As soon as the girl touched Mori Kogoro's chest, when she heard the heartbeat, it was as if she had been infected with a sleepy bug.

In a few seconds, she also smoothly followed into a sweet dream.

At this moment, the room was extremely quiet, and the heartbeats and breathing of the three snuggling together gradually became synchronized.

Only the wisps of golden sunlight are moving slowly, telling the passage of time.

Chapter 0068 is grabbing ice cream again

At eight o'clock in the morning, the sun had become much fiercer, but Mori Kogoro, who was sleeping, was awakened by a noise.


"this is mine."

"I got it first, what's the point of snatching it from a child?" The cute loli voice was full of resentment.

"You're obviously older than me, why are you pretending to be tender, Xiao Ai, you're probably itchy again, what's in the house isn't mine!" Xiaolan's voice was like a female bandit, but she was very arrogant.

Kogoro Mouri opened his eyes, and saw Xiaolan and Haibara two girls fighting for ice cream.

This is a masterpiece by chef Moori Kogoro. It is so delicious that the two girls don't want to let it go.

Yaoshou, aren't you afraid of diarrhea if you eat ice cream early in the morning?

Xiaolan snatched the ice cream, seeing the depressed expression of little Lolita, her mood improved a lot, and she didn't dislike the saliva with Huiyuan on it, sticking out her pink tongue, sucking the fresh big strawberry on top happily , and proudly raised his eyebrows at Hui Yuan.

Seeing that Mori Kogoro had woken up, little Lolita said angrily, "Uncle, look, Xiaolan is bullying me!"

The cute loli voice immediately hit Kogoro Mouri's heart, and he was about to speak.

But Xiao Lan on the side said first: "Hmph, Dad, you always lied to me before, and said that Xiao Ai is a child, let me let her."

"Now I know that she is not young at all, so please stop talking."

After all, Xiaolan's pink tongue licked the big strawberry, this scene is very attractive.

Mori Kogoro blushed, but it was difficult to speak.

Little Lolita was full of resentment when she saw this, and she was aroused to be competitive. Her watery blue eyes stared at Kogoro Mori, her mouth was pouted, and she looked aggrieved.

Mori Kogoro was defeated in an instant, and turned to Xiaolan and said, "Lan, be obedient, I just said last night that we want to live in peace."

Hearing what her father had said, Xiaolan pouted and said, "Okay then, let's eat together."

Naturally, Huiyuan didn't dislike Xiaolan's slobber, and the two girls had done even more extreme things, so naturally he didn't care about this little detail.

Don't look at the two women who are arguing all day long, the relationship is very good.

Little Loli also poked out her little pink tongue, rolled the ice cream lightly, and then smiled sweetly: "It's delicious!"

Xiaolan exclaimed repeatedly: "Don't grab it, I want it too." She swallowed it, and then said with a satisfied face: "Daddy's ice cream is awesome, I like it so much! "

Seeing this tempting scene, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel his stomach feel hot.


At [-]:[-], Conan the Kid looked at the simple breakfast on the dining table.

A glass of lukewarm milk and a plate of sliced ​​supermarket brown bread in the middle, and nothing else.

Conan's brows twitched, Xiaolan didn't make breakfast at all today!

It's completely different from the past, what a fool.

What was even more strange was that the atmosphere at the dinner table was completely different from last night.

Obviously the atmosphere between Xiao Lan and Xiao Ai was very weird last night, how come they are as close as sisters today, the friendship between women is really unclear!

Also, uncle is even more strange, he even smiled at me, this is too scary, he probably wants to plot against me again!

Conan was used to being bullied by Mori Kogoro, and when he saw his expression, he felt sorry for him, and couldn't help but think wildly.

But he didn't think that Mori Kogoro was just in a happy mood.

Yesterday was a fruitful day for him. Not only did he know the whereabouts of Belmode, but he also fulfilled a long-cherished wish that lasted from his previous life to this life, so he was naturally in a good mood.Conan was terrified, afraid that an iron fist of justice would suddenly appear on his head.

However, the breakfast time passed smoothly, and the little ghost went to school with his schoolbag on his back.

As he went downstairs, he was still thinking about whether to ask Dr. Ali to develop a helmet that would automatically pop up when it sensed a fist, so that he would not be afraid of being beaten all over his head in the future.

Mori Kogoro stood at the entrance with his schoolbag and watched the two women put on their shoes.

After putting on her shoes, Xiaolan got up and came to Mori Kogoro, took the schoolbag and pecked him on the cheek, and said softly, "Dad, wait until I come back from school!"

After saying that, she took Hui Yuan and ran out.

The little loli was full of resentment again: Damn big tit Lan, I want a goodbye-kiss too!

Mori Kogoro shook his head with a chuckle, it really is a sweet trouble.

But get down to business.

As soon as he changed his mind, the leftovers and dishes on the dining table were taken by the Ant-Man robot to clean them.

Mori Kogoro went back to his room to get dressed, and then went out.

The group of people will start to act tomorrow. At this time, Mori Kogoro will not easily contact Rena Mizumu, lest her identity be exposed, but he has already arranged to protect Rena Mizumu.

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