai is a monster


Such a drastic change was completed in a few seconds, and the flat little loli lying in Mouri Kogoro's arms turned into a big beauty with big breasts and wide buttocks.

Miyano Shiho's icy little face was full of teasing, as if he was looking forward to Xiaolan's expression.

She also intentionally put her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck, kissed his lips, and deliberately kissed Xiaolan to stimulate Xiaolan.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lan suddenly exclaimed, she immediately stretched out her hand to hold Kogoro Mouri's big hand, exerted her strange power, pulled Kogoro Moori over, and then ran to the corner.

Shiho fell down on the sofa with a dazed expression on his face.

Xiaolan hid behind Maori Kogoro, trembling with his arms around him, her eyes were full of horror: "Father, Xiao Ai is a monster! Let's run away, or we will die if we are eaten by her!"

Hearing this, Zhibao was instantly furious, and his little face darkened suddenly: "You big tit Lan is the monster, and your whole family are monsters." After saying that, she sat up angrily with her chest folded.

Mori Kogoro twitched his cheeks, he scolded himself too.

He pulled his arm out of the softness, put his arms around Xiaolan's fragrant shoulders, dragged her to the sofa and sat down again, and comforted his daughter in a gentle voice.

"Lan, Xiao Ai is not a monster, she is a human being, but because she took poison before, her body changed from an adult to a child."

"Lan, what you see now is Xiao Ai's true state. In fact, Xiao Ai is an eighteen-year-old girl. Her real name is Miyano Shiho, and she is a very powerful biological scientist!"

"And now she is taking a temporary antidote, which can temporarily restore herself to her original appearance."

"The antidote lasts about eight hours. After waking up tomorrow, Xiao Ai will return to the child she was before."

"As for the real antidote, Dad and Xiao Ai are still working hard to develop it, and it will take some time to develop it."

After hearing this series of explanations, the panic on Xiaolan's face dissipated, and she was a little dazed, trying to digest.

In this way, many strange things in the past can now be explained.

No wonder Xiao Ai knows so much at such a young age?No wonder she never refused to call her sister?No wonder she always showed a maturity different from her peers?No wonder he said before that playing games couldn't fool her? ...

Only then did Xiao Lan show a look of sudden realization, and then she greeted timidly: "Zhi, Zhibao?"

Zhibao raised his brows, turned his head and said, "If you're not used to it, you can call me by my previous name, but you have to call me Sister Xiaoai, because I'm one year older than you, you know? Sister Xiaolan!"

Zhibao laughed triumphantly, washing away the resentment of being forced to be called sister by Xiaolan before.

"Or you can call me Xiaoai's mother, because your father and I really love each other!"

After saying this, Shiho leaned over, put his arms around Kogoro Mori's neck, and took a breath on his cheek.

"How can it be? Dad has so many women. Do I still need to call each of them Mom?"

Xiaolan immediately separated Shiho's little hand, and hung herself on Kogoro Mori, fighting for sovereignty.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around the soft waists of the two girls, and said with a dry smile, "Get along as equals, get along as equals!"

Zhibao's azure blue eyes stared at him: "No, you have to call me Sister Xiaoai from now on, you know? Sister Xiaolan."

Xiaolan's big eyes stared back unwillingly: "No, the devil knows how old you are, maybe your age is fake, and your actual age is younger than me, sister Xiaoai."

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