Mizumura didn't know about Ireland and Gin's grievances, let alone that the other members were also undercover agents, so she naturally felt that it was too difficult to stop so many people from acting as code-named killers.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Rina, don't worry, everything is under control, it doesn't matter how many people come. Once I act tomorrow, you just act according to my instructions."

When Shuiwurenai heard this, she could only sigh faintly, and then introduced these people and their specialties.

Kogoro Mori knew most of them, but he still listened intently, and Touster and Westland still had to learn more.

That Eagle Country CIA (SIS) undercover agent - Touster is good at sniping, flying planes and long-distance raids.

And the undercover agent of the German Federal Intelligence Agency (BND)--Wesleyan is good at blasting and hacking techniques.

After listening to everyone's messages, Mori Kogoro thought for a while, and then said: "Reina, I want to tell you something, there are other undercover agents in your team."

"What?" Mizurunai in the hot spring pool couldn't help standing up, her white body was exposed to the air, and the water dripped down drop by drop, very attractive.

"Chianti, the woman with the butterfly tattoo under her eyes, she is mine."

Mori Kogoro didn't expect that when Reina killed Chianti without knowing it, he would make a joke of killing his own people like Shuichi Akai, so he told Mizuna to prevent her from killing Chianti by mistake.

As for Toust and Westland, it has nothing to do with Mori Kogoro. If they die, they will die. Mori Kogoro didn't say anything.

In the hot spring pool, Mizuruna's pupils shrank for a while, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Chianti was captured by me last time. I used some special techniques to brainwash her, but she still behaved the same as before."

"Lianna, you don't need to deliberately get close to her, everything is as usual, I just let you know about it, so as not to accidentally hurt each other because of ignorance."

Hearing this, Shui Wurenai sat back in the water again, and a smile appeared on her small face: "Xiao Wulang, I really underestimated you."

"There are many things that you underestimate me. Let's take a good bath in the hot spring. I will go to you when the matter is over tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Rena Mizumura leaned her head on the stone, with a relaxed smile on her face.

It's nice to have a man holding on.

Mouri Kogoro had just hung up the phone when the ringtone rang again, this time it was Gunda Ikumi's call.

"Xiao Wulang, what's the matter, you can't get in just now?"

"The signal is not good!"

Hearing Yumi's phone call, Mori Kogoro's heart shuddered. If I left her and Kujo Reiko to Eri yesterday, nothing would happen.

He immediately looked at the monitoring screen of Yingli from yesterday, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, Yingli has the bearing of a big family, and he suppressed the two girls into obedience at once.

Guntian Yumi continued to speak: "Kogoro, I'm at Maoyan Café right now, come here quickly, I have something to tell you."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro immediately agreed.

It doesn't make sense that Yingli can subdue them, but a man like himself can't subdue Yumei.

As soon as the steering wheel of the car was turned, it headed towards the cat's eye cafe at the junction of Kubado City and Toriya City.

Chapter 0070, the well-behaved Yumei sauce

The bell rang at the entrance of the Maoyan Cafe, and Kogoro Mori pushed the door open and entered.

"Welcome to...uh!"

Lai Shenglei at the front desk couldn't help being stunned when he saw that the guest was Kogoro Mori.

Today's Maoyan Cafe has no customers, it is empty, and the only person at the front desk is Lai Shenglei, and her two younger sisters are not there.

Lai Shenglei's clothes are simple, white t-shirt and blue ripped jeans, all of which outline the proud figure, which looks like mountains and peaks in the horizontal direction, but the front is very convex and the back is very warped.

With big wavy curly hair and the beauty mole on her pretty face, she inadvertently revealed the style of a mature woman.

"Kogoro, here!" Guntian Ikumi, who was on the sofa booth, immediately raised her pink fan to greet her.

Today's Yu Mei is well-dressed, wearing a pink girly cheongsam that has been reduced in age, holding a small lace fan in her hand, not to mention a pair of pink knee socks on her beautiful legs, the cheongsam is matched with that knee-high Socks, the skin looks extremely fair.

With the addition of a delicate oval face, she is a girl who came out of the second dimension, and she is a few years younger all of a sudden.

Mori Kogoro greeted Kaishenglei, and then walked towards Yumei.

Seeing this scene, Lai Shenglei's little face suddenly sank, and a gleam of coldness flashed in his brown eyes.

Damn, that weird 'gentleman' the day before yesterday was you, who took so much advantage of me and did so many things to my body, and now pretends not to know me and hang out with other women, okay you !

Accidentally, Lai Shenglei squeezed out fingerprints on the coffee can in his hand.

At this moment, in the next life, I even forgot about my father's relics, and the "Smile by the Rhine Lake" picture scroll is still in the hands of the "gentleman".

As soon as Mori Kogoro sat down, Yu Mei, who was like a little girl, leaned over and stretched out her jade arms to hug his arms.

He suddenly felt full of softness.

Yu Mei coquettishly said: "Hmph, bad guy, you didn't call me after you escaped yesterday, and let others scare me."

She still has lingering fears about Concubine Yingli, who is a queen.

"I'm sorry, Yumei, I was too busy yesterday!"

Who said it wasn't? It took more than half a day to deal with the two juicing girls at home, and there was no way to worry about other things.

"Hey, where is Reiko, isn't she with you?"

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