"If Miss Xiaolei doesn't trust me, why don't you try this cup of coffee yourself?" After finishing speaking, he pushed the coffee in front of Lai Shenglei.

Laishenglei's face changed slightly, and he declined politely: "No, this is the coffee you ordered, Detective Maori, how can I drink it?"

Mori Kogoro frowned suddenly, and said loudly: "Miss Xiaolei doesn't drink this coffee, could it be that there is something in this coffee? Hmm?"

Hearing this, the guests next to him all looked over.

Lai Shenglei groaned secretly in his heart, looked around, and the guests were all paying attention to this side.

She could only pick up the coffee and bite the bullet and took a sip.


This made her scalp tingle!

But women are born actors, Lai Shenglei's acting skills are also top-notch, although he wanted to die, but he still pretended to be nonchalant, but nodded with a light smile: "Well, this is really Geisha Coffee, there is It has a faint scent of flowers and cherries, but they are all restrained in the coffee, Maori Detective, you are wrong, try it.”

Saying this, Akihito put the coffee in his hand back in front of Mori Kogoro.

If you want to be salty, be salty together, if you want to die, die together!

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro smiled lightly, took a spoon and gently separated the interlayer of the cake, and the bright red chili sauce appeared instantly.

Then the spoon tapped the plate lightly.

Tears in the next life saw this, but I didn't know that I was seen through.

She immediately covered her mouth and laughed softly: "Hehehe, you are indeed a Maori detective, with sharp ears and eyes, and you can see through my test right away. It seems that this commission really belongs to you."

The cat-eyed snitch's reaction was nothing short of unpleasant, and the prank turned into a test in an instant.

Kogoro Mori handed her a glass of water on the table.Laisheng tearfully stared at Mori Kogoro, took the water and drank it.

After drinking the water, she relaxed.

On the other side, Guntian Yumei held her chin and asked curiously: "What commission?"

Laisheng wiped his mouth with tears, and said, "Although Detective Guntian is also a very good detective, I can only entrust Detective Maori for this matter."

"Detective Maori, do you have time to go up to the second floor with me, I want to talk to you in detail."

Seeing Lai Shenglei's unstoppable appearance, Mori Kogoro could only chuckle and nod his head.

He and Lai Shenglei climbed the stairs to the second floor.

Although the second floor has been seen many times through the perspective of the Ant-Man robot, it is the first time for others to come up.

The two walked to the living room, and there was a large floor-to-ceiling window in the living room. On weekdays, Lai Shenglei used binoculars to monitor the Toya Police Station opposite.

Laishenglei sat straight on the sofa, folded her beautiful legs, and Meimou began to inspect Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, and looked over, not to be outdone, and looked playfully at the body of Kaishenglei, extremely aggressive.

His eyes are deep and mysterious, and they discharge electricity accidentally, and they seem to be naked in front of him.

Laishenglei was quickly defeated, and turned his head away with a slightly red face.

Kogoro Maoli pretended to be stupid and said, "What is the meaning of Miss Xiaolei's prank just now, it is really unpredictable!"

Hearing this, Lai Shenglei's eyes filled with nameless anger again, but it was soon suppressed again.

"Detective Maori, you are a famous detective all over the world. Have you ever heard of the strange thief 'Master Gentleman'?"

"'My lord', never heard of it, who is this?"

Mori Kogoro, whose acting skills exploded, showed the doubts in his eyes vividly.

Seeing his refusal to admit it, Lai Shenglei frowned: "Then you know the painting that was stolen from Dongdu Bank a few days ago, the "Smile by the Rhine Lake" was stolen by the strange thief I mentioned."

"Oh I got it!"

"For some special reasons, I want to find this 'gentleman', but I'm just a weak woman, and I can't do anything about those thieves flying around, so I can only ask Maori detective you."

Lai Shenglei clasped his hands together, made a request, and looked at Mori Kogoro expectantly with beautiful eyes.

And Kogoro Mouri frowned: "Such a mysterious person, and there are no other clues, so it's very difficult and time-consuming to find!"

Laishenglei hurriedly said, "I'll give you the money, and I'll give you whatever commission fee you need."

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "It's not a matter of money or not. In fact, I don't care about the commission fee anymore when I accept the commission. You'd better find someone else." He turned around and left.

"Then what do you want?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro turned around and narrowed his eyes slightly: "That depends on what you have, Miss Xiaolei."

After saying that, he walked slowly towards Lai Shenglei, then stood in front of Lai Shenglei, and bent down.

Lai Shenglei, who was sitting on the sofa, kept stepping back, her back leaning against the sofa cushions, and her pretty face suddenly turned reddish.

Kogoro Mori saw that he didn't have the slightest overreaction, so a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he kissed the red lips of the future tears in one breath, and grabbed them with his big hand.

Chapter 0072 because I want to eat you

It's really big and soft!

Mori Kogoro kissed the teary red lips of the next life, with a smile in his eyes.

He could clearly see the panic in the tearful eyes of the next life, and even the tightness of his body.

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