Andre couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, do you know where Eddie P is?"

"Of course, such a simple code can be seen through at a glance, you don't know it?"

Seeing Kogoro Mori's surprised expression, the three people in the car were shocked immediately.

James hurriedly asked: "Where is that, so I can let the people below follow!"

"Kabdo Park!"

The big man behind couldn't help asking: "Why?"

Mori Kogoro shrugged: "It's too troublesome to explain. I'll realize it by myself. Well, the hunting is about to start!"

The feeling of pushing back came, and the Lexus galloped out again.

Chapter 0078 full of lust

It was almost twelve o'clock in the noon when the little loli Huiyuan finally woke up, and immediately noticed a small hand rubbing her cheek.

"Don't make trouble!" She stretched out her hand and patted it away.

Xiaolan next to her smiled lightly and said, "Xiao Ai, you're awake, I really didn't expect that your small body can be successful, no, I want to study."

After saying that, she wanted to poke her mischievous little hand down, and the little Lolita immediately screamed, kicked her short legs wildly, and immediately struggled.

"You pervert, come here again and I will tell your mother."

Hearing this, Xiaolan was willing to stop.

And Hui Yuan's little face was blushing, wrapped in the blanket and refused to let go, looking at the young girl who was bulging forward and backward, Xiao Lan on the bed was just wearing a pair of shorts.

Little Loli couldn't help muttering: "What a lustful body, you dared to occupy it for so long last night, which made me go to bed so late, and now I can't go to school!"

Who said it wasn't, Xiaolan took up almost 80% of her time last night.

Xiaolan laughed badly: "Of course, because I have good physical strength, unlike some guy who only begs for mercy!"


"Okay, okay, get up, take a shower, and get ready for lunch."

After saying that, Xiaolan stretched out her arms to hug little Lolita, and the two of them left the room and walked towards the bathroom.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro drove the Lexus to take shortcuts continuously. With master-level driving skills, the car stopped at the parking lot of Kubado Park after more than [-] minutes.

Kubato Park covers a very large area, known as the lungs of Kutado, adjacent to the city, and also adjacent to the golf course, with endless green spaces.

It is far away from the meeting place of the people in the organization, and it takes more than an hour to drive there.

The Lexus parked in a secluded spot, pressed a button, and the exterior coating of the car changed from black to gray.

This is a special temperature-sensitive color-changing coating, so the gray car will naturally not be discovered by people in the organization.

Maybe both Belmode and Gin remembered their car, so naturally they had to be more careful.

The Lexus had just stopped when the Chianti Dodge Viper appeared like a bolt of black electricity.

It was the two snipers Chianti and Taoster who first came to find the commanding heights.

Seeing this, Judy couldn't help being overjoyed: "Xiao Wulang, you really have it, and you really found the location."

Mori Kogoro reached out to unbuckle his seat belt: "Okay, I've brought you to the right place, and it's time for me to act next, Judy, you have to be careful yourself."

Judy's emerald green eyes couldn't help but be full of worry: "Kogoro, you won't act with us?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Of course not. Although it is a cooperation, it is also a competitor. I will not hand over the captured person to you."

James frowned, and couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, do you want to fight alone, and your subordinates are very dangerous if they are alone."

"Don't worry about me, I have already made arrangements."

Mori Kogoro patted Judy on the shoulder, opened the door and left quickly.

James, who was left in the car, stared slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

About twenty minutes passed, and the rain gradually subsided.

Gin's Porsche classic car also entered the venue and came to the parking lot.

Andrei, who was holding a binoculars, reported in a low voice: "We found the target person. There are four people in the car, two men and two women." Belmore turned his gaze, his water-green eyes were patrolling the beautiful park, but there were many people in his eyes. There was a trace of regret.

Wiseline on the side said, "Gin, even though the target is a high-ranking official of the Self-Defense Force this time, I don't need me for the sniping mission, why did you ask me to come?"

Hearing this, the sneer on the corner of Qin Jiu's mouth disappeared in an instant.

Then he said: "This is what the boss means, and you are not useless."

After finishing speaking, Gin took out two earphones and threw them to Belmode and Weslin: "These are two wireless earphones. After the switch is turned on, everyone will be on the same channel, and everyone's voice can be heard." Clear."

"Now, I'm going to issue a new mission, you two go to install the bomb in the trunk in the gazebo of Sudo Park."

Westland couldn't help frowning: "Didn't the original plan say to kill? Could it be because of the weather, afraid of rain interference? That's why the bomb was used?"

Belmore, who was beside him, stared intently, and said, "No, you only told the four of us now, and you didn't tell Chianti, Kier, and Taoster. Could it be that there are undercover agents among those three?"

Hearing this, the eyes of Wesleyan, who is an undercover German agent, trembled slightly.

Gin laughed softly: "Hehehe, as expected, it is Belmode, and it will be transparent at one point."

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