"Rum has already told me that there is an insider in this operation. I have already asked the boss for instructions. Just do what I say!"

"I want to see which fish dares to turn the waves!"

Belmode nodded: "This task is really not easy, and I still have to do it myself in the end."

After finishing speaking, she opened the door and got out of the car, and Westland also got out of the car.

The two women opened the trunk and saw the bomb bag disguised as a gift bag.

The two women each took a gift bag and walked into the park.

Glancing at Belmode beside him, Westline couldn't help but probed: "Belmode, who do you think is more suspicious among those three people?"

"It should be Kiel. If the bomb is installed in the resting pavilion, someone must guide Tumen Kanghui into the pavilion, and Kiel doesn't know about the bomb. If she detonates it directly, she will definitely not survive. "

Belmore raised his eyebrows, and said, "Wesley, you are a little strange today, it can't be... this?"

She tapped the void twice.

Westland naturally retorted: "Of course not. Since Gin has also told me about the operation of catching the ghost, it means that I am also someone who can be trusted."

Belmore chuckled lightly: "Wesleyn, you are so naive, that guy from Gin never trusts anyone."

"You said he told us to get out of the car, maybe he pointed a gun at us in the back? And there are two bombs, the remote control is in Gin's hand, and he can detonate it at any time."

"Wishlian, if you are serious, you have to tell me in advance, don't cause me to be killed by your bombing!"

After saying that, Belmode covered his mouth and laughed.

Westland's complexion was very ugly, so he was in no mood to communicate with Belmode anymore.

Gin on the Porsche, on the other hand, listened to what Belmode and Westland said, his face remained unchanged.

Ireland in the driver's seat reached out to unbuckle his seat belt and opened the door.

"What are you going to do?"

Ireland didn't give Gin any good looks, and laughed loudly: "Piss, what, do you care about it? Or do you want to come and watch with me?"

A cold light flashed in Qin Jiu's eyes, and his left hand moved slightly.

Ireland was not afraid of him, so he closed the door directly and headed towards the toilet on his own.

He is very confident, because the organization never fully believes in the loyalty of its members.

Partners say that they are partners, but in fact they also play the role of mutual supervision.

Especially for a person like Qin Jiu who had just died a partner, if another partner died, the result would not be what Qin Jiu wanted to face.

Chapter 0079 of the gin circle

In the toilet outside Kushido Park, Ireland, a strong man with an iron tower nearly two meters in tights, is releasing water.

But soon, his ears moved and he heard footsteps.

Ireland turned his head sideways, with a disdainful smile in his eyes, and his eyes were full of sarcasm: "Gin Jiu, you also come to pee, I thought you were different, wearing a dead man's hat every day, pretending to be a dead man Sample……"

Before finishing speaking, Ireland shivered presumptuously, not noticing anything was wrong.

At this time, the silenced bullets came, instantly blasting the Irish body and physically castrating it.

Ireland was full of disbelief, clutching his crotch and screaming, his hands were covered in blood, and his whole body fell to the floor.

"You, why, how dare you do something to me? Ah!"

He kept screaming, the feeling of cutting off children and grandchildren was not so pleasant.

Ireland's body moved back, covering the bloody flesh with his right hand, and his eyes were full of anger.

This Maori Kogoro Yi Rongcheng's "gin" eyes flashed a touch of cruelty, he raised the black Boleta pistol with his left hand, pointed at Ireland from a distance, and held a "JILOISES" in his mouth Brand cigarettes can be described as cosplay to the extreme.

Of course, Ireland can't see anything abnormal, and this disguise technique was written by Yukiko, so no one can see through it.

Mori Kogoro is wearing a turtleneck sweater under his disguise as 'gin', and Dr. Ali's voice-changing products are installed on the neck. None of them are produced by the system, so he is naturally not afraid of the villain's halo taking effect.

Then the voice of Gin came out: "If you want to blame, you can only blame your bad mouth and ignorance of current affairs."

"It just so happened that the boss gave me this cleaning task this time, so I just cleaned up your undercover agent, and my ears will be much cleaner."

Ireland panted heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead, and replied loudly: "I'm not an undercover agent, you slandered me, I will kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, another silencer bullet shot over, directly punching a hole in Ireland's right shoulder hidden behind.

"What's the use of saying this now? Why don't you kneel down and beg me for mercy, maybe I can kill you and let you go to see that old guy Pisk."

"That old man is really useless. The organization has given him so many resources, but in the end he is still useless. He doesn't respect me and salute when he sees me. He has no eyesight."

Hearing this, Ireland's eyes were bloodshot instantly, and he roared angrily, "So you just killed Pisk like this?"

Kogoro Moori smiled cruelly again: "That's right, I took a knife and cut his stomach, giggling hahaha!"

This 'gin' laughed wildly, at this moment, the underground Ireland suddenly exploded.

He resisted the pain between his crotch, stretched out his left hand, his body rose like a spring, he rushed over like a monster, and kicked with his right leg.

That scene is very brutal, with blood spurting between the legs.

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