Hearing this inquiry, Yu Mei was not happy. She stretched out her hand to pinch Mori Kogoro's ear, and said with a puffy face, "Are you unhappy with me? Ask Reiko as soon as you come, you bad guy , say, when did you provoke Reiko?"

"How could he not be happy? Hiss!" Mori Kogoro immediately pretended to be in pain. This reaction was almost instinctive, and his acting skills were extremely realistic.

Yu Mei let go of her little hand in distress, rolled her eyes at him, and then said warmly: "Reiko is a workaholic, after she was cleared of her grievances, she immediately returned to work in the prosecutor's office, and now she is handling the case of Mariko Takeuchi."

"I just talked to me on the phone and said that Mariko Takeuchi was very hard-spoken. She refused to talk about the bribery case back then, and she was very arrogant at the prosecutor's office. She threatened Reiko that she would go out sooner or later, and she would come back with revenge."

"Xiao Wulang, do you know who was behind the bribery case five years ago?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro sneered, Mariko Takeuchi relied on Eisaku Tokiwa.

That professor of medicine at Imperial University, the object of support of the dark organization.

It's a pity that Mori Kogoro can't make a move against Tokiwa Ei until after tomorrow.Otherwise, if he had dealt with that old bald man first, Qin Jiu and the others might have canceled their action against Tumen Kanghui.

However, Mori Kogoro has already arranged everything properly. Once he makes a move, it will be a thunderbolt, and Tokiwa Eisaku will undoubtedly die. It would be nice to explain the truth to Reiko when the time comes.

While thinking, Mori Kogoro's right hand unconsciously covered Guntian Ikumi's beautiful leg, whirling lightly.

And Yu Mei couldn't help but her pretty face blushed slightly, and her soft body leaned gently towards Kogoro Mori.


At this moment, a plate fell heavily on the table in front of him, making a loud noise, which woke up both Mori Kogoro and Guntian Ikumi.

Looking up, Lai Sheng Lei Qiao stared at her with a cold face.

"Detective Maori, this is not a clubhouse like a singing and dancing street, please be careful in public places."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro quickly pulled out his big hand from under the cheongsam, as thick-skinned as he could still respond freely: "Thank you, Miss Xiaolei, for your reminder."

On the other hand, Yu Mei was so ashamed that she didn't dare to see anyone, she sat inside, lowered her head, her ears were red, and a few curly blobs on her forehead were shaking uncomfortably.

Immediately afterwards, Laishenglei smiled, still holding the order book in his hand, and asked: "Detective Maori, and Detective Gunfield, what do you two want to eat?"

This smirk was too obvious, and the coldness hidden in his eyes made Mori Kogoro feel sorry for him.

This woman has probably already discovered who I am!

Kogoro Mori said, "I just want a hot coffee and a signature set meal."

Yu Mei hurriedly said softly: "Me too."

"Please wait a moment, the food will be served soon."

After saying that, Lai Shenglei turned and went towards the front desk.

After she left, Yu Mei whispered: "This store manager is too hateful, he was very gentle before, but today he is very fierce, Xiao Goro, don't be angry, I will touch you when I get in the car!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing, Yumei's reaction was too cute.

This little confused guy, he probably hasn't realized that he is still involved in this matter, maybe he still misunderstood that his first experience was carried out the night before.

It seems that this misunderstanding has to be resolved today.

A smirk flickered at the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth, and then he said: "Okay, back to the question just now, I don't have any additional clues about the bribery case five years ago, the only clue is Mariko Takeuchi. "

Mori Kogoro is unwilling to reveal Tokiwa Eisaku to Yumi and Reiko, just to protect them, lest they investigate deeper and get deeper.

If the people in the dark organization know that someone has investigated Tokiwa Eisaku, a member of the organization, with their style, they will definitely send someone to kill them again, then Kujo Reiko and Guntian Ikumi will be in danger.

This is what Mori Kogoro doesn't want to see, so he will clean up all the hands and tails of this matter in private after tomorrow, leaving Kujo Reiko with an abrupt end to the truth.

Chapter 0071 Mischief

At the front desk, Lai Shenglei glanced at Kogoro Mori and Ikumi Gunita who were chatting happily on the table next to him, and then added pepper spoonfuls to a cake interlayer: "Big pervert, I won't kill you if I'm spicy! "

Then a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she picked up the salt shaker and added salt to a cup of coffee desperately.

After adding half a can, the color of the cup of coffee changed.

Sitting on the sofa, Mori Kogoro couldn't help sweating on his forehead, this woman is really cruel!

Soon Lai Shenglei came over with two set meals, and she put hot coffee and cake with toppings in front of Mori Kogoro.

Then she stood aside and said respectfully: "Detective Maori, Detective Gunfield, please help us to taste the dishes of our restaurant."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Miss Xiaolei, where does the coffee in your coffee shop come from?"

Lai Shenglei introduced: "These coffee beans are all from Emerald Manor in Africa. It is Geisha coffee, and it is also the number one coffee bean in the world. It is airlifted from the place of origin."

"Oh?" Mori Kogoro gently stirred the cup of coffee with a spoon, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I can't see it all. I'm afraid Miss Xiaolei has been deceived. This is not Geisha Coffee at all."

"I heard that Geisha coffee not only has the original aroma of coffee, but also the intertwined flavors of berries, candies and spices, and the fragrance of flowers gushes out. The texture is quite strong and long-lasting."

"But now this cup of coffee doesn't smell that mellow at all. Instead, it smells slightly bitter. I'm afraid it's the second-class Blue Mountain coffee."

Yu Mei at the side suddenly looked like a little girl: "Xiao Wulang, how do you know so much, it's amazing."

Laishenglei frowned, and said, "Detective Maori, you have never tasted it, so it is too arbitrary to say that this is Blue Mountain Coffee, you have to try it before you say it!"

She still wanted to fool Kogoro Maori into a trick.

But Kogoro Mori smiled confidently: "My judgment is never wrong. Although Blue Mountain Coffee has a slight bitter taste, the sour, sweet, mellow and bitter taste in it are very balanced, and it tastes very smooth."

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