What is the plan of that woman living so close?

Mori Kogoro used the spiritual power in his body to connect to the psychic beast Thousand Paper Crane, his eyes seemed to be replaced with those of the Thousand Paper Crane, and he began to spy from the perspective of the Thousand Paper Crane.

From the perspective of the paper crane just connected, Kogoro Mori couldn't help gasping.

The thousand paper cranes invisible to mortal eyes are attached to Belmode's shoulders, overlooking it, the spring is beautiful.

At this moment, Belmode was wearing a pink suspender silk pajamas, which was very sexy.

But the fly in the ointment was that the three hideous wounds on her body ruined the beauty, one on the left side of the waist, one below the navel, and one from the cleavage to the abdomen.

Kogoro Mori cured the scar well, and the water from the mysterious well has the effect of removing the scar.

Belmode was sitting on the sofa, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, his long silver hair was hanging down, exuding a strange beauty like a poppy.

His water-green eyes looked at the whiteboard in front of him, on which were not only photos of Kogoro Mori, but also photos of Haibara, Ran, and Conan.

There are even photos of Akemi Miyano and her disguised Sachiko Haihara.

And the middle one, Akai Shuichi's profile photo.

This woman already knew Mingmei's identity and disguise! ! !

Mori Kogoro suddenly realized that Akemi's apartment was opposite that apartment, and Belmode was monitoring Miyano Akemi.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro felt a killing intent in his heart.

Does she want to lay hands on her own woman again?

I thought she was pretending to be Xinde Zhiming last time, and she had already turned her back on the good by tipping herself off, but she didn't expect to focus on Mingmei again this time.That's right, Belmore hated the Miyano Koji couple who were engaged in drug research very much, so he hated the Miyano sisters especially.

But Mori Kogoro is not worried about Minmei's safety. Minmei is protected by dozens of Ant-Man robots, and she can control them.

Although limited by the aura of the villain, the Ant-Man robot cannot attack, track, or cause death to the people in the dark organization when faced with the attack of the people in the organization, but it is not a problem to use it for self-protection. Bigger surrounded her, even bombing with a bazooka couldn't hurt Mingmei in the slightest.

And it only takes a moment for Mori Kogoro to use the teleportation talisman to support him.

But it's not good for her to be watched like this. After the matter of these two days is resolved, I still have to help Mingmei change to a more secluded place.

At this moment, Belmode's cell phone rang, and she answered the call, which was from Bourbon.

"Why are you walking so fast? I haven't asked you about the traces of Zhu Xingda? Didn't you say that you have made progress last time?"

Belmord's left leg rested on her right leg, revealing her smooth and fair skin. She chuckled and said, "There is progress, but the fish keep refusing to bite the bait. I can't do anything about it. Deal with that guy. Be patient, won't you?"

"Bourbon, isn't everything agreed? You help me monitor the Maori Detective Agency, and I help you find Zhu Xingda. If you don't give me useful information, it will be difficult for me to give you the same information. We have to wait. Hehe."

Bourbon on the other end of the phone said, "Don't forget, I still have a secret about you and the boss."

Belmore laughed again, his eyes full of coquettishness: "You can't expect to eat me with that secret forever, I have given you a lot of information before, this time is another matter, don't worry, as long as Zhu Xing freshman appears, I will definitely notify you."

"Better so!"

The phone was hung up quickly, Belmode drank the red wine, and then walked to the whiteboard.

She pasted Miyano Akemi's photo beside Mori Kogoro, and then sighed quietly: "Why can you be with this guy?"

Those water-green eyes were very complicated, Mouri Kogoro saw the emotion in those eyes, and he was relieved, the killing intent dissipated in his heart.

It turned out that Belmord's monitoring of Mingmei was just to find out the traces of Shuichi Akai, and he didn't dare to hurt Mingmei.

At the same time in the room, Xiaolan glared at Shiho, this time it was Xiaolan's turn to press him.

"Xiao Ai, when did you and Dad start?"

Her affairs were exposed two days ago, and she was tortured badly by the black-bellied Hui Yuan.

All the relevant details were forced to come out, and he was fined to kneel on the carpet, terrified and frightened, and he was tortured enough!

Today when the matter of Huiyuan was exposed, Xiaolan wanted to get back on the field: Everyone is so different, why can you teach me a lesson?

However, the shrewd Miyano Shiho seemed to know Xiaolan's thoughts, ignored her, and took off the slightly torn pajamas on his body, revealing his mature body.

Xiaolan traced Miyano Shiho's figure with big eyes, and saw that her breasts were smaller than hers, she couldn't help but feel a little proud, but when she turned to Mijiri, she couldn't help cursing quietly: "Big ass!"

Zhibaoquan pretended not to hear, and chose a black camisole and black shorts from Xiaolan's closet to put on, which contrasted sharply with Xiaolan's white vest and white shorts.

"Does this look good?"

"It's not as good-looking as mine, hey, no, you haven't answered my question yet!"

Zhibao climbed onto the bed, lay down, and then yawned: "Ah, I'm too sleepy. I just took the antidote and consumed too much energy. I'm going to sleep."

The two have been together for a long time and know each other very well.

Of course Xiaolan knew that Zhibao was lying, so a sneer appeared on her pure and beautiful face.

She unleashed her strange power directly, turning Shiho's body over.

Compared with Huiyuan who is attacking the heart, Xiaolan is used to using the power in her body.

This trick also had to be passed down from Mori Kogoro, and his little hand beat up Shiho's enviable buttocks.

"Are you going to tell me? Are you going to say it?"

Poor Zhibao is just a scientific researcher, he can't compare to Xiaolan's strange strength, he can't struggle at all.

In the end, she could only give in under the sound of slapping, and gritted her teeth to answer.

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