Now he is going to meet Tumen Kanghui, the assassination target of that dark organization, known as the best candidate for the 'future prime minister'.

Mori Kogoro is going to Tumen Kanghui to prepare a big gift for tomorrow's gin.

However, it is impossible to meet him like this, it would be too stupid to see him with his true face.

Mori Kogoro got into his Lexus and asked a robot to drive it.

As for himself, in the passenger seat, he took out the materials that Yukiko had prepared for him, used the disguise technique, and began to disguise himself.

Not long after, an old man with a square face and gray hair appeared.

This face is the father of Tumen Kanghui, Tumen Yuwu, a senior official of the Japanese Defense Agency.

As for the real Yutake Domon, who was entangled by Princess Kako ordered by Mori Kogoro, who is accompanying Kako to inspect the underground weapons base in Osaka, and will not appear in public today.

So Mori Kogoro's actions today are naturally not exposed.

The Lexus parked next to the self-defense force stationed by Domon Kanghui, and Mori Kogoro got out of the car leaning on a cane, and his body instantly hunched over, looking exactly like an old man.

All the acting skills that I discussed with Yukiko on the bed before came in handy now.

He walked directly to the camp, and the guards immediately recognized that it was Tumen Xiongwu, and saluted him respectfully.

Mori Kogoro smiled secretly, without returning the salute, he went straight into the camp, and then walked towards Tumen Kanghui's office.

The assistant outside didn't dare to stop him, Kogoro Mori opened the door smoothly, and saw Kang Hui Tumen who was showing the passion in the office. , and withered instantly.

As for this stuff, the best candidate for the future 'Prime Minister', cut!

He quickly covered it with his clothes: "Father, why are you here? Don't say a word."

Mori Kogoro's voice-changing technique was used, and an old voice appeared: "Nizi, I can't control you if I don't come. Now is an important period for the election, how can you be careless."

Tumen Kanghui then turned to the female secretary and shouted: "Get out of here!"

The woman immediately slipped out in a panic.

Then Mori Kogoro closed the door, since he was alone with Tumen Kanghui, it was time to start making arrangements...

Chapter 0069

Sure enough, politicians are all equally filthy. This kind of stuff pretends to be majestic and upright on the outside, but it is extremely filthy on the inside.

It's okay to be killed by those guys, but it still has to be recycled.

After arranging everything, Mori Kogoro walked out of the self-defense force station, avoided the guards' sight, took off all the camouflage on his body, and returned to the car with ease.

He is very much looking forward to Gin Jiu's expression tomorrow, it will definitely be very interesting.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang, and it was a completely unfamiliar phone number.

He frowned, and connected, and Rena Mizumu's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Kogoro, it's me."

"Lianna, haven't I made arrangements? Tell you not to call for a while, why don't you listen?"

Rena Mizumu said, "Don't worry, Kogoro, this is our CIA's encrypted phone, and the calling card inside is also brand new. I'm going to take a bath in the hot spring pool with all my clothes off. There is absolutely no bug on me. It's fine."

Hearing the words of hot spring pool, Kogoro Mori instantly thought of Rena Mizumu's charming female body, and he really missed it.

"Besides, people miss you."

Hearing Reina Mizumu's coquettish voice, Kogoro Mori's body became numb: "Reina, I miss you too. I'll see you after tomorrow."

Although I really want to go to the hot spring with Rena Mizumura to comfort the body and mind of this double-faced female agent.

But now it is still a little out of date, Mori Kogoro can only dispel this idea.

Forget it, let's celebrate with Mizuna after this event is over!

Then Rena Mizumu returned to seriousness: "Kogoro, it's time to get down to business. Listen clearly, this operation is led by Gin. After his former partner Vodka died, his current partner was replaced by Ireland. Great character."

Hearing this name, Mori Kogoro immediately realized that that guy is a character from the theatrical version of "The Dark Tracker".

In my memory, Ireland is a burly figure with extraordinary intelligence. He is good at spear, fighting, throwing knife throwing, and computer operation. He is not inferior to Gin at all.

In the theatrical version, his force is not weaker than Xiaolan, and he even beat her in the competition with Xiaolan.

Arm strength is extremely strong, and a single punch can knock a person incapacitated.

Unexpectedly, this guy was also involved in this assassination.

However, in Mori Kogoro's memory, this Ireland respected Pisk very much.

Pisk, who was executed in the Cupido Mansion for revealing his identity, was kind to Ireland in nurturing him, so Ireland hated the gin and vodka that executed Pisk.

If you want this guy to become Gin's partner, he should be extremely at odds with Gin.

Hearing this information, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing, this time the gin is too good, what kind of fairy team did he bring.

His partner is Ireland, who has a blood feud with him, and Chianti, Keir, Taoster, and Westland are all undercover agents, and Belmore sometimes jumps back and sometimes jumps loyal.

Hearing the laughter, Shui Wurenai couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, what are you laughing at?"

"There are a lot of people in this operation. There are Chianti, Taoster, Westland and Belmode. We have a total of seven people joining forces. The boss is bound to win this mission. If you are not sure, cancel the plan. Don't get involved. It's dangerous."

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