Zhibao lay his head on the pillow, his azure blue eyes were full of humiliation: Big tit Lan, just wait for me, I will definitely take revenge!

Chapter 0067 Angel and Shiho

It was about eleven o'clock in the evening, and Mori Kogoro heard that there was no sound in the room, there were no more inquiries and beatings, so he tiptoed up from the sofa.

His footsteps were extremely light, like a civet cat, and he didn't make any sound when he walked.

Standing in front of the door, Mori Kogoro looked at the locked door and changed his mind.

An ant-man robot got in from under the crack of the door, then climbed to the door lock, and slowly unscrewed the lock inside.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Mori Kogoro could smell the familiar fragrance. A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he walked quickly into the room, and then closed the door.

The silver light of the moonlight swayed down, creating a romantic atmosphere.

Looking at the two girls who were covered with a thin quilt on the bed, Mori Kogoro climbed up quickly without hesitation, and gently lifted the thin quilt.

Then he saw the peerless twin sisters wearing the same style of vest and shorts, one black and one white, beautiful as jade, really beautiful.

Looking at Miyano Shiho below, he lowered his head, his lips lightly touched Shiho's pink lips, and his big hand covered it.

Zhibao, who was in a light sleep, seemed to be aware of it, his breathing became short, his body trembled, and he opened his eyes.

When she saw Mori Kogoro, a flash of panic flashed in his blue eyes, but he quickly calmed down.

She had expected it a long time ago, and without hesitation, her jade arms wrapped around Mouri Kogoro's neck, and she responded enthusiastically.

And Kogoro Mori was very greedy, while kissing Shiho passionately, his right hand stretched to the right, catching up with the body of the little angel beside him.

The girl who hadn't fallen asleep before noticed the big hand making trouble, and her little face blushed suddenly.

She opened her beautiful eyes and said angrily, "Do you really think I don't exist?"

Hearing this suddenly, Shiho seemed to be frightened, and immediately pushed Kogoro Mori up.

Mori Kogoro, who was in charge of the two girls, said with a smirk, "Xiao Ai's antidote only lasts for eight hours, time is very precious!"

Hearing this, Shiho couldn't help blushing, and stretched out his hand to hit Mori Kogoro's chest.

When the little angel next to him heard this, he got up angrily and said, "Okay, I'll move your seats."

But before she could take a step, Kogoro Moori pulled her back and fell back onto the big bed.

Without saying much, Mori Kogoro suppressed the girl and kissed her domineeringly.

Zhibao next to him couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, covering his eyes with his little hand, as if he wanted to look but didn't dare to look.

It was really exciting and exciting. Every time I saw them together, Zhibao was very excited and felt hot all over.

After a passionate kiss, the little angel with a blushing face was already unable to get up.

Mori Kogoro's voice is gentle but irresistible: "We will live together in the future, so we must work hard to adapt from now on!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pulled Zhibao, who was watching the play next to him, and let him lie on the little angel.

Accompanied by exclamations, a turbulent and vigorous movement was played, and it was another achievement to achieve it!

(A lot of words are omitted here!)

The dark and dark battle last night did not know how long it lasted before it came to an end.

In the early morning of the next day, wisps of golden sunlight fell on the three people on the bed through the gap between the curtains and the window, and the fluff on their faces was clearly visible.

Mori Kogoro was lying in the middle, with an indelible smile on his face, hugging left and right, he was still in a sweet dream at the moment, while the two girls were clinging to him like little birds.

Suddenly, the little angel on the right frowned and woke up with wide eyes.

The little angel sat up, but couldn't help but gasped, she felt sore all over, she couldn't help being surprised.His beautiful eyes turned to stare at Kogoro Mori who was sleeping peacefully in the middle, why did he become so powerful this time, it's too scary!

The little angel didn't want to wake up so soon, it was only six o'clock, and she had only slept for two hours.

But she really didn't want to miss the scene where Miyano Shiho's body became smaller, so she controlled her biological clock and let him wake herself up at six o'clock.

I just slept for two hours, so the guiding technique in my body couldn't completely relieve my fatigue.

Then the girl's gaze fell to Miyano Shiho next to her.

Huiyuan took his medicine at 10 o'clock last night, and 8 hours have passed, so it stands to reason that he is about to recover by now.

She had just thought this way when she heard Miyano Shiho exhort, and then she panted heavily, her little face flushed.

The little angel immediately lifted the quilt, and instantly saw that Miyano Shiho was as red as a ruby, extremely magnificent.

Immediately afterwards, the mature female body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene is as shocking as turning back time.

The mature and glamorous face became immature and innocent, the proud breasts shrank with a pop, and finally became flat, the long legs changed back to short legs, and the jade arms became pink and small lotus hands , that graceful beauty instantly turned into a flat loli.

Seeing this scene, the little angel couldn't help opening his mouth: "Hiss!"

But even after the effect of the medicine had worn off and her body shrunk, Zhibao still didn't wake up from her sleep. She was too tired last night.

Haibara, who had recovered into a little lolita, smelled the familiar and reassuring fragrance, turned sideways and rubbed against the sleeping Mori Kogoro, found a comfortable position, and continued to sleep.

But the little angel who satisfied her curiosity suddenly felt drowsy, she stretched her waist, and then she followed Haibara, lying on her side in Mouri Kogoro's arms, covered the quilt up, and covered the three of them again. live.

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