Everyone quickly took off their headphones.

At this moment, an explosion sounded, it was a bomb at the gazebo, and the flames swept out instantly, with great momentum.

The undercover German undercover Wesleyn who was standing next to her was just affected by the bomb, and her whole body flew out. Her back was seriously injured, and she couldn't get up.

Seeing this scene, Belmode's water green eyes kept shrinking: What happened today?

Witnessing this scene on the rooftop, Chianti couldn't help but yelled into the headset: "Gin, what's going on? Why is Westland there?"

And the gin in the Porsche saw the explosion through the pocket camera on Mizuruna's chest, and then looked at the detonator that he had been holding, his face became more and more ugly, and his eyes were extremely cloudy.

But before he could react, gunshots rang out one after another.

FBI investigators who sneaked in at unknown times in Kubado Park launched an attack.

Judy even appeared directly, shooting at Belmode who was in a daze with hatred on her face.

The bullet tore through the tights, drawing a bloodstain on his shoulder.

Belmode reacted immediately, and immediately ran behind the big tree.

And Rena Mizumu followed what Mori Kogoro said before, avoiding Kanghui Domon, and ran away on his own.

Toust on the rooftop was furious for a while, seeing Belmode being pursued below, he immediately aimed his sniper rifle at Judy.

But before he could pull the trigger, a bullet shot from below, directly blasting Toust's sniper rifle into pieces, and the fragments scratched Taost's hands and face.

In horror, Toust immediately turned around and hid himself.

This is naturally Kogoro Mori's handwriting. The only thing in danger at the scene is Toust's sniper rifle, so it must be destroyed naturally.

Taoster on the rooftop heard a gun battle on the rooftop of the building more than [-] meters away, which was where Chianti was ambushing.

He instantly realized that this operation was planned by someone, and immediately bent over and started to escape.

But how did Toust know that on the rooftop of the opposite building, Chianti looked relaxed.

She was just acting with the bodyguards arranged by Mori Kogoro, firing guns into the sky at each other.

And Gin in the parking lot has no time to watch the video on the computer, and he is also in trouble.

The big Andre Kamel was monitoring him with a military binoculars, and beside him, Shuichi Akai had already set up a sniper rifle.

Andrei opened his mouth to report the parameters: "The distance is 17 meters, the north wind is 72 kilometers per hour, the temperature is [-], and the humidity is [-]%..!"

Akai Shuichi silently calibrated the sniper rifle in his hand, then pulled the trigger, and the bullets shot out.

Gin's pupils in the car shrank for a while, as if sensing a life-or-death crisis, he immediately lay down on the driver's seat.

But the special bullet was so fast that he couldn't react. It shot through the bulletproof window and hit Gin Jiu's right arm.

Andre was overjoyed immediately: "It hit!"

But as soon as the words were finished, the classic car suddenly started, immediately got out of the garage, and drove outside.It seems that James in the Lexus didn't react.

Andre's face was full of shock: "How is this possible?"

And Shuichi Akai had already got into the car with the gun in his hand, and the Chevrolet started.

Only then did Andre realize that the big man nimbly got into the Chevrolet.

When the Chevrolet passed by, the gray Lexus started, and James in the car followed.

Fierce gun battles unfolded on the streets of Tokyo.

Although that Porsche is a classic car, after several modifications, its speed is no less than that of a top sports car.

Gin in the car had a ferocious smile on his face: Zhu Xingda!

Looking at the figure in the rearview mirror, Gin put his Boleta pistol out of the window with his right hand, and started shooting indiscriminately.

The bullet wasn't very accurate, so the shot just now had an impact on him.

Gunshots rang out in bursts, and everyone on the streets of Tokyo was terrified. The vehicles driving left and right immediately slowed down.

Akai Hideichi's expression remained unchanged, and he told Andrey in the passenger seat: "You take control of the steering wheel."

Then he leaned out the window, aiming the sniper rifle at the Porsche's tires.

Gin looked in the rearview mirror and realized what Shuichi Akai was going to do.

His eyes were full of madness, and he immediately pulled out a light machine gun from under the car.

The light machine gun turned to the tire of the bus next to it and fired continuously.

The flames sprayed, and the tire of the bus next to it burst immediately, and the car suddenly lost control and spun away.

In the end, the bus happened to be blocked in the middle of the street, blocking the Chevrolet and the gray Lexus behind it.

Akai Hideichi could only pat the steering wheel bitterly, and then stopped.

James approached from behind and said, "Xiuyi, you are too aggressive. The noise is so big that it will definitely attract the attention of the Japanese Police Department. We must retreat quickly."

They seemed to have heard the sound of the police car, and immediately restarted the car and returned to Kubado Park.

Fortunately, despite the great momentum of the chase and gun battle, no one was killed, only a few people were injured on the bus that was stopped just now.

By the time James, Akai and his party returned to Kubado Park, the scene in Kubado Park had been controlled by the FBI.

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