Mori Kogoro didn't want to be stained with those filthy blood, so he burst out of speed and escaped the kick.

Then he kept firing the pistol, and the bullets flew out one by one, each one hitting Ireland's body.

A puff of blood mist burst out from behind him, and Ireland couldn't hold on at all, retreating again and again, and finally fell down in a pool of blood.

Mori Kogoro controlled every bullet very well, hitting his body without hurting his vitals.

He continued to use the voice of gin and said: "If you want to live, you can't die. This feeling is very comfortable. Pisk doesn't even have such treatment. If it weren't for the fact that you have been with me for so long, I wouldn't What about you!"

"Next, go to heaven to see Pisk, and say hello to him for me."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro squatted down, but the Boleta pistol in his hand was changed, and the pistol was placed on Ireland's forehead.

The consciousness of the lying Irish was a little bit broken, and he didn't react at all.

One shot, and Ireland will not move!

Mori Kogoro listened slightly, looking at the masterpiece in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This guy wasn't dead yet, he was still breathing weakly, but he passed out.

The bullets in the last pistol I replaced were specially made, and their power was much weaker, and they were aimed at the gap between the skulls.In other words, the last bullet just happened to be inside Ireland's skull and didn't kill him.

Mori Kogoro pinched the seal with his right hand, and the rejuvenation technique was performed. He put his big hand on Ireland, and helped him stop the bleeding.

He just wanted to deliberately create a situation where Ireland had taken his life.

Confirming that Ireland would not die from excessive blood loss, Mori Kogoro withdrew his hand and walked out of the toilet.

The figure of Mori Kogoro disappeared in the woods of Kubado Park again.

And as soon as he left, the large invisible barrier that originally covered the toilet also dissipated.

Nobody knows what's going on inside.

And the gin in the classic Porsche car frowned slightly, Ireland must have gone to the toilet for too long.

He originally wanted to get out of the car to look for it, but Rena Mizumu and Kang Hui Tumen had already arrived at the park, so Gin Jiu also dismissed the idea.

Asking him to call Ireland was also very boring, so Gin didn't care about this partner who didn't obey the command.

Anyway, report to the boss at the end of this mission. Ireland will suffer from it. Now the key is this operation.

He turned on the small computer, and the picture captured by the pocket camera on Rena Mizumu's chest immediately appeared on the screen, and the voice that Rena Mizumu heard was transmitted to everyone's ears along with the signal transmitter.

Tumen Kanghui was speaking Mandarin with a smile on his face, surrounded by two bodyguards, and Shui Wurena had seven or eight staff members around him, and some passers-by walked by.

Gin raised his eyebrows slightly, picked up the walkie-talkie, and asked, "Chianti, Taost, are you in your place?"

Chianti said, "OK!"

Toust replied dully: "Yeah!"

"Kiel, lead the target to the designated location now!"

Listening to the instructions in the wireless earphones, Rena Mizumu's face remained unchanged, she smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Tumen, thank you for accepting our exclusive interview this time, it's not good to stand up and talk, so let's go Let’s interview on the bench next to the fountain, and the pictures will be beautiful.”

Tumen Kang Hui smiled and nodded: "No problem, let's go."

A group of people walked towards the bench ten meters away.

On the rooftops of the two buildings opposite Kubado Park, Chianti and Taoster were already ready to go, looking for Kanghui Domon in the sights.

At this moment, a gunshot rang out, and a bodyguard beside Tumen Kanghui fell to the ground with blood on his abdomen.

A group of people in Kubado Park became chaotic, and the filming team and passers-by screamed and ran around.

Domen Kanghui, his bodyguards, Reina Mizumura and others searched for cover one by one and hid behind the trees.

The gin in the Porsche immediately drank loudly: "What's going on, who fired the shot?"

"not me!"

"not me!"

Toust and Chianti quickly denied that they were indeed not the ones who fired.

At this moment, Tumen Kang Hui, who was hiding beside Shui Wurenai, trembled all over.

He put the bodyguards in front of him, and exclaimed in surprise: "What's the matter, didn't I agree to the conditions? Didn't that villain Kurosawa say he would help us solve it?"

Hearing this, Qin Jiu suddenly felt something was wrong, and his pupils trembled.

And Belmode, who was watching Tumen Kanghui three or four hundred meters away, frowned.

Chapter 0080 Fierce Battle

Kurosawa, this name is Gin's real name, and no one has called him that for many years.

Qin Jiu's face suddenly became very ugly, and he instantly realized that he was being tricked.

Chianti immediately pressed the earphones and shouted: "Gin, what is going on, why did DJ say you will help him solve it, what is the solution? Is it to solve us?"

Gin immediately ordered: "The operation is cancelled, everyone retreats, the location is VANE-W,"

Just halfway through the conversation, there was a piercing chirping sound from everyone's wireless earphones.

It's as unbearable as scratching the glass with a fingernail.

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