"What a rude woman who doesn't know her age."

"It can't compare to you, a perverted girl who is big and small."

"You say I'm a perverted woman, obviously you are more perverted, and you're still a complete true father!"

"What, this is my father, you bite me, you can accuse your father if you have the ability!"

Mori Kogoro, who was caught in the middle, suddenly felt a big headache, and the two women here even started arguing.

Mori Kogoro instantly exerted force with his left and right hands, wrapped his arms around the girl's slender waist, lifted her up, and made them all lie on the sofa, and beat the two girls' buttocks.

Mori Kogoro said domineeringly: "Stop arguing, and live in peace, you know?"

The two girls calmed down instantly.

After finishing speaking, he turned the two women over, and the three of them sat back on the sofa again.

Xiaolan rolled her eyes wildly, and the scolding with Zhibao brought her and Zhibao closer, and the strangeness before was eliminated.

Familiar scolding, this guy is still as hateful as before when he grows up.

Seriously, why did you take her in back then? Now it's really turned into a wolf into the house!

Suddenly, Xiaolan raised her hand and said, "But I have a question, is the combination you two are talking about an adult form or a child form?"

Hearing this, Miyano Shiho blushed slightly, turned his head to avoid answering.

Xiaolan shifted her gaze to her father's face.

Kogoro Mouri blushed, and said, "Well, it needs to be covered with rain and dew, otherwise Shiho would think that I discriminated against her and turned into a child!"

The rain and dew of the gods are all wet, isn't Xiao Ai's normal state just the form of a little girl?How many times has she turned into an adult, that is to say, she is in the form of a child in all likelihood.

"Beast!" The corners of Xiaolan's mouth twitched, and her little hands directly twisted the soft flesh around Mori Kogoro's waist.

As soon as the strange power was displayed, Kogoro Mori bent over and screamed.

Zhibao immediately stretched out his hand to pat Xiaolan's little hand, and quickly said, "This is what I want, and it has nothing to do with your father. Let go."

Only then did Xiaolan let go of her hand, and Zhibao gently rubbed the place where she was pinched, and Zhibao could still tell whether it was real screaming or fake screaming.

She put her arms around Moori Kogoro's arm, proudly showing off: "Even if I become a little girl, I'm still a legal loli, compared to some father-controlled pervert, I'm protected by the law. "

"Not to mention how convenient the child's body is. There is no risk at all, and there is no need to worry about pregnancy. Uncle, he likes me very much!"

Hearing the provocative words, the corners of Xiaolan's eyes twitched, and she stood up angrily: "Shameless, no, I want to expose your true face to others."

Maori Kogoro immediately stretched out his hand to grab Xiaolan: "Lan, this matter cannot be said, in fact, Xiao Ai escaped from a terrorist organization, and the fact that she turned into a child cannot be exposed, otherwise the organization will let people in If anyone knew, her life would be in danger."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan, who was still angry just now, sat down and turned to look concerned: "Dad, what's going on?"

Now that Haibara's true identity has been exposed, Mori Kogoro didn't want to hide it anymore. He told his daughter about Haibara and the dark organization one by one, but he didn't reveal anything deeper. I don't want my daughter to be involved in this matter.

Chapter 0066 stupid daughter

After listening to Mori Kogoro's narration, Xiao Ran held Shiho's little hand with tears in her eyes, and sat beside him in an intimate gesture.

The woman is really kind and has become very kind. Just now she was tit-for-tat and kept scolding, but now she is as close as sisters. It is really incomprehensible.

Xiaolan wiped her tears and couldn't help but said: "Xiao Ai, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were so pitiful, your parents died in that organization, even your sister was executed by that organization , They still want to kill you, it's really disgusting."

As she spoke, she stroked Shang Zhibao's short brown hair with her little hand: "Let Sister Xiaolan take care of you from now on, I will help you avenge and arrest all those bad guys."

Zhibao couldn't help but rolled his eyes: He secretly took advantage of me again!

And Mouri Kogoro said: "Actually, Xiao Ai's sister was rescued by me, so Xiao Ai still has a family."

Hearing this, Xiaolan was keenly aware of something: "I was rescued, where is it? My sister is so beautiful, and my sister should not be bad, right, um, Dad?"

Kogoro Maoli coughed twice, and changed the topic: "These details are not important, but Xiaolan, Xiaoai, don't get involved in the organization's affairs, this matter will be resolved by Dad, you understand?"

They trusted Kogoro Mori, and seeing his confident appearance, they all agreed.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Xiao Lan, there is one more thing. Xiao Ai's true identity must not be revealed, and you must not tell anyone, including your mother, Sonoko, and Conan. You must behave yourself in front of outsiders." Same as before."

"I didn't mean to hide you deliberately, but it's about the safety of Xiao Ai and her sister. There are many killers in that organization, and there is no room for any mistakes."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's expression obviously improved a lot, and she felt much better knowing that her father didn't hide her intentionally.

She nodded obediently and agreed.

Then Kogoro Moori smiled lightly and said, "Okay, let's get along well in the future, it's getting late, let's go back to the room and rest!" Put on a strange smile.

But at this time, Xiaolan pulled Miyano Shiho up, and she smiled lightly: "Father, your explanation is over, but Xiao Ai and I still have some matters to settle in private, the two of us will sleep together tonight." , rest by yourself."

Mori Kogoro's face pulled down instantly.

And Zhibao also smiled lightly and blew a kiss to Mori Kogoro: "See you tomorrow, Uncle Mori!"

After that, she followed Xiaolan into her room, and the door closed, leaving the lonely and poor Mori Kogoro in the living room.

Kogoro Mori sat dumbfounded like a statue after being hit. After a while, he shook his head and came to his senses.

How could he give in so easily, just now in the bathroom, Xiao Ai just bit him, and his appetite was just whetted.

Now Haibara has become Miyano Shiho, how could he let go of this opportunity, but it's just a door, Yuzu's daughter!

It's just that I almost forgot my business. I was interrupted by the two of them just now, and I forgot to pay attention to Belmore.

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